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An Introduction To NATO Centres of Excellence Mr Tony Wedge, COE Establishment SME, Transformation Network Branch , HQ SACT Jan 2013. Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. COE History and MC-Guidance. 14 May 03 MC 324/1 “ The NATO Military Command Structure ”
An Introduction To NATO Centres of Excellence Mr Tony Wedge, COE Establishment SME, Transformation Network Branch, HQ SACT Jan 2013 Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
COE History and MC-Guidance • 14 May 03 MC 324/1 “The NATO Military Command Structure” • 04 Dec 03 MCM-236-03 “MC Concept for COEs” • 17 May 04 MC 58/1 “Terms of Reference for SACT” • 11 Jun 04 IMSM-0416-04 “NATO COE Accreditation Criteria” • 01 Jun 05 First COE endorsed by NAC (JAPCC)
As of January 2013 Current COE Status 1. Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC / DEU) 2. Defence Against Terrorism (DAT / TUR) 3. Naval Mine Warfare (NMW / BEL) 4. Combined Joint Operations from the Sea (CJOS / USA) 5. Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC / NLD) 6. Cold Weather Operations (CWO / NOR) 7. Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Defence COE (JCBRN / CZE) 8. Air Operations Analysis and Simulation Centre (CASPOA / FRA) 9. Command & Control COE (C2 / NLD) 10. Cooperative Cyber Defence COE (CCD / EST) 11. Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters COE (CSW / DEU) 12. Military Engineering COE (MILENG / DEU) 13. Military Medicine (MILMED / HUN) 14. Human Intelligence COE (HUMINT / ROU) 15. Counter – Improvised Explosive Devices COE (C-IED / ESP) 16. Explosive Ordnance Disposal COE (EOD / SVK) 17. Modelling and Simulation COE (M&S / ITA) 18. Energy Security COE (ENSEC / LTU) NATO Accredited MOUNegotiations 1. Military Police (MP / POL) 2. Crisis Management for Disaster Relief (CMDR / BGR) Multi-Nationalized 1. Mountain Warfare (MW / SVN) Total: 21
What is a Centre of Excellence ? MCM-236-04 - “A COE is : A nationally or multi-nationally sponsored entity… …which offers recognised expertise and experience… …especially in support of transformation… It provides opportunities to: Enhance education and training Assist in doctrine development To test and validate concepts through experimentation…” Support analysis and lessons learned processes
The pillars of COE support Support to NATO Doctrine Develop & Standards CD & E Analysis/LL E&T At least Three pillars need to be covered to achieve NATO accreditation Centre of Excellence
COE C2 arrangements: • The COE is governed solely by the COE Steering Committee. - A small number of Sponsoring Nations that have the best interests of the individual COE in mind. (Decisions are unanimous or by consensus) • HQ SACT is responsible (on behalf of NATO) for providing the NATO Requests for Support to COEs. (Source MCM236-03 and individual COE MOUs) • Sponsoring Nations can provide Requests for Support directly to the COE .
COE Funding: • Sponsoring and Contributing Nations fund the COE activities. • Cost share formula is agreed when COE is established. • Current costs between 6.9K and 27K Euro per officer per year. (Contribution to operational budget) • No Cost to NATO = No Direct NATO Common Funding.
COE Manning: • Sponsoring Nations voluntarily man the COEs in addition to their contribution to the NCS. • Voluntary manning/participation of PfP and MD is encouraged. (Contributing Nations) • 18 Accredited COEs with nearly 600 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). (789 total posts, 584 Posts Manned, 205 open)
COE Outreach: • COES are encouraged to develop relationships with NATO Agencies, NATO Schools, Non-NATO Nations and external entities ( IO, GO, NGO, industry and academia etc.). • COES are a versatile “outreach tool” for NATO – They should be integral parts of NATO WGs etc. • COES are encouraged to work in “Communities of Interest” (COI) with other COEs, partners etc. • Partner involvement is encouraged
Support: • A COE can provide support ANYONE, provided the Steering Committee agrees. • A COE can provide Support to Transformation and Operations. • Support to NATO is given priority by the Steering Committee.
Sponsoring Nation (SN) Framework Nation is also an SN • To become an SN - YOU MUST: • Be a NATO Country • Send at least one person to the COE (full time) • Pay your share of the COE Budget (each year) • Send national representation to SC meetings (NOT the Staff member) • Be a participant to both MOUs • See the benefit for your nation!
The name “NATO” in your COE • A lot of the recent COEs are known as the NATO xxx COE in the concepts and MOUs. This has the advantage of a NAC decision to accredit and activate the centre using NATO in it’s name. • The disadvantage of this is that some international organisations such as the EU, UN OCHA and Red Cross may decline to do business with the centre. • This is the reason why CIMIC COE does not use NATO in it’s name, yet is widely recognised as a NATO body. • The final choice to use NATO in your name or not rests with you, the potential sponsoring nations.
Summary - A COE is…. An independent International Military Organisation, yet a NATO Body. NOT under the Command and control of either NATO or the Framework Nation – They can be “asked” NOT TASKED. Funded entirely by the Framework Nation and other Sponsoring Nations. Supported by a Framework Nation. Coordinated by ACT for the benefit of NATO.
Questions Tony Wedge, GBR NIC NATO COE Establishment & Accreditation SME Office: +1 757 747 3553 Mobile: +1 757 842 0115 Email: wedge@act.nato.int Web: https://transnet.act.nato.int/