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ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Vision Statements – describes where leadership sees the organization in the future. Mission Statements – usually more specific and provides greater detail about the firm’s objective. Vision Statement of PUP. Vision Towards a Total University.
Vision Statements – describes where leadership sees the organization in the future. • Mission Statements – usually more specific and provides greater detail about the firm’s objective.
Vision Statement of PUP Vision Towards a Total University.
Mission Statement of PUP Mission The mission of PUP in the 21st Century is to provide the highest quality of comprehensive and global education and community services accessible to all students, Filipinos and foreigners alike. It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are responsive to the changing needs of the students to enable them to lead productive and meaningful lives. PUP commits itself to: Democratize access to educational opportunities; Promote science and technology consciousness and develop relevant expertise and competence among all members of the academe, stressing their importance in building a truly independent and sovereign Philippines; Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth and its defense, as well as the advancement of moral and spiritual values; Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural heritage;
BPI’s Mission & Core Values "BPI: A Tradition of Leadership.“ WE BELIEVE in the central role that private enterprise plays in economic development. WE BELIEVE that our corporate mission is to be the leading private financial institution in the Philippines in terms of professional competence, service quality, responsible corporate citizenry, and overall growth and stability; and to be an established ASEAN financial institution with a creditable worldwide outreach. WE BELIEVE that we have a responsibility to manage the business for the maximum benefit of our customers while adopting the highest standard of integrity; to offer the widest possible range of financial services that is responsive to their needs; and to adopt an objective attitude towards change and innovation, ever mindful of improving service quality and operating efficiency. WE BELIEVE that we have a responsibility to develop the potential of our employees to the fullest by providing an environment conducive to their personal and professional growth; and to foster a value system held in common throughout the institution in order that we may all share a coherent sense of purpose and direction. WE BELIEVE that we have a responsibility to attain, over time and within exacting standards of prudent management, the highest possible return on the investment of our shareholders.
Questions an effective leader need to ask when creating alignment: • Does the employee know what he/she is supposed to do? • Does the employee have the means to determine whether he/she is doing the job correctly? • Does the employee have the authority and the means to correct the process when something is wrong?
Leadership Styles • Participative – a style of leadership wherein a leader assigns work to the employees provides guidance during the work process and makes a decision based on the conclusions of the employees working on the task.
Leadership Styles • Consultative – a style of leadership that is used when a leader is seeking input from those working under him or her. In this kind of leadership, the leader seeks advice, suggestions and input of those around him or her but still remains the final decision maker.
Leadership Styles • Directing – an autocratic style of leadership used when the leader must make a unilateral decision that must be followed without comment or question from the rank and file.
Leadership Styles • Delegating – a style of leadership wherein the leader takes the smallest role. He/she tells his/her employee what should be done, assigns the responsibility, and provides the team with the authority to get the job done.
Visionary Leadership • Your organization’s senior leaders should • Set directions • Create a customer focus • Create clear & visible values • Create high expectations • The defined values & strategies should help guide all of your organization’s activities and decisions. • Senior leaders should be responsible to your organization’s governance body for their actions & performance
How do effective leaders manage by Fact and Knowledge of Variation? • Management by fact involves how’s and why’s of a situation before taking action • Understanding of Variation – enables leaders to make the right choices and deal appropriately with problems as they arise.
How do effective leaders practice Ethical Behavior and Good Citizenship? Certain questions based on MBNQA criteria were discussed on how to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s leadership
How do effective leaders practice Ethical Behavior and Good Citizenship? • Leadership • Strategic Planning • Customer and Market Focus • Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Focus • Workforce Focus • Process Management • Results
How can the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria help an Organization’s Leadership become more effective?
SUMMARY • What is Vision Statement? • What is Mission Statement? • What are the different leadership styles of effective leaders? • How do effective leaders manage by fact and with knowledge of variation? • How do effective leaders practice ethical behavior and good citizenship • How do MBNQA criteria help an organization’s leadership become more efective?