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Export of Fish from Seychelles Challenges and lessons learnt. SEYCHELLES. Archipelago of 115 granite and coral islands lie between 480km and 1,600km from the east coast of Africa in the western Indian Ocean.
Export of Fish from Seychelles Challenges and lessons learnt
SEYCHELLES • Archipelago of 115 granite and coral islands • lie between 480km and 1,600km from the east coast of Africa in the western Indian Ocean. • The republic of Seychelles occupies a land area of 455 km² and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 1.4 million km².
Fishingsector • Marine fisheries are a keycontributor to the social, economic and cultural fabric of Seychelles. • The fishingindustryis made up of three main sub-sector: • Artisanal fishery (Whalers and schooners with in boardengines) • Semi-industrialfishery( Longlinersbetween 19-23 meters) • Industrialfishery(Purseseiners)
1.Products and export countries PRODUCTS FROM INDUSTRIAL TUNA FISHERY
Product and export countries Cannedtunaexported to Europe Private standards
Product and export countries Whole frozen tuna by Seychelles Registered Vessels
Product and export countries Fishmealmainlyexported to : • Sri Lanka, • Australia, • Ghana • Madagascar • Taiwan
Product and export countries Tunaoil by OPS :
Product and export countries Export of Freshfish : • In 2013 total of 134 Tonnes of freshfishwereexported by the two main processors(OceanaFisheries and SeaHarvest) • Main speciesexportedinclude: • Redsnapper and othergroupers • Job fish • Swordfish • Yellow fin • King fish
Product and export countries Non-commercial export 2009 - 2010
2. Advantagesunderpining the business Industrialfishing • Seychelles is located close to the tuna fishing groundof South West Indian Ocean. • Most of the catch by international fishing vesselsuse Seychelles as their base. This ensures a constant supply of good quality raw material for canning. • The Tuna cannery has been benefiting from government exclusivity in tuna processingfor several year. • Availability of labourfrom neighboring countries • Tuna fishery has been managed by IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) and SFA (Seychelles Fishing Authority) for decades • Seychelles has been obtaining help from IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer)and IRD (Institut de Recherche et Developpement) • Obtained substantial expertise in stevedoring, landing , sorting of tuna
2. Advantagesunderpining the business Artisanal fishing • Seychelles fish is free from ciguatera fish poisoning due to its geographical location • Second largest EEZin the western Indian Ocean (1.5m km sq) after south Africa. • The vasteMaheplateau (size) produce an abundance of demersal species free from chemical and micro biological contamination. • Fisheries being the second pillar of the Seychelles economy is given adequate priority by government. • SFA has been managing the fisheries resources since its existence 30 years ago. • The Fisheries industry has continuously been benefitting from EU , Japan and Korean assistance.
3. Export assurance system • a. Ownership structure • Competent Authority for Fish export is the FIQCU (Fish Inspection and Quality Control Unit) which falls under the Seychelles Bureau of Standards. • b. Government involvement • The government has a central involvement as it falls under the Ministry of Industry • Export of Fishery Products Act is based on the EU and Codex requirements • c. Type of Quality Assurance system • All processors and freezer vessels have the HACCP program and pre-requisite program (SOP and SSOP) • The larger company has been approved for the ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System and is also BRC , IFS, ISO and 22,000 approved
3. Export assurance system • d. Involvement of independent verification • The Competent Authority (CA) audits the approved establishments, approved vessel and landing sites. • Sampling and analysis based on EU sanitary regulations are also done for: • Official Sampling and Analysis for Histamine • Heavy metals • Microbial parameters • Water samples • Hygiene on food contact surfaces • SBS is the reference laboratory for fish and fishery products for export. • Companies having private standards such as ASDA, TESCO, etc also perform their own audits namely of the producer and exporter of can tuna.
3. Export assurance system • e. Degree and frequency of foreign audit • The CA receives audit from the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) of DG SANCO every 3 or 4 year to evaluate the public health conditions for the production of fishery products for export to the EU. • Companies manufacturing for private standards and certified by BRC and IFS have annual audits. • Physical inspection and sampling for laboratory analysis are done at the Border Inspection Point in the EU in particular.
3. Export assurance system • f. Importance of supply chain integration • Supply for tuna is almost entirely produced locally. For trade reason/customers specifications, small quantity is imported • Tuna vessels also provide an important amount of pelagic by-catch which can be used for human consumption and pet food. • Demersal species for local consumption and export is 100% locally produced • Small amount of seafood/fish are imported for local consumption/ tourism industry
3. Export assurance system • g. Roleof partnerships • Seychelles CA has been trying to develop partnership and collaboration with other CA in the region to share experience and expertise in this field but this has not so far proven to be successful. • The EU, Japan and Korea are major partner in assisting the development of the fisheries sector in Seychelles. • Seychelles also benefit from regional projects in partnership regional funding organization such as IOTC, NEPAD, COMESA, IFAD
4. Challenges and lessonslearnt • Complying to the EU sanitary requirement • Standards for Freezer vessels • Processing establishments • HACCP auditing • Food safety condition, e,g heavy metals testing, dioxins, PAH, Etc,Mercury in swordfish is a very serious issue • Laboratory accreditation for all parameters tested in products for EU export • Staff turnover is very high, limited number of highly trained personnel e,g microbiologist, laboratory technologist
4. Challenges and lessonslearnt • No stand alone cold store to accommodate industrial fishing • Overcrowding at the industrial port during good fishing season • No proper collection centre and organised market for artisanal catch • No direct air link to important market such as Japan and the USA for export of fresh fish on ice
5. Recommendations • Obtain assistancefor the development and implementation of EU/International fishery legislation • Agood level of training for inspectors and laboratory personnel should be identified with required funding. • Reliable and credible laboratory facilities and services • Position the Competent authority in such that it receives maximum governmental support • Government must allocate sufficient resources for the Competent Authority to operate effectively. • Involve all relevant stakeholders in the process of consultation and decision making. • Try to establish partnership and MOU with other CA in the region for exchange of experience and expertise.
6. 5 Coreprinciples for credible export assurance System 1. A strong Competent Authority with sufficient and well trained and motivated personnel 2. Use modern set of legislations and standards based on Codex and EU requirements 3. Setting up an accredited testing laboratory with good equipment, facilities and maintenance programs 4. A very good working relationship with the stakeholders, be it processors, boat owners, fishers, etc. 5. Quality assurance and management systems based on HACCP requirements in place