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English Kings v. Parliament in the 1600s and 1700s

English Kings v. Parliament in the 1600s and 1700s. The English Civil War, the Restoration, and The Glorious Revolution. 1588.

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English Kings v. Parliament in the 1600s and 1700s

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  1. English Kings v. Parliament in the 1600s and 1700s The English Civil War, the Restoration, and The Glorious Revolution

  2. 1588 • Queen Elizabeth I (Protestant Queen of England) defeats the Spanish Armada sent by Phillip II (Catholic King of Spain) to overthrow her and end England's interference in the Spanish Netherlands.

  3. 1603 • Queen Elizabeth I (a well liked queen) dies without an heir. • Her cousin James VI, King of Scotland, becomes James I, King of England. • James I is less well liked and fights with Parliament over money.

  4. 1625 • King James I dies and his son, Charles I, becomes king. • Charles I dissolves Parliament when they refuse to give him money to fight wars against Spain and France.

  5. 1628 • Charles I recalls Parliament. • Parliament refuses to give Charles I money unless he signs the Petition of Right, which limited some of the powers of the King. • Charles I signs this document, but then proceeds to ignore it.

  6. 1641 • Parliament enacted laws in an attempt to limit the power of the King.

  7. 1642 • Charles I tried to arrest the Parliament’s leaders, but they escaped. • An angry mob of Londoners assembled outside the palace. • Charles I flees from London.

  8. 1642 • Beginning of English Civil War. • At first both King and Parliament have victories.

  9. 1644 • Oliver Cromwell (MP) takes over as general of Parliament’s army. • Institutes the New Model Army, in which rank is awarded based on merit rather than social status. • The new army begins winning the war.

  10. 1647 • Cromwell’s army defeats the King’s army and takes Charles I prisoner.

  11. 1649 • Cromwell and Parliament put King Charles I on trial. • They find him guilty of treason and have him beheaded in front of his palace. • This was the first time that a king of any country had faced a public trial and execution.

  12. 1649 • Cromwell immediately faced a rebellion in Ireland, which had been under English rule since Henry VIII. • He sent an army there to crush the rebellion. • He then took Irish homes and land and gave them to English soldiers. • Between 1649 and 1849 over 600,000 Irish people died from fighting, plague, and famine.

  13. 1653 • Oliver Cromwell took over as the leader of England • He sent Parliament home, and ruled as a military dictator. • Cromwell was a Puritan who outlawed sports, music, dance, and theater.

  14. 1658 • Oliver Cromwell died, leaving his weak son to take over rule of England.

  15. 1660 • Parliament asks the oldest son of Charles I, Charles II (who had been living in exile in France) to return and rule England. • This was called ‘The Restoration’. • Charles II restored the Monarchy to England, as well as sports, music, dance, and theater.

  16. 1679 • Parliament passed the Habeas Corpus law, which guaranteed a prisoner the right to appear before a judge. • This meant that a person could no longer be imprisoned simply for opposing the king.

  17. 1685 • Charles II dies, leaving his son James II to rule. • James II is a Catholic, which Puritans in Parliament do not like.

  18. 1688 • Parliament asks William of Orange (from The Netherlands) and his wife Mary (James II’s daughter), who were Protestants, to overthrow James II. • William led his army to London and James II fled to France. • This is known as the ‘Glorious Revolution’.

  19. 1689 • William and Mary rule as partners with Parliament. • They sign the English Bill of Rights into law. • This new system became known as a Constitutional Monarchy. • They later developed a Cabinet which acted in the ruler’s name, with the Prime Minister essentially becoming the ruler of England.

  20. 1694 • Mary dies and William rules alone until 1702.

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