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曾俊雄. Project Plan Writing I. What is a Project Plan?. to kick-start the project by convincing the decision makers (usually the people who control the funds e.g. the Project Board or Steering Committee) that the project is viable and will meet their needs and timeframes, budgets, expectations.
曾俊雄 Project Plan Writing I
to kick-start the project by convincing the decision makers (usually the people who control the funds e.g. the Project Board or Steering Committee) that the project is viable and will meet their needs and timeframes, budgets, expectations
Usually, they are interchangeable. • A project plan is more detailed and formal than a proposal.
Attributes of a Good (Great) Plan • Explains the problem, the current state of knowledge, your expertise in the problem area, your approach to solving the problem, and the products from the research program • It is not possible to create a good product without a thorough survey.
Convinces the review panel that you are the best team to conduct this research. • You are good v.s. you are good to them.
Showcases your ability as a project team to conduct this research and solve a problem • It is difficult for ordinary users to understand the “theorem” part of your system
What Causes the Problems • Lack of clarity in project plan • What is in your project really? • Lack of integration in the overall plan • Your ideas scatters. • Lack of explanation of the role of project team members • Who are the team members? • Lack of explanation of the knowledge gaps and how project will fill them • What will be achieved in your project? • Lack of confidence in the ability of the project team to accomplish the objectives
Don’t hide your details and expect the panel to guess your path!
A Bad Project Plan • 由於 HTML5 技術是世界的新潮流,因此本團隊採用 HTML5 技術打造一個全新的遊戲。
Project Background • Objectives • Scope • Constraints • Assumptions • Dependencies & Impacts • Issues & Risks • Methodologies & Strategy • Controls: Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Resources • Communications • Schedule of Delivery • Performance Measurement • Benefits Realisation
Project Background • The motivation and background information of your project.
Objectives • What will be achieved in your project? • Point out the goal of your project clearly. • Make it straightforward and easy to understand.
Bad Example We would like to development a good application framework. Good Example We would like to develop a user-friendly application framework to solve the dependency injection problem.
Define the overall objective of the project and summarize it in one or two sentences at the top of your project plan. • Don’t just state the objectives but explain the goals that are being addressed.
Need for Research & Scientific Background • Why is a solution to this problem important? • What are the current knowledge gaps? • What preliminary data exists from your program (graphs and tables help)? • This section doesn’t have to be long but set the stage for this research
Scope/Constraints • Remember, a project will never achieve “everything”, try to be specific.
Assumptions • environment/parameters……
e.g. It is assumed that the target users will only input using keyboard and mouse.
Dependencies & Impacts • Your project can depend on other artifacts and can cause impacts on others. • Show your sponsors these so they can evaluate. • Keep “reasonable”.
Issues & Risks • Yes, your project will solve some problems but it may also cause potential problems. • An “always-good” project sounds like a cheat.
Methodologies & Strategy • This is the main part of your project plan. • Try to sell your point.
Define the step-by-step tasks that need to be completed in the course of the project and state your goals. • Decide who will be the point of contact for each individual task.
WBS WBS定義專案裡面所有該做的工作,透過樹狀結構的方法,將專案產品分割,直到可以管理的最小單位(但也不能太細,否則會使整合與管理的成本升高)。
Communications • Who and how to communicate?
Schedule of Delivery • Reasonable schedule. • Gantt chart.
假如你/妳是專案經理,你/妳知道專案管理最容易造成衝突產生之項目與其排行榜嗎?假如你/妳是專案經理,你/妳知道專案管理最容易造成衝突產生之項目與其排行榜嗎? • 1.時程(Schedule) • 2.專案優先順序(Project Priorities) • 3.資源(Resources) • 4.技術意見(Technical Opinions) • 5.行政程序(Administrative Procedure) • 6.成本(Cost) • 7.人格特質(Personality)。
時程管理 確保能如期完成專案所需的工作 專案網路圖 (Project Network Diagram) 甘特圖 (Gantt Chart)
Performance Measurement/Benefits Realisation • what will be the output of your project? • how to evaluate? • milestones are recommended
if you fail to adequately document what is in and out of scope of the project, you may get in to a dispute about who is delivering what • you may find that the project delivers a product which you believe is satisfactory, but fails to meet the expectations of the customer as they have different quality criteria to you
Looking at the example plan above you will see the Milestones and Tasks highlighted. Basically a project plan is a list of tasks each of which a project manager can track and report on. However this will quickly drive you mad if your project is anything other than simple.
Therefore most project managers will break the project into a series of phases, the completion of which is marked as a milestone. Think of these as similar to reaching the completing the key milestones. • The aim of milestones in a pure project management sense is to have checkpoints on the plan which enable clear progress of the project to be measured.
Tailor to your audience • The project plan is often one of the first points of reference for stakeholders, whether they are new staff, executives, customers, users, suppliers or interested third parties. • Always ensure that you introduce the context of the project and provide some background and history behind what you are doing.
Include a glossary or terms of reference to explain any abbreviations and acronyms. • When referring to other documents it may be useful to include details in the appendices for the benefit of people who have not read these documents before.
Working with your stakeholders • Work with the decision makers and involve them early in the process if you can. • It is far easier to take these people on the journey with you, than to sell it to them 'cold' at the end.
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 最後再寫 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 破題 • 為什麼要做這個 • 現有的產品/方法有什麼不足 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 貢獻會延伸自導論,但更強調 • 預期產出可以分成不同面向來撰寫 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 所有提到的專有名詞、數據、背景資料,盡量要有文件支持 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 詳細描述系統設計或研究方法 • 圖表/示意圖 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • WBS跟甘特圖最好都畫 • 預算 • 附件/文獻
摘要 • 導論/動機 • 貢獻/預期產出 • 文獻探討/背景資料收集 • 設計/方法 • 時程規劃 • 預算 • 預算要分類:設備費、人事費、差旅費、耗材費、雜支 • 附件/文獻
http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/the-project-plan-how-to-write-a-successful-project-plan.htmlhttp://www.projectsmart.co.uk/the-project-plan-how-to-write-a-successful-project-plan.html • http://www.ehow.com/how_4797538_write-project-plan.html • http://www.my-project-management-expert.com/how-to-write-a-project-plan-1.html • http://ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/Subsite/sciQualRev/WritinganExcellentProjectPlan(1-10-07).ppt