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CABI TOURISM TEXTS. 4 t h Edition Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning. A. J. Veal. COMPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIALS. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4 th Edition. CHAPTER 9.
CABI TOURISM TEXTS 4th EditionLeisure, Sport andTourism, Politics,Policy and Planning A. J. Veal COMPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIALS
Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th Edition CHAPTER 9 A Participation-based Approach to Planning for Leisure, Sport and Tourism Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Outline Introduction 1. Objectives/outcomes module 2. Participation module 3. Supply module Who decides? Greenfield sites The U-Plan system and tourism Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
U-Plan participation-based planning system (Fig. 10.1) 2. Participation module 1. Objectives/ outcomes module 3. Supply module Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
1. Objectives/outcomes module: 4 tasks Objectives/ outcomes module Mission Decision-making structure Budget Target Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
2. Participation module: 9 tasks Participation module 5. Demographic data 6. Resident participation survey 7. Facility user survey 8. Tourist survey 9. Simulate status quo (participation) 10. Examine passive change 11. Activity scan 12. Activity selection 13. Activity targets Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
3. Supply module: 5 tasks Supply module 14. Inventory 15. Simulate status quo (supply) 16. Facility/service audit 17. Facility/service requirements 18. Facility/service specifications Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
U-Plan system: 18 tasks Participation module 5. Demographic data 6. Resident participation survey 7. Facility user survey 8. Tourist survey 9. Simulate status quo (p) 10. Examine passive change 11. Activity scan 12. Activity selection 13. Activity targets Objectives/ outcomes module Mission Decision-making structure Budget Target Supply module 14. Inventory 15. Simulate status quo (supply) 16. Facility/service audit 17. Facility/service requirements 18. Facility/service specifications Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
U-Plan: other features • Focus on participation as proxy for benefits • Planning area, may be: • region/state • local council area (main focus) • planning zones within an area • Who decides? Political/technical, etc., roles • Planning period: assumed up to 10 years • Spreadsheet format (see below) • Activity-facility/service links (see spreadsheet) • Programmes/services mainly linked to facilities, including streets (running, cycling, festivals) • Focus modules: 10 additional specialist guides: Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
U-Plan: focus modules • Benefits of leisure • Models of consumer behaviour • Target-setting • Data collection and analysis • Forecasting • Tourism • Activity profiles • Assets/resources • Spatial analysis • Participation database (N.B. mostly still in preparation) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
U-Plan spreadsheet format Cell contents determined by tasks Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Objectives/outcomes module Mission Decision-making structure Budget Target-setting Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 1. Mission/goals • If U-Plan is to be used, the mission/goals of the organization must be aligned with the U-Plan approach. • In particular: • benefits of leisure/sport/tourism attributed primarily to participation in leisure/sport/tourism • planning process is based on participation targets Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Mission – benefits – participation (Fig. 9.3) Benefits of leisure participation: Physical/mental health Social cohesion Jobs (tourism) etc. Mission/goals Well-being: economic/ social Quality of life Sustainability etc. Participation in leisure activities Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 2. Decision-making structure (Table 9.3) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 3. Considering budget constraints • Typically an iterative process • Multi-purpose agency: leisure/sport/tourism competes for resources with other sectors • Need for flexibility • Development of alternative scenarios • Subject to political environment Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 4. Setting/reviewing broad targets • Set participation targets for broad categories, e.g. ‘sport and physical recreation’, ‘cultural activities’ • Detailed individual activities considered later • N.B. tourism discussed later • On what basis should targets be set? • social and spatial equity • local growth activities • comparison: set high target • tourism – see late discussion Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Broad target-setting decision-making strategy (Fig. 9.4) Participationmodule Conduct resident participation survey (broad groups) Social equity Participation rate low for some groups? Target low part-icipationgroups N Y 2. Spatial equity Participation rate low in some zones? Target low part- icipationzones N Y Y Target high growth activities N 3. Growth activities? 7. Broad targets 4. External rate Local participation rate below external rate? Y Target regional/ state rate N 5. High target Select high target Adopt high target rate Y N 6. Tourism significant? Set tourism target
Step 7 in Fig 9.4: Collation of participation targets: Example (Fig 9.5) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation module 5. Demographic data 6. Resident participation survey 7. Facility user survey 8. Tourist survey 9. Simulate status quo (part’n) 10. Examine passive change 11. Activity scan 12. Activity selection 13. Activity targets Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation module process Data collection 5. Survey: residents 6. Survey: facility users 7. Survey: tourists 8. Demographic data 9. Simulate status quo Simulate changed situation 10. Examine passive change 11. Activity scan 12. Activity selection 13. Set activity targets Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation module: framework (Fig. 9.6) Area X A. Resident population B. Participants Unsatisfied wants, need etc. Rest of the world C. Participation (volume of weekly activity) d. Area X residents’ participation in rest of world D. Resident activity within area X Visitors: Tourists + neighbours and commuters F. Visitor activity E. Resident activity e. Area X residents’ participation in homes/ gardens G. Total activity Z. Outcomes
