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Elementary Curriculum Update . 2013-14. I-SS Model to Raise Achievement & Close Gaps. RtI and IMPACT grant . Baseline Benchmark. Formative Assessment. Teams for all content areas. Learning Centered. Curriculum Guides. What do students need to know? How will they learn it?
ElementaryCurriculum Update 2013-14
I-SS Model to Raise Achievement & Close Gaps RtI and IMPACT grant Baseline Benchmark Formative Assessment Teams for all content areas Learning Centered Curriculum Guides • What do students need to know? • How will they learn it? • How will we know they’ve learned it? • What will we do if they don’t learn it? • What will we do if they already know it? Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Using student data for revisions Specialists creating strategy resources for CG Instructional Facilitator Support Mission, Vision, and Values Data-driven Decision-making PDSA Aligned Strategic Plans
2013 Summer Institutes | Changing Teacher Practice • Changing Student Outcomes Classroom Assessments: Formative and Diagnostic Information CLASSROOMS Balanced Assessment System Summative Assessment (Classroom, Statewide) Benchmark Assessment (Classroom, School, District) Formative Assessment (Classroom)
Balanced Assessment System lIt is not the assessment itself, it’s how you use the results! Diagnostic Assessment: Identifies specific skill gaps Formative Assessment: What learning comes next for this student at this point in time? Benchmark Assessment: How are students progressing? How well is this program working? Summative Assessment: How are schools and district progressing? How is the state progressing?
NCDPI Updates Implementation of HomeBase • Powerschool replaces NCWise • Schoolnet replaces DASH and provides a tool for lesson resources, lesson planning, and online assessment • TNL Read to Achieve legislation implications for 2013-14: • 3rd grade begins portfolio process (standards based assessment) for below grade level students mid-year (specifics released in Sept.) • Retest, Summer school (2014), and possible 3rd to 4th transition class for 2014-15 school year K-3 Office of Early Learning Established • K entry assessment in 2014-15
Curriculum Guide 101 Anchor Standards 8 Math Practices “Year-At-a-Glance” Focus Areas for Math Vocabulary Unpacking Learning Targets & Criteria for Success Resources Structures of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Curriculum Support Documents Why were the support documents created? • To make existing research-based strategies accessible and correlated to the curriculum guides • Looking at the Reading 3D and AIMSwebdata, gaps in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade determined the starting point for developing the support documents.
What’s new? • Resources added for 3rd and 5th grade gaps in reading (curriculum support documents) • Assessments updated to reflect a scaffolding of questions from more "tied" to the text, to "outside" of the text • Moving from a "checklist" Year-at-a-Glance document to cohesive units, focusing on standards that fit and teach well together • No Reading baselines in K-3; Reading 3D will fulfill this beginning of the year diagnostic data need • I-SS district Literacy Plan
What’s new? • Developed "Key Skills for Success" - prerequisite math skills that enable students to be successful with your grade level's Common Core Standards • Baseline assessments check for mastery of the Key Skills • Added Math Structures resource to the Curriculum Guide • DPI Math Wikispace
Writing & Talking in Math My definition of a good teacher has changed from “one who explains things so well that students understand” to “one who gets students to explain things so well they can be understood”. ~Steven C. Reinhart
What’s new? Column next to the Learning Targets and Criteria for Success labeled Resources. We added websites, experiments, and informational texts to use to support your delivery of the content.
What's New? • We reordered some of the sequencing based on the feedback. • We eliminated the stretch on the assessments. • We included another level on the rubrics for the open-ended item. Things to Keep in Mind • Assessment Resources (DPI) • Vocabulary (DPI)
What’s new? Social Studies teams worked to align literacy resources to SS content to help you integrate SS standards into your literacy instruction.
What about your grade level? • Watch your grade level's video on the C&I webpage • What items do you and your team need to keep on your PLC’s agenda this year? • How will you use curriculum guides, assessments, and resources to plan together? • Look through your CG andbeginning planning