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Building Mutual Respect

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Building Mutual Respect

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Mutual Respect

  2. How much information do you already know about this topic area? • Expert – I have done a lot of learning in this area already. • Above average – I have learned some information about this topic. • Moderate – I know a little about this topic. • Rookie – I am a blank slate…but ready to learn! 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:LQ1

  3. What is the key to breaking down the barriers and accepting others’ differences? • Diversity • Tolerance • Mutual respect • Communication LE200-C5L2:LQ2

  4. Lesson Overview • The different dimensions of respect • The values of tolerance and understanding • Improving group effectiveness Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  5. Vocabulary Questions Slide Index(Part 1 of 2) Click any link below to go directly to polling that question. A two-way relationship that develops between people or members of a group The internal strength that helps people feel connected, worthwhile, and valued Respecting people’s differences and values An unfair opinion or judgement about a person or a group of people Unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group Click here to return to this index.

  6. Vocabulary Questions Slide Index(Part 2 of 2) Click any link below to go directly to polling that question. An idea or a concept that is based on oversimplified assumptions or opinions Variation or difference Honoring the right of other people to hold their own personal beliefs Limited ways of thinking about people on the basis of whether they are male or female The fair and equal treatment of everyone under the law Click here to return to this index.

  7. Quick Write Have you ever felt that someone had judged you based on your appearance or something you did rather than on what’s inside you? Write five sentences about how that made you feel. (Note to teacher: Click the Show/Hide Response Display Button) Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

  8. The Different Dimensions of Respect • One key characteristic of effective teams is that the members respect each other • Respect means accepting differences Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  9. Establishing and Demonstrating Mutual Respect • You do earn other people’s respect on the basis of your words and actions • Respect must be returned—it must be mutual • People develop respect for others when they feel that others respect their personal dignity Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  10. Ways of Showing Respect • “Please” when you ask for something • “Thank you” when you receive something • “Excuse me” if you accidentally bump into someone • “Yes (or no) sir” or “Yes (or no) ma’am” to adults • “Good morning” or “Good afternoon,” especially to people older than you Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  11. Other Examples of Personal Respect • Holding the door for an elderly person or a child • Standing when an older person enters the room • Not interrupting people Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  12. Other Examples of Personal Respect, cont. • Taking off your hat or cap when you’re indoors • Taking off a glove before you shake someone’s hand • Removing your sunglasses before speaking to someone Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  13. Other Examples of Professional Respect • Dealing with people in a cooperative way • Communicating clearly • Listening actively • Giving constructive feedback • Being flexible Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  14. Other Examples of Professional Respect, cont. • Creating opportunities to teach and learn • Sharing behaviors and feelings • Viewing situations as win-win scenarios • Using inclusive language Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  15. Activity 1: Showing Respect • Review the section in your textbook on ways of showing respect • Read each scenario and determine how you should show respect Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  16. Which of the following is a way to show personal respect? • Communicating clearly • Not interrupting people • Sharing behaviors and feelings • Viewing situations as win-win scenarios LE200-C5L2:LQ3

  17. Which of the following is a way to show professional respect? • Listening actively • Standing when an older person enters the room • Taking a glove off before you shake someone’s hand • Holding the door open for an elderly person or a child LE200-C5L2:LQ4

  18. The Values of Tolerance and Understanding • Tolerance means understanding and standing up for people’s differences and helping ensure that everyone gets equal treatment • Among the barriers to tolerance and mutual respect are: • Prejudice • Discrimination • Failure to value diversity Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  19. Prejudice • The word prejudice literally means “judging ahead of time” • Prejudice shuts down critical thinking • Prejudices are so common that we sometimes take them for granted • Prejudice is learned Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  20. Reasons for Prejudice • Fear • Believing you’re superior • Misunderstanding • History Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  21. Discrimination • Discrimination is prejudice in action • Discrimination is often based on perceived traits such as skin color, age, gender, or sexual preference • A stereotype can be positive or negative Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  22. Activity 2: Barriers to Tolerance • Review the section in your textbook on the values of tolerance and understanding • Complete the chart to identify the barriers to tolerance and mutual respect and provide an example of each, then answer the questions • Research and locate a video that shows people demonstrating tolerance; form an opinion about the choices, decisions, and consequences and take notes Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  23. Which of the following is a reason people develop prejudices? • Fear • Inferiority • Family beliefs • Lack of comprehension LE200-C5L2:LQ5

  24. A ________________ is a picture you carry around in your head about a thing or person, without ever questioning it. • Tolerance • Prejudice • Discrimination • Stereotype LE200-C5L2:LQ6

