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What are today's issues for all other magnets?

What are today's issues for all other magnets?. What are “all other magnets” ?. Warm magnets 19 types, 845 items installed Cold Dispersion Suppressor Magnets 5 types, made by combining 7 different types of magnets, 64 sets installed Cold Matching Section

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What are today's issues for all other magnets?

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  1. What are today's issues for all other magnets?

  2. What are “all other magnets” ? • Warm magnets • 19 types, 845 items installed • Cold Dispersion Suppressor Magnets • 5 types, made by combining 7 different types of magnets, 64 sets installed • Cold Matching Section • 9 types, made by combining 7 different types of magnets, 50 sets installed • Cold Separation Dipoles • 4 types, 20 installed (4 spares) • Inner Triplet Magnets • 3 types, made using 12 different magnets, 8*3 sets installed (1 spare each) • Cold Correctors • 26 types*), 4662 sets installed • In total 5669 magnets coming in 66 types (11h talk?) • *) depends on the way of counting

  3. Warm Magnets in the LHC and the transfer lines

  4. Septa and Total Sum of Warm Magnets

  5. Performance and Fault Scenarios • 1) 'As built' performance of all magnets is higher or equal to the one expected from the design. MBXWT will require a higher water flow-rate (6l/min instead of 4l/min) to reach the requested ultimate performance. • 2) No impact on energy during commissioning. • 3) Repair in situ for small damages / faults in short interventions. Replacement of magnet in all other cases. • 4) Number of spares barely sufficient. • 5) Magnet workshop exists, Main workshop delivers bits and pieces. • Anticipated Faults: • Leakage due to Corrosion, Erosion, Mechanical forces on connectors • Blocking of cooling circuit - Thermo-switch fault • Insulation damage due to radiation, heat, forces • Beam damage - Transport accident

  6. Caveat (1) • Delays for exchange and repair will probably depend rather on radiation cool-down times. Cool-down times depend on the length of intervention. For a MQW exchange >1week • The minimum replacement time depends on the time needed to bring the transport vehicles in the right places and to prepare them for the specific magnet type. At least one day, better two should be foreseen for this operation. • Magnet transport will be hindered by shielding blocks that will have to be removed. In particular in IR7, it is unclear to me, how and how far they are to be transported, what the impact of this operation is and at what moment of cool-down it can take place. • Repairs of the magnet connections can be executed after cool-down of the magnet. Exchange of coils requires opening of the magnet with particular tools. We have so far recuperated tools from the manufacturers or requested to keep them in a good shape for us and we will do so in future.

  7. Caveat (2) • Handling equipment for Russian magnets is not CE certified and will therefore not be readily accepted by SC. Currently no workunits for the repair, adaptation or replacement-acquisition of such equipment is forseen. It will require considerable time and effort to do such repairs. However, the time needed should be guaranteed by a sufficient number of spares. • MQW in particular is a structurally sensitive magnet that requires a particular procedure with sufficient space and time. As far as possible, the detailed production procedures were collected and filed. However like in football, it needs time to replace a trained team that achieved the tasks on a series of 52 magnets. (E.g. we know that the multipole parameters over the series follows a clear trend.)

  8. Optimistic Magnet Exchange Schedule In total 22 man hours, in about 7hours. Preparation, Vacuum and Alignment not counted

  9. Optimistic Magnet Exchange Schedule In total 22 man hours, in about 7hours. Preparation, Vacuum and Alignment not counted 17 man hours work for MEL The section has only 12+1 staff and 10 industrial support for all accelerators The LHC subsection (knowledge of the MQW) has 3 staff +1 industrial support The radiation dose/magnet exchange is estimated to ~19 mSv, thereof ~12 mSv for MEL. To stay below 2mSv/man/intervention => 6 people needed to exchange 1 magnet/month and 5/year.

  10. Optimistic Magnet Exchange Schedule In total 22 man hours, in about 7hours. Preparation, Vacuum and Alignment not counted 17 man hours work for MEL The section has only 12+1 staff and 10 industrial support for all accelerators The LHC subsection (knowledge of the MWQ) has 3 staff +1 industrial support The radiation dose/magnet exchange is estimated to ~19 mSv, thereof ~12 mSv for MEL. To stay below 2mSv/man/intervention => 6 people needed to exchange 1 magnet/month and 5/year. MEL would be unable to exchange a MQW under the present conditions

  11. Quench Behaviour of MQM and MQY Magnetsin the Matching Section and Dispersion Supressor MQM Quench margin 1mJ/cm^3 in DS and 5mJ/cm^3 in MS (short disturbance) MQY Extraordinary good quench behavior

