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National Conference on Agriculture For Rabi Campaign 2005-06. Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh at a glance Geographical Area 242-02 Lakh ha. Divisions 17 Districts 70 Tehsils 303 Development Blocks 812
National Conference on Agriculture For Rabi Campaign 2005-06 Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh at a glance • Geographical Area 242-02 Lakh ha. • Divisions 17 • Districts 70 • Tehsils 303 • Development Blocks 812 • Nyay Panchayats 8135 • Gram Panchayats 52028 • Revenue Villages 1-09 Lakh • Population 16-61 Crore • Literacy 57-36 %
Agro Climatic Zones in U.P. Tarai Western Plain Central Western Plain South Western Semi Arid Plain Central Plain Bundelkhand North Eastern Plain Eastern Plain Vindhyan Area
Land Use (Area in lakh ha.) • Reported area - 242.02 • Net cultivated area - 168.12 • Area sown more than once - 86.35 • Forest - 16.89 • Sodic - 5.92 • Gross Cropped area - 254.47 • Rabi - 126.59 • Kharif - 120.23 • Zaid - 7.35
Contribution of U.P. in Agricultural Production of India (Lakh m.t.)
Monsoon in U.P. generally arrives on 15th June but this year it delayed by 10 days. 15 districts received below normal rainfall during July 2005. Rainfall unequally distributed . 55 percent rainfall received in August & September till date. In July rained more than normal but the monsoon was very weak from 20th July to 20th August. Weather Scenario 2005-06
Rainfall Pattern - 2005 With ref. to Normal
CROPWISE STATUS- RABI 2004-05 2005-06 Contd…
CROPWISE STATUS- RABI 2004-05 2005-06
Agenda Item-1 Status of Funds Received from G.O.I. (Rs. in Lakh)
Agenda Item-2 State Of Readiness For Additional Funds During 2005-06 (Rs. in Lakh)
Agenda Item-3 Progress in Seed Production • State had envisaged to achieve 20% SRR by 2007 which is going to be achieved in Rabi 2005 -06 itself. • SRR enhanced from 13% in 2001-02 to 18.11% in 2004-05. • Steps taken to improve SRR are :- • 20.99 lakh quintal certified & quality seeds will be made available against the seed plan of 20.72 lakh quintal in the current season. • Area under cultivation at Govt. farms shall be raised from 4300 ha. to 5000 ha. • UP Seed Development Corporation has proposed its Rabi target raised from 7 lakh q. (2004-05) to 8.86 lakh q.(2005-06). (an increase of 26%) • 10112 private seed dealers contribute about 60% of the total seed distribution in the state, their share is targeted to be increased by 10% • Production of 50807 q. foundation seed from breeder seed and 26210 q. from F-1 seed during current Rabi. • In Rabi 2005-06 43057 q. foundation seeds will be required-the availability is, 77455 q. Surplus will be utilised for seed distribution & demonstrations.
Agenda Item-3 Contd.. Balanced Use of Fertilizer/ Implementation of INM/IPM. • NPK ratio improved from 25.6 : 7.7 : 1. to 13 : 4 : 1 in 2004-05 . It is targeted to be narrowed down to the level of 9.6 : 4.13 : 1 in Rabi 2005-06. • In Kharif 2005 the State utilized Urea 19.52 lakh mt.,DAP 3.74 lakh mt. & MOP 0.72 lakh mt. • For Rabi State requires Urea 27.0 lakh mt.,DAP 10.50 lakh mt., MOP 1.50 lakh mt & NPK 5.00 lakh mt. • Per ha. fertilizer consumption (in terms of NPK) to be increased from 134.93 kg. in 2004-05 to 139 kg per ha. in 2005-06. • IPM modules for 32 crops developed and being popularized through field demonstrations in 1006 villages in 2005-06. • In a bid to discourage the use of Chemical pesticides, government sector has enhanced the quantum of purchase of bio-agents/ bio-pesticides.
Agenda Item-4 Steps Taken To Improve Productivity • Advancement of sowing, particularly wheat by 15 days. Presently 51% sowing by 30th Nov., 96% upto Dec. end and remaining in January. • 75% sowing targeted to be completed by Nov. end. and 100% by 15th Dec. • 60,000 NADEP and Vermi compost units to be developed with farmers’ contribution.Subsidy will not be allowed to be a limiting factor in this regard. • Distribution of Bio-fertilizer (especially PSB) raised from 2.50 lakh packets to 25 lakh packets by involving cooperative and private sectors. • Additional quantities of 2 lakhs m.t. DAP & 1 lakh m.t. MOP arranged. • Availability of 1.65 lakh q. of additional seed in Rabi 2005-06 as compared to Rabi 04-05. Contd…
Steps Taken Contd… • Ensuring availability of certified/quality seeds at sale points by Oct 31st, 2005. • Ensuring availability of irrigation water in Canal systems and keeping state tube wells functional. • Fertilizers particularly DAP arranged in required quantity by October. • Massive campaign for timely sowing of crops to avoid adverse effect of climate change. • Stress on zero tillage practice to avoid delayed sowing particularly in Wheat. • Use of Bio-agents in seed treatment and emphasis on PSB/Rhizobium culture in pulse crops.
Agenda Item-5 Progress on APMC amendment • Board of Mandi Parishad has passed the proposal for amendment on 23-07-2005. • The proposal is under active consideration of the state cabinet and a decision is expected shortly.