  25. Diversity • Americans encourage variety and live in a society that respects differences among people • America has made progress in granting equal rights to all it’s citizens, but respect for diversity is a work in progress Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  26. Religious Respect • Nowhere is tolerance more important than in matters of religion • This involves individual actions to respect the beliefs of others—regardless of their faith or lack of faith Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  27. Gender Stereotypes • Gender stereotypes cover more than just the observable physical differences between males and females • They include cultural, social, psychological, and behavioral traits Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  28. Problems with Gender Stereotypes • Gender stereotypes halt the thinking process • Gender stereotypes make clear communication difficult, if not impossible Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  29. How to Avoid Gender Stereotyping • Be sensitive to language that might contain gender stereotypes • Don’t go with your gut reaction—it’s likely to be based on preconceptions • Take time to think • Avoid using hurtful words or expressions • Don’t fall victim to peer pressure • View everyone as equals Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  30. Activity 3: Gender Stereotyping • Review the section in your textbook on gender stereotypes • Research and locate an article that includes gender stereotyping; form an opinion about the choices, decisions, and consequences and take notes • Create a bubble map to identify ways to avoid stereotyping people by their gender and answer the questions Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  31. Demonstrating Tolerance • Overcoming prejudice and discrimination begins with each individual • If you wouldn’t like someone doing that to you, don’t do it to someone Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  32. Improving Group Effectiveness • Establishing mutual respect, being tolerant, and valuing diversity are important for each person on the individual level • But they’re equally important at the group or organizational level Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  33. Working Toward Common Goals • If group members can’t communicate clearly and see a common goal, they tend to lack trust and respect for each other • When group or team members have a clearly defined, common goal and are able to communicate about their plan of action to achieve that goal, they come together. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  34. Benefits of Accepting Differences • If a group or team is to function effectively, its members must accept each other’s differences • The best team is a unified whole • Communication is key to breaking down the barriers and accepting others’ differences Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  35. Evaluating and Measuring Group Effectiveness • Constantly seeking a measure of results—or movement toward results—is a necessary part of team building Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  36. Where is tolerance most important? • In eliminating discrimination • In encouraging diversity • In matters of religion • In showing respect LE200-C5L2:LQ7

  37. Which of the following is key to breaking down barriers and accepting others’ differences? • Diversity • Tolerance • Communication • Mutual Respect LE200-C5L2:LQ8

  38. Activity 4: Group Effectiveness • Reflect on a situation where you worked on a group project during this school year • Complete the chart to evaluate the group’s effectiveness Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  39. Activity 5: “Claim It” Game • Stand together on one side of the room • As each statement is read, if it is true for you, move to the other side of the room • Reflect on how you feel about each of these statements and how you feel moving to the other side of the room and claiming that statement Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  40. Summary • The different dimensions of respect • The values of tolerance and understanding • Improving group effectiveness Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  41. What have you learned about mutual respect that you can apply to your everyday life? Note to Instructors: Click the Show/Hide Response Display Button LE200-C5L2:LQ9

  42. Which of the following would be the MOST USEFUL to you to continue your learning after this class? • Look up more information about this topic on the Internet. • Spend more time reading the text. • Work with others to study or review the material. • Other • Nothing. I feel confident I have learned/mastered this material. 0 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:LQ10

  43. Next…. • Done – building mutual respect • Next – establishing a common vision Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Chapter 5, Lesson 2

  44. The two-way relationship that develops between people or members of groups after the lines of communication are open and trust develops. (p. 194) • Tolerance • Mutual respect • Gender respect • Religious respect 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ1

  45. The internal strength that helps people feel connected, worthwhile, and valued (p. 195) • Self-worth • Mutual respect • Personal dignity • Self-discipline 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ2

  46. Respecting people’s differences and values (p. 197) • Prejudice • Tolerance • Discrimination • Stereotype 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ3

  47. An unfair opinion or judgment about a person or a group of people (p. 198) • Fear • Prejudice • Discrimination • Stereotype 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ4

  48. Unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group (p. 199) • Prejudice • Misunderstanding • Discrimination • Superiority 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ5

  49. An idea or a concept that is based on oversimplified assumptions or opinions, rather than on facts (p. 199) • Common goal • Gender equality • Stereotype • Mutual respect 0 0 0 0 LE200-C5L2:VQ6

  50. Variation or difference (p. 199) 0 0 0 0 • Diversity • Tolerance • Religious respect • Justice LE200-C5L2:VQ7

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