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Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes. Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare.
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
World War II • The Treaty of Versailles prevented Germany from building military aircraft after WWI. • However, they were allowed to build civilian aircraft …which they did.
World War II • This is how they built their air force for WWII. • In 1932, had 1500 trained pilots and over 3,000 in trng • By 1935, the Luftwaffe, the German Air Force, was officially formed.
World War II • Mussolini had built Italy’s Air Force too. • Had only 100 in 1922 and had over 2,600 when WWII started • The Italians were ready for WWII. An MC-205, among the best WW2 Italy airplanes
World War II • The Japanese had two air forces. • 1919 French trained Japanese Army • 1920 built first aircraft carrier • British trained in carrier ops • The Army and the Navy – both were ready. Mitsubishi A6M Reisen (Zero) Kawasaki Ki-100
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
Allied Preparedness • At the end of WWI, England, France, and the United States had the most powerful air forces in the world. • However, they all cut back after the war. • So while WE were cutting back the Axis powers were rebuilding.
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
A New Type of War • Germany – Blitzkrieg (Lightning war). • Blitzkrieg was also known as a combined arms operations.
A New Type of War • This strategy combined planes and tanks and moved fast, capturing land or personnel quickly.
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
Pearl Harbor • Japan’s needed to gain air superiority to attack Fleet with little or no interference. • Plan was to eliminate force by surprise attacks while aircraft was on the ground.
Pearl Harbor • The attack was a complete surprise and the losses were staggering. • Japanese destroyed: • 96 Army / 96 Navy aircraft and damaged 159 more • Only 6 Army fighters and 36 Navy aircraft got in the air
Warm-Up – 2/6 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: • Describe the German, Japanese, and Italian air power preparations for WWII? • Describe the US and British air power preparations for WWII. • Describe the German combined arms approach to warfare. • Describe why the Japanese plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor attacked air power first. • What valuable lesson was learned in the use of airpower in North Africa that became the standard for use throughout Europe by the allies ?
Learning in North Africa • The allies went to a centralized control of aircraft, which allowed more planes to come to the aid of an attacked army. • This worked so well Roosevelt and Churchill adopted this for the entire European Theater.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION • February 6 • 1916 — The airline Deutsche LuftReederei flies its first service, which is freight only, between Berlin and Weimar.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION • February 6 • 1946 — A TWA Lockheed “Constellation” lands at Orly airport, Paris, from LaGuardia, New York, to complete the airline's first scheduled international flight.
THIS DAY IN AVIATION • February 6 • 1956 — William Judd lands his Cessna 180 in Paris after a solo flight of 25 hours 15 minutes across the North Atlantic from the United States.
Chapter 4 – Air Power Goes to War 1939 - 1945
Today’s Mission Requirements • Mission: • Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. • Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. • Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. • Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. • EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Video of the Day B-17 Bombing
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • Beginning of WWII many theories existed of how to use air power. • Italian Air Marshal Giulio Douhet said to gain air supremacy with a massive first strike; a surprise attack on the enemy’s aircraft. • Attack population and they would give in – no large ground war would be necessary.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • Sir Hugh Trenchard – “Father of the RAF” - believed the proper force mix was two-thirds bomber aircraft and one-third fighter. • He disagreed with Douhet on what targets to hit. • Trenchard thought air power should knock out vital centers, like factories – workers have no where to work - destroy will to fight
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • American General Billy Mitchell thought air power should take the war to the enemy’s cities. • He thought: • 20% should be bombers • 20% attack aircraft • 60% fighter aircraft • Navy should have at least 20 aircraft carriers.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • All three had agreed in long range bombing and they could get to targets unmolested. • The RAF did not agree and had tried early in the war and changed to nighttime after losses by German anti-aircraft and fighters.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • American Claire Chennault did not believe that the bomber could get through.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • The US developed the Norden bombsight – which placed bombs accurately on target. • US theory was that a well-armed bomber could fly high over enemy guns.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • US developed an unescorted high altitude, daylight, precision bombing, while the British bombed at night. • This gave round-the-clock bombing of German targets.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • In the beginning, first priority targets were submarine factories, docks and ports.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • Second priority targets were aircraft factories and munitions plants.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • Third priority targets were communications and transportation systems.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • Initially successful – BUT - by late summer, of 1943, the American bombers were getting chewed up by the Luftwaffe. • The US lost 92 bombers in 6 missions from July 24 – July 30. • Each bomber has a crew of 10 – which equates to over 900 aircrew lost
The Combined Bomber Offensive • Aug 17 - over 60 bombers were lost and during Oct over 148 bombers were lost • The Luftwaffe’s fighters forced the US to stop the air raids and to reconsider the unescorted, high-altitude, daylight, precision bombing
The Combined Bomber Offensive • P-51 Mustangs began escorting the bombers and chased enemy fighters, too. • They were equipped with modified extra fuel tanks that could drop off • This allowed the bombers to get deep into Germany and bomb Berlin.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • March 4, 1944 was the first raid on Berlin. • Priority targets were fighter-manufacturing facilities and oil refineries. • The most important product of the new offensive was air superiority.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • The new tactics combined with the bombing of the oil refineries hurt the Luftwaffe. • Aviation fuel became scarce for the Luftwaffe and now the Americans were gaining the upper hand.
The Combined Bomber Offensive • The Luftwaffe ruled the air over Europe no more.
Today’s Mission Requirements • Mission: • Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. • Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. • Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. • Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. • EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • Beginning of WWII many theories existed of how to use air power. • Italian Air Marshal Giulio Douhet said to gain air supremacy with a massive first strike; a surprise attack on the enemy’s aircraft. • Attack population and they would give in – no large ground war would be necessary.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • Sir Hugh Trenchard – “Father of the RAF” - believed the proper force mix was two-thirds bomber aircraft and one-third fighter. • He disagreed with Douhet on what targets to hit. • Trenchard thought air power should knock out vital centers, like factories – workers have no where to work - destroy will to fight
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • American General Billy Mitchell thought air power should take the war to the enemy’s cities. • He thought: • 20% should be bombers • 20% attack aircraft • 60% fighter aircraft • Navy should have at least 20 aircraft carriers.
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • American Claire Chennault did not believe that the bomber could get through.
Today’s Mission Requirements • Mission: • Identify in writing the theories of the early air power theorists. • Describe in writing the early Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing experience before the start of the Combined Bombing Offensive. • Describe in writing the effectiveness of the Army Air Corps bombing strategy at the beginning of World War II. • Describe in writing what changes in strategy and tactics led to the Allies gaining air superiority over Europe. • EQ: What were some of the aviation developments during the 5 year period of WWII that influenced the Aviation Industry for years to come?
Developing a Strategy (for air power) • All three had agreed in long range bombing and they could get to targets unmolested. • The RAF did not agree and had tried early in the war and changed to nighttime after losses by German anti-aircraft and fighters.