Agenda Item-6 Readiness to implementNational Horticulture Mission • National Horticulture Mission (NHM) launched to double the production of horticultural crops by 2012. • Executive Council and District Mission Committees formed (registered under societies act 21, 1860 on 7-9-2005). • Projects costing Rs.111.12 crores sanctioned. contd….
Agenda Item-6 Contd.. State of Readiness to implement ATMA Related Programmes • Decision taken to form ATMA in all 70 Districts. • 44 districts supported by GOI & rest 26 Districts will be covered by State’s own resources. • Principal Secretary, Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. designated as State Nodal Officer. • State Institute of Management of Agriculture, Rehmankhera has been identified as SAMETI. • Two day workshop has been organized to orient the field level officers. • G.O. issued for forming State level, district level and block level committees. • Training of resource person completed. • Master trainers’ training scheduled.
Agenda Item-7 Status of Quarantine Facilities in the State • Quarantine facility is presently available at Varanasi (Airport) in the State. • National Quarantine Lab at Faridabad is also providing services in this regard. • Keeping in view the potential for export of basmati rice, flowers, mango etc., quarantine stations are required in the State. • Establishment of two quarantine labs are under consideration at Sonauli and Rupaidiha. • At present office of CIPM, GOI is also functional at Lucknow which can be equipped to perform as a quarantine lab.
Agenda Item-8 Suggestions For Improving Rabi Production Need for Dedicated High Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite in Agriculture Sector. • For land use mapping • To monitor crop coverage. • Monitoring of crop condition • Yield Estimation. • Estimation of losses due to adverse weather conditions/ disease, pest incidence. • Evaluation of Drainage as well as irrigation network. Budgetary allocation shows down ward trend in Agriculture Sector at G.O.I. level. Hon'ble Union Agriculture Minister has also expressed his anxiety over the issue.
Suggestions Contd…. Long term price policy for D.A.P. is required (valid for minimum 3 years). In case of any shortage, direct import should be resorted to. Budgetary resources under Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)would shrink further as States are ill- equipped to raise the necessary resources for this scheme (70% loan & 30% grant) from the open market as is now GOI’s direction. In On farm water management scheme for eastern U.P., 104243 nos. tubewells have been constructed so far. It is indicated that the scheme is to be discontinued from 2006-07 which will adversely affect the crop production of eastern U.P. Minimum support price recommended by Govt. of U.P. is not accepted by GOI which adversely affects the interest of farmers.
New Initiatives by Govt. of U.P. • Private agencies/input providers being jointly involved in dissemination of technology along with DOA. • In each district a private agency being recognized as Lead Extension Agency (LEA) • LEA to become member of ATMA & be an integral part of the core team responsible for preparing SREP. • Joint implementation of extension programmes such as demonstrations, field days, exposure visits etc. covering all the Nyay Panchayats uniformly. • About 50 thousand input dealers being empowered through training under the programme “FromVikreta to Visheshagya.” • DoA officials/experts to participate in dealers orientation/ training programmes organized by the input companies. • Technical know-how of input dealers to be upgraded by involving them in field days, crop seminars, goshthies etc. Contd...
New Initiatives by Govt. of U.P. Contd… • To strengthen PPP, a high power committee under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Agriculture, U.P. formed. The committee is represented by officials of DoA, SAUs and Private Agencies . • Rural growth centers are being promoted with the help of private sector intervention (e.g. ITC, Tata Chemicals, Cargill etc.) . • 1750 e-chaupals setup in State by ITC. Besides, 300 farmers technology dissemination centers have also been setup in the form of Tata Kisan Sansar, Hariyali, Sathi by Tata Chemicals, Sriram Group, Cargill, respectively. • About 30% budget is quantified for women farmers.
New Initiatives by Govt. of U.P.Contd… Bhoomi Sena Yojana Bhoomi Sena Yojana has been launched (entirely through own resources of Govt. of U.P.) from 2005 for the reclamation of problem lands like usar, ravenous, water logged areas and renovation of ponds. Major Objectives :- To reclaim usar, ravine and water logged lands for crop production, horticulture, agro-forestry, aromatic crops etc., through different soil and water conservation methods. To identify Bhoomi-Sainiks and provide them assured employment of 100 days in soil conservation works, canal construction and desiltation works and in natural calamities. Bhoomi Sainiks will comprise of landless agricultural labourers, new/old land allottees and BPL small & marginal farmers.
New Initiatives by Govt. of U.P.Contd… • All the 70 Districts Covered • Project Period from 2005-06 to 2007-08 • Project Outlay : Rs. 99.37 Crores • Area covered:- (in ha.)
A Major Issue Impact of Decision of Tehri Dam Authorities to fill up the reservoir for the first time Oct/Nov.2005 • Diversion of water from River Ganga to Tehri Dam Reservoir will restrict availability of water in Ganga Canal Systems during Rabi 2005-06. • 11 districts will be affected due to short supply of water in upper Ganga canal system including Agra canal system during Jan. to March, 06. • 10 districts in the command area of lower Ganga canal system will face shortage of water during Nov.05 to March, 06. • However measure initiative by agriculture department to reduce the adverse effect of limited water supply by propagating alternate less water intensivevarieties like for Wheat- Raj 3765, PVW 373, UP 2425, PBW 533, Indra, Malviya 234 etc., Mustered & Pulses along with appropriate technology for cropping under limited water availability e.g. switchover from wheat to mustered.