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Agenda Run IIb D-Zero PMG December 10, 2002 ESAAB news (Lab, Project, DOE)

Agenda Run IIb D-Zero PMG December 10, 2002 ESAAB news (Lab, Project, DOE) Project status, overview (Kotcher) Schedule status (O’Dell) Silicon technical status (Demarteau) Managing to an aggressive schedule (Freeman) AOB Jon Kotcher DZero Run IIb PMG December 10, 2002.

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Agenda Run IIb D-Zero PMG December 10, 2002 ESAAB news (Lab, Project, DOE)

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  1. Agenda Run IIb D-Zero PMG December 10, 2002 • ESAAB news (Lab, Project, DOE) • Project status, overview (Kotcher) • Schedule status (O’Dell) • Silicon technical status (Demarteau) • Managing to an aggressive schedule (Freeman) • AOB Jon Kotcher DZero Run IIb PMG December 10, 2002

  2. Run IIb Project Organization D0 Run IIb ProjectJ. Kotcher, Project ManagerR. Partridge, Deputy; V. O’Dell, Associate; W. Freeman, Assistant M. Johnson, Technical Coordinator C. Yoshikawa, Budget Officer; T. Erickson, Administration WBS 1.1SiliconM. DemarteauA. Bean, Deputy WBS 1.2Trigger H. Evans D. Wood WBS 1.3DAQ/OnlineS. FuessP. Slattery WBS 1.4Project Administration WBS 1.5 InstallationR. Smith 1.1.1 Sensors R. Demina, F. Lehner 1.2.1 L1 Cal UpgradeM. Abolins, (H. Evans),P. LeDu 1.5.1 Silicon InstallationMechanical:H. LubattiElectronics: L. Bagby, R. Sidwell 1.3.1 Level 3 SystemsD. Chapin, G. Watts 1.1.2 Readout SystemA. Nomerotski, E. von Toerne 1.3.2 Network & Host Systems J. Fitzmaurice, S. Krzywdzinski 1.2.2 L1 Cal/Track MatchK. Johns 1.1.3, 1.1.5 Mechanics & AssemblyW. Cooper, K. Krempetz 1.5.2 Trigger InstallationD. Edmunds 1.2.3 L1 Track TriggerM. Narain 1.3.3 Control SystemsF. Bartlett, G. Savage,V. Sirotenko 1.1.4 ProductionJ. Fast, H. Haggerty 1.2.4 L2b UpgradeR. Hirosky 1.1.4 QA, Testing, & Burn-inC. Gerber 1.3.4 DAQ/Online Management(P. Slattery) 1.2.5 Silicon Track Trigger U. Heintz 1.1.6 MonitoringM. Corcoran, S. de Jong 1.2.6 SimulationM. Hildreth, E. Perez Red: Today’s speakersBlue: added Eckhard von Toerne (KSU)Black: subtracted H. Haggerty & Rick Hance (early retirement) 1.1.7 Software & Simulation F. Rizatdinova, L Shabalina 1.2.7 Administration(D. Wood) 1.1.8 Administration(M. Demarteau)

  3. Overview of Status • Developing project-wide tools, procedures for project reporting and execution • Not waiting for approval to do this • Schedule “statussing”, bringing results back to project, anticipating project needs • Effort reporting, tracking labor $ • Production Readiness Reviews • Configuration control of drawings • Monthly reports • Continued preparation of COBRA, using actuals • Maintaining specifications • Labor needs • Posting/availability of monthly schedule updates for project • MoUs • Technical progress • etc…+ integrating Lehman guidance, EIR + aftermath, PMCS, ESAAB preparation, etc. • Work aggressively underway, anticipating equipment spending in January

  4. FY03 Equipment Purchases over $100k All scheduled FY03 equipment purchases over $100k through Sep ’03 Costs do not include contingency, G&A, or escalation. Labor not included.All FY03 procurements over $100k in silicon subproject only.

  5. Summary of All FY03 Needs onEquipment Funds Costs are in FY03 k$.Contingency, G&A, & escalation included. Reflects all project-wide FY03 equipment needs.

  6. Effort Reporting • Accurate tracking of labor a new phenomenon, a major effort to understand how best to deal with it • DZero approach: limit sub-categories technical personnel will assign effort to • Assigning work to full suite of packages will likely be intractable, will have to be checked anyway • WBS assignments made by sub-project managers prior to submission to PPD • Currently eight silicon sub-categories: • SVX4 chip – D0-SVX4 • Sensor probing, testing – D0-Sens • Silicon readout electronics – D0-RO • Layers 0/1 design/integration/prototyping – D0-L01-Prod • Layers 2-5 design/integration/prototyping – D0-L25-Prod • Layers 0/1 assembly – D0-L01-Assem • Stave production and outer barrel assembly – D0-Staves • Silicon integration and operational infrastructure – D0-Infr • No FNAL labor on trigger sub-project yet • Memo from PM will go out to divisions next week

  7. Labor Cost Extracted from Schedule vs. Actuals (R&D) Actuals in FY02 k$ Scheduled labor in FY02 k$ Actuals: Oct = $168.5k, Nov = $132.8k (FY03 k$)No contingency or G&A in schedule prediction, holidays make prediction awkward Agreement quite good, but earned value is real measure: how much work was performed (O’Dell)?

  8. Two Labor Requests • Full-time electronics technician for silicon • Debug electronics components, hybrids • Knowledge of logic analyzer, oscilloscope, etc. • Commissioning and maintenance of existing testing, burn-in stands • Requires residence at SiDet • Knowledge of EXCEL/VB programming useful • No anticipated need for board design skills • Can begin now, needed for lifetime of project (4 years) • Tech spec or senior tech • Request that Jim Fast report his effort as physicist • Role, work most closely analogous to physicist’s • Assists on all fronts: mechanical, electrical, supervisory • Much of what he does for DZero was budgeted in schedule as scientist

  9. Near-Term Signatures Required • Final draft of Project Management Plan now complete • Integrates EIR findings requiring QA/QC & Configuration Management Plans • Two signed copies of Technical Design Report • Signatures required: Cooper, Montgomery, Witherell (Philp – PMP only) • Both documents here today, available for perusal • Signature deadline: December 17 (ESAAB)

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