  12. Summary of MQXA Quench Training, Inner Triplet Number of quenches high due to fault in the bore. Number of quench reduced

  13. Summary of MQXA Quench Training, Inner Triplet 225 T/m Number of quenches high due to fault in the bore. Number of quench reduced

  14. Summary of MQXB Quench Training, Inner Triplet Short sample current

  15. Summary of MQXB Quench Training, Inner Triplet 225 T/m

  16. Realistic Margin for the Inner Triplet • Using Lucas parameterization and ignoring the cooling (i.e. short times) • Energy Density to reach Tcs in J/m^3 in the MPZ MQXA MQXB 2 mJ/cm^3, 0.4 mW/cm^3

  17. Summary of D2-D4 Quench Training

  18. MQM, MQY, MQXA, MQXB, MBX, MBRB, MBRS • 2) No impact on safe energy during commissioning • 3a) MQXA, MQXB, MBX, MBRB, MBRS: Replace with the one spare (warm-up, exchange, cooldown ~6 weeks) , repair magnet (6 months or more) • 3b) MQM, MQY, MQTL: No complete spares available due to the big number of different combinations. At least two month for building a new assembly, followed by test, installation, ELQA, cool down, ELQA ~1 month • Magnet building workshop needed in 181, Main workshop has to provide welders. • Cryostating must also be available.

  19. Corrector Types • Main dipoles • 2464 Sextupole Spool Correctors MCS (100) • 1232 Decapole-Octupole Spool Correctors MCDO (100) • Main quadrupoles (Short Straight Sections) • 360 Sextupole-Dipole Correctors MSCB (20) • 192 Tuning and Skew Quadrupoles MQT/S (20) • 168 Octupole Lattice Correctors MO (20) • Insertion quadrupoles • 16 Sextupole-Dipole Correctors MSCB (see above) • 122 Dipole Correctors MCBC/Y (14) • 60 Long Trim Quadrupoles MQTL (4) • Inner Triplets • 27 Inner Triplet Dipole Correctors MCBX(3) • 9 Sextupole-Dodecapole Inserts MCSTX (1) • 9 Inner Triplet Corrector Packages MQSXA => MQSX/MCSOX (1) 4659 Corrector Magnets 13 Main types 10 Contracts Total value of the spare correctors > 2.6 MCHF

  20. MCD AT-MEL-MC Histogram for MCDs - India 300 250 200 Number of magnets 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 More Number of quenches to reach 800 A All Indian magnets reached design with the first quench. Also the number of quenches to reach maximum +2 is considerably lower!

  21. MCO AT-MEL-MC Histogram for MCOs - India 450 400 350 300 250 Number of magnets 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 More Number of quenches to reach 150 A All Indian MCO reach 100 A with one quench. In most cases one quench is sufficient to reach 160A

  22. MCS Antec and CAT 550 A 850 A Including one extra quench

  23. MOs 700 A 255 MOs reach the nominal current (550 A) at the first quench, 5 MOs at the second quench

  24. MQTs 550 A 600 A The MQT family has a comparatively high field and gradient, I don’t expect much better behavior at 1.9 K

  25. Margin of the Q6 in IR3 (6 MQTLs) Energy [J/m^3] needed to raise the temperature from 4.3 K to Tcs, cooling ignored Looks better than I expected ~in Gray if divided by 10^4 10 mJ/cm^3 1 mW/cm^3

  26. Inner Triplet Correctors Q3 Q2 Q1 MQXA MQXB MCBX MQXB MCS OX MCBXA MQXA MQ S X MCBX B PM B PM LMQXA LMQXC LMQXB B4 A4 A3 A1 / B1 B6 / B3 A2 A1 / B1 A1 / B1 To IP  MCBX FNAL supplied KEK supplied CERN supplied

  27. Quench performance:MCBX #4 Individual powering Courtesy of AT-MTM

  28. Superconducting motor MCBX: Combined powering

  29. MSCB: Quench Performance Production “fault” was intercepted, newer magnets are much better Sextupoles are quenching much better as well.

  30. MSCB: Quench Performance

  31. Summary • Warm magnets • Spares available, Manpower not available • Workshop as for all other warm magnets • DS & MS • Modules as spares, must be configured to cold masses and cryostated. Workshop in 181 (press) necessary including manpower! • Inner Triplett and Separation Dipoles • ½ insertion as spare. • Repair situation unclear to me (Japan/Toshiba- US/BNL/FNAL) • Expected to fail within 7 years, we must start a replacement design now! • Correctors • Included in the other magnets • Spares available, manpower barely sufficient in the long run! • Repair in house (> ½ year or longer if wire has to be procured)

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