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Part C Centers for Independent Living Assurances Standards Indicators (704)

Part C Centers for Independent Living Assurances Standards Indicators (704). 1980-1992. No definitions No standards No direct funding to CILs Not enough money for many new CILs No SILCs. 1992 Reauthorization of the Rehab Act. Provided definitions

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Part C Centers for Independent Living Assurances Standards Indicators (704)

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  1. Part CCenters for Independent LivingAssurancesStandardsIndicators (704)

  2. 1980-1992 • No definitions • No standards • No direct funding to CILs • Not enough money for many new CILs • No SILCs

  3. 1992 Reauthorization of the Rehab Act • Provided definitions • Established Assurances, Standards and Indicators • Provided direct funding to CILs • Increased funding to CILs • Established SILCs

  4. Assurances 14 ASSURANCES: What CILs promise the Department of Education we will be and do if they give us Title VII §725 Part C funds This is part of what makes us unique among disability service providers

  5. Assurances 1) The CIL is • consumer controlled • community based • cross disability • non-residential • 501(c)(3)

  6. Assurances 2) The CIL is • Designed and operated within a local community • Governed by a board of directors that has at least 51% members with disabilities 3) The CIL will follow the 7 standards

  7. Assurances 4) The CIL will establish clear priorities by developing a 3-year plan of objectives and an annual workplan 5) The CIL will employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities 6) At least 51% of the staff members at a CIL will be people with disabilities

  8. Assurances 7) The CIL will use sound fiscal management and have an annual independent fiscal audit. 8)The CIL will prepare and submit a 704 Part II report and maintain records to prove what is reported. 9)The CIL will give every consumer information about the state’s Client Assistance Program.

  9. Assurances 10) The CIL will conduct aggressive outreach to unserved and underserved populations 11) The CIL will provide staff training on the unserved and underserved populations identified in #10 12)& 13) The CIL will send a copy of the 704 report to the SILC and the DSUs. 14) The CIL will develop and ILP or waiver on every consumer

  10. Standards 7 STANDARDS: Rules CILs must follow once we receive Title VII §725 Part C funds

  11. Standards 1) The CIL shall promote and practice the IL Philosophy of • Consumer control • Self-help and self-advocacy • Peer relationships • Equal access regardless of the services, disability or funding source.

  12. Standards 2) The CIL shall provide services to individuals with a range of disabilities, emphasizing unserved and underserved 3) The CIL shall facilitate the development and achievement of IL goals selected by the consumers

  13. Standards 4) The CIL shall work to increase community options 5) The CIL shall provide 4 core services • Advocacy • IL Skills training • I&R • Peer counseling (peer support or mentoring)

  14. Standards 6) The CIL shall work to increase community capacity to meet the needs of people with disabilities. 7)The CIL shall perform resource development activities to obtain funding from additional sources than Title VII Part C.

  15. Indicators 6 INDICATORS Proof that CILs are who we promised to be and are following the rules The indicators measure compliance, not performance.

  16. 704 Report Part II SILCs complete the 704 Report Part I, CILs complete the 704 Report Part II Report documentation includes statistics and demographics AND narratives The Part II report has 7 subparts

  17. 1. Administrative Data Item 1 - All Federal Funds Received (A) Title VII, Ch. 1, Part B (B) Title VII, Ch. 1, Part C (C) Title VII, Ch. 2 (D) Other Federal Funds$ Item 2 - Other Government Funds (E) State Government Funds (F) Local Government Funds$ Item 3 - Private Resources (G) Foundations, Corporations, or Trust Grants (H) Donations from Individuals (I) Membership Fees (J) Investment Income/Endowment (K) Fees for Service (program income, etc.) (L) Other resources (in-kind, fundraising, etc.) Item 4 - Total Income Total income = (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)+(E)+(F)+(G)+(H)+(I)+(J)+(K)+(L) Item 5 - Pass Through Funds Item 6 - Net Operating Resources

  18. 2. Consumer Data and Demographics # of CSRs that were open during the year # of CSRs Closed by September 30 of the Reporting Year and why # of CSRs to carry over to the next reportiYear # of written IL Plans and # of IL Waivers Break down by Age; Sex; Race & Ethnicity; Disability; and County

  19. 3. Individual Services # of individuals who requested and # of individuals who received each of the following services Advocacy/Legal Peer Counseling Assistive Technology Personal Assistance Children’s Assistance Physical Restoration Communication Prevention Counseling Prostheses, Orthotics etc Family Assistance Recreation Housing Rehabilitation Technology Home Modifications & Shelter Therapeutic Treatment IL Skills & Life Skills Training Transportation Information & Referral Youth/Transition Mental Restoration Vocation Mobility Training Other

  20. 3. Individual Services # of consumers who set goals and achieved them in the following areas Self-Advocacy/Self-Empowerment Self-Care Communication Technology Mobility/Transportation Resource Mgmt Community-Based Living NHT Education Community/Social Vocation Other # individuals who improved their access to Transportation, Health Care and AT Give an outstanding story and/or major obstacles encountered in any of the issues above.

  21. 4. Compliance with the Six Indicators # of Board members # of Board members with Disabilities # of Staff FTEs # of Staff FTEs performed by PWD Describe how the CIL • Promoted self-help and self-advocacy • Promoted the development of peer relationships • Ensured equal access • Advocated for and conducted activities that promoted equal access

  22. 4. Compliance with the Six Indicators Describe how the CIL (continued) • Ensured the availability of alternate formats • Ensured that IL services were provided to individuals with a diversity of significant disabilities • Ensured that consumers had opportunity to develop & achieve their goals AND had the opportunity to express satisfaction with the CIL

  23. 4. Compliance with the Six Indicators Describe how the CIL ensured that each CSR contains all the required information Complete a table summarizing community activities performed by the staff. Each activity reported must include • the disability issue addressed • activity conducted • hours spent • primary objective • outcome

  24. 4. Compliance with the Six Indicators For the activities above, provide more details • Role of CIL staff/board/consumers • Names of collaborators • Further description of activities, services and benefits

  25. 4. Compliance with the Six Indicators Describe how I&R and other core services were provided. Include innovative practices Describe the CIL’s resource development activities

  26. 5. Annual Program and Financial Planning Objectives Discuss the annual workplan goals & objectives and achievement Describe challenges or problems encountered and resolutions/attempted resolutions Compare CIL activities in this reporting year to the prior year (i.e. trends)

  27. 5. Annual Program and Financial Planning Objectives List the CIL’s annual work plan, goals, objectives and action steps for the next reporting year Explain how these work plan goals are consistent with the approved SPIL

  28. 6. Training and Technical Assistance There is a list of 77 topics and an opportunity to write in additional ones. We indicate the top 10 in priority order that would assist our CIL

  29. 7. Additional Information Describe additional significant accomplishments, activities and/or challenges not included elsewhere Provide additional information, comments, explanations or suggestions not included elsewhere

  30. DR&R’s 2012-2013 704 REPORT CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITEwww.disability-rights.orgon the main page at the left side, click on “annual report”

  31. Part B CILs • Not funded AT ALL by Title VII Part C • Established by SILCs as a way to set up a “farm team” for Part C CILs • Part B CIL will be top priority for the next Part C CIL

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