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4 t h Edition Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning

CABI TOURISM TEXTS. 4 t h Edition Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning. A. J. Veal. COMPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIALS. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4 th Edition. CHAPTER 10. Planning Tool 1: Consultative.

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4 t h Edition Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning

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  1. CABI TOURISM TEXTS 4th EditionLeisure, Sport andTourism, Politics,Policy and Planning A. J. Veal COMPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIALS

  2. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th Edition CHAPTER 10 Planning Tool 1: Consultative Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  3. Outline Consultation in policy making/planning Consultation characteristics I Political/legal processes Summary of approaches II Information provision/comment requests III Meetings Consultation-based methods of planning IV Social research methods Critique of consultative methods V Activism VI Deliberative VII Analytical Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  4. Consultation in the planning/policy-making process: old and new models of planning (a) Old model Plan: Required facilities/ services Demand/need assessment/ forecast Present situation (b) New model Plan: Required facilities/ services Demand/need assessment/ forecast Present situation Consultation Issues Fig. 10.1 Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  5. Consultation characteristics • Forms • Functions • Timing • Parties involved • Format Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  6. 1. Forms • Ladder of citizen participation – from tokenism to full citizen control • Sherry Arnstein (1969) • ZenaHoctor (2003) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  7. Ladder of citizen participation Table 10.1 Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  8. 2. Functions • Gathering information for input into policy making/planning (at the beginning) • Obtaining feedback on specific proposals • Integral part of decision-making process (all through the process) • Importance of implementation: • involves various voluntary/commercial organizations • need for a sense of ownership of the plan Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  9. 3. Timing See Rational–Comprehensive model Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  10. Rational–comprehensive model (Fig. 6.3) 1. Terms of reference/brief 2. Values/mission/vision/goals 3. Decide planning approach 4. Environmental appraisal 5. Consult with stakeholders 6. Develop options 7. Evaluate options 8. Decide strategy/goals/ objectives 9. Implement/manage 10. Monitor/evaluate/ feedback Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  11. 4. Parties involved (Table 10.2) • The public at large • Targeted groups of the public (by age, ethnicity etc.) • Existing clients – casual and organized • Staff of department doing the planning • Elected members etc. of planning organization • Other departments • Neighbouring organizations (e.g. councils) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  12. Parties involved (cont’d) • Regional/national governmental bodies • Lobby/interest groups • Chambers of commerce • Owners/managers of facilities • Professional groups • Lobbyists (may represent 9–12) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  13. 5. Formats • Political/legal processes • Information provision and requests for comment • Meetings • Social research methods • Activism • Deliberative • Analytical Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  14. I. Political/legal processes (Table 10.3) • Voting in: • elections • plebiscites/referenda • Membership of a political party • Opinion polls • Lobbying • Statutory public notices • Public inquiries/hearings Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  15. Political/legal: voting • Elections: electors vote for representative associated with policy manifestos • Referenda (binding) Plebiscites (non-binding): electors vote directly for policies Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  16. Political/legal (cont’d) • Membership of political parties:in decline in most western democracies: Why? • Opinion polls:highly influential, typically funded by newspapers and conducted by professional polling organizations (e.g. Newspoll, Gallup) • Lobbying: direct meetings with politicians: professional lobbyists work on behalf of interest groups • Statutory public notices: official government statements of intent (in press ads or government gazette), required by law • Public inquiries/hearings: investigatory committees appointed by government/parliament Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  17. Political/legal: public inquiries/hearings: examples • UK, 2000: Committee of Inquiry into Hunting with Dogs in England and Wales (Burns) • UK, 2005: Review of National Sporting Effort & Resources (Carter) • UK, 2007–8: London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games: funding and legacy • UK, 2008: Supporting Excellence in the Arts: from Measurement to Judgment (McMaster) • Australia, 2009: Informing the National Long-term Tourism Strategy (Jackson) • Australia, 2009: The Future of Sport in Australia (Crawford) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  18. II. Information provision and requests for comment • Government representatives engage with the public, by mail, media advertising, etc., regarding plans/policies, to gain feedback, typically within a fixed time-period. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  19. III. Meetings • Public or private meetings between government representatives and individuals or groups of the public (overlaps with I & II) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  20. IV. Social research methods • Public opinion sought via: • focus groups • questionnaire-based surveys • Subject to the usual methodological challenges of social research Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  21. V. Activism Groups of the public organize themselves, typically to oppose government plans, via: • mass-media campaigns (letter-writing, ads, talkback radio) • internet-based campaigns (website, social media) • ad hoc campaigns (specific, single-purpose campaigns established – e.g. Surfers Against Sewage) • demonstrations (marches, vigils etc.) • civil disobedience (sit-ins, occupation of premises, direct action) • uncivil disobedience = terrorism, military action Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  22. VI. Deliberative • Various methodologies to reach consensus among groups • Citizen advisory committees/panels/community round tables/planning panels/planning juries • Delphi technique: panels of experts complete questionnaires, with circulation of results and re-assessment over a number of ‘rounds’ • Nominal Group Technique (NGT): formalized focus group process with specified steps and voting (see Table 10.5) • Adaptive Environmental Assessment Management (AEAM): workshop process with interest groups, designed to reach consensus • Interest Based Negotiation (IBN): has features of NGT and AEAM Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  23. VII. Analytical • Organizational response to public opposition to the organization’s plans/activities • Involves indentifying, for each stakeholder group (see Table 10.6): • interest • attitude • influence • importance • Preparing an importance–influence chart • Developing a response strategy Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  24. Nominal group technique: steps (Table 10.5) • Specify issue/problem/task • Identify and assemble group • Present issue/problem/task to group • Silent generation of ideas in writing • Round-robin recording of ideas • Serial discussion for clarification • Preliminary vote on item importance • Discussion of the preliminary vote • Final vote Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  25. Stakeholder analysis: steps (Table 10.6) • Issue • Interest • Attitude • Influence • Importance • Chart • Strategies • Participation Matrix (From Tague, 2005) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  26. Consultation-based methods of planning and decision-making • Issues approach • Community development approach Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  27. Issues approach • Seen as a realistic alternative to the costly ‘rational–comprehensive’ model of planning • Identify ‘issues’ (e.g. overcrowding, problems of youth) – by ‘experts’ or some form of public consultation • Seek public/stakeholder views on priority issues • Base plan on identified priorities Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  28. Community development approach Traditional approach: facilities/services organization at the centre: ‘top-down’ Community Facility Facility manager and team Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  29. Community development approach (cont’d) Community development approach: ‘bottom-up’ Community Community development team Facilities Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  30. Critique of stakeholder consultation • Does stakeholder consultation reinforce or undermine/bypass the democratic process? • Unequal power and expertise of stakeholder groups • Representatives of: • organized groups versus unorganized stakeholders • leaders of groups versus their members Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  31. Representativeness of stakeholder groups Lord and Elmendorf suggest A/B may have different views from C (and even D and E) A. Chair B. Committee C. Constituency (affiliated) D. Constituency (unaffiliated) E. Potential constituency Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

  32. Critique (cont’d) • Analysis of outcomes: • How are the results of the consultation to be analysed? • How are priorities actually decided? Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts

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