Participation module data items (Fig. 9.6, Table 9.4) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 5. Collation of demographic data • Resident population (from census) • Population divided by priority social groups (related to social and spatial equity) (census) • Population forecasts over the planning period (local/regional planning deptartment) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 6. Survey: residents’ leisure participation To gather data items (Table 9.4) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 7. Surveys: facility/service users To collect items as in Table 9.4 Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 8. Survey: tourists • Conducted only if tourism is significant • To collect part of item F, tourist numbers Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 9. Simulation of status quo • Data collected (as in Table 9.4 and Tasks 5–8) transferred to a spreadsheet (next slide) • Excel spreadsheet available on book website (www.****) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation: status quo spreadsheet: soccer Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation: status quo spreadsheet: 4 activities Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Participation status quo with age/gender breakdown • Fig. 9.8 divides population into 14 age/gender groups, with corresponding participation rates • Relates to social equity exercise Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 10. Examination of passive change • Active versus passive change • Passive change = change likely to take place regardless of the activities of the planning agency = an inputinto the planning process • Active change caused by the planning agency’s policy measures = the output of the planning process Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Passive change • Forecasting: see Chapter 13 • Main concern: demographic change • details typically available from local/regional planning authority • Effect of demographic change: see Fig. 9.8 Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 11. Activity scan • To achieve overall participation targets: identify likely individual activity/social groups: combinations. • Activity scan examines data on individual activity participation patterns. • In the example, examination of trends and existing patterns (Fig. 9.8) suggests the following for the target groups (identified in Fig. 9.5): Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Activity scan summary (Table 9.5) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 12. Activity selection • Select individual activities to achieve overall targets, e.g. in Fig. 9.9: • older men: golf, aerobics/fitness* + swimming • young women: netball + swimming • older women: aerobics/fitness* (+ swimming) • * N.B. aerobics/fitness: actual programmes likely to differ for men and women Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 13. Set activity targets • For the selected activities/groups, set % participation targets – see Fig. 9.7 • e.g. for males 45–54: • aerobics/fitness: to increase from 14.1% 17.4% (+3.3%) • swimming: 12.5% 14.5% (+2.0%) • overall increase: +5.3% (see Fig. 9.9) • All proposed changes = increases of: • soccer: + 200 person-sessions per week • aerobics/fitness: + 750 • swimming +300 • netball + Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 13. Set activity targets (cont’d) • N.B. in the Fig 9.7 spreadsheet, the planner inserts new activity/group targets (shaded items) and the spreadsheet does the calculations. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Supply module 14. Inventory 15. Simulate status quo (supply) 16. Facility/service audit 17. Facility/service requirements 18. Facility/service specifications Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Supply module framework (Fig. 9.10) G. Total activity in area X From participation module a. Group size (persons) H. Sessions demanded (G/a) I. Facilities required (H/b) b. Facility capacity (sessions/wk) c. Existing supply (Task 14) J. Deficit (I – c) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Supply module: data items (Table 9.6) Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 14. Compile inventory of facilities/services Multi-purpose facilities used to group activities (Fig. 9.7), e.g. • Urban parks • events • jogging • picnic • walking • Trails • walking • cycling Collect data on: • category of facility • ownership/management • location • activities accommodated • programmes • land area • capacity • usage Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 15. Supply module: simulate status quo I Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 15. Supply module: simulate status quo II Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 17. Project facility/service requirements • New participation figures – e.g. for the year 2020 – inserted into the spreadsheet to create new facility/service requirements Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Task 18. Facility/service specifications • Specify individual facility size/location, etc. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Tourism • ‘Facilities’ could be extended to include accommodation, transport and other infrastructure Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
The system as a whole Participation and Supply Module spreadsheets can be combined into one. Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts
Who decides? • Key decisions involving the responsible elected or appointed body + any public participation concentrated in Objectives/outcomes module, including: • whether to adopt U-Plan • budgetary parameters • issues to do with ‘social equity’ and ‘spatial equity’: identification of groups, zones and setting targets • whether to adopt an external rate as a target • whether to adopt a ‘high target’ • whether to view tourism as a major component • Participation and supply modules mostly technical Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Politics, Policy and Planning, 4th edition, Veal, 2017, CABI Tourism Texts