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Parent Drug Education Talk - Influencing Healthy Life Choices

Discuss drug trends, effects, and influencing teens for healthy choices. Learn about teen brain development, drugs, and parental influence. Understand the risks, signs of drug use, and how to intervene if needed.

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Parent Drug Education Talk - Influencing Healthy Life Choices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parent Drug Education Talk Healthy Students

  2. A discussion on drugs, effects, and how to influence your child to healthy life choices

  3. Liquid THC Snorting Heroin Cough Syrup What are the drug trends?

  4. Edible Weed Synthetic Weed Molly/Ecstasy What are the drug trends?

  5. Prescription drugs Mixing alcohol, cough syrup, & liquid THC What are the drug trends?

  6. The Developing Teen Brain Drugs and Your Influence Talking to Your Children Parent “Influencing Your Children” Agenda

  7. What’s under the hood?

  8. The Developing Teen Brain

  9. Still growing

  10. New brain cells grow every day – 10,000! – Half to support current habits, half to support new ones! LEARNING IDEA: People can change if they focus their mind on it!

  11. They can lose natural abilities - If they will stop doing them - includes being happy naturally Children have many gifts – they have to keep them all growing!

  12. Teen Brain Habits become stronger They will become good at what they spend the most time on– The brain grows wirings and connections to make them experts Our brains and bodies interact with the world at the molecular level and everything we bring in interacts with us and creates structures for sustained behavior

  13. Where does happiness begin? How does it work to grow us as humans?

  14. Seeking to feel good all the time Using the natural chemical of “Dopamine” Dopamine grows their bodies Teens feel less happy LEARNING IDEA: Teens need adventure! Excitement! Challenges! Safety! …And opportunities to learn AS INDIVIDUALS! Teen Brain Development

  15. Decision-making & self care just beginning Decision-making skills don’t fully develop until the age of 25 Teens are becoming independent and need to have experiences to find their truth LEARNING IDEA: Lead by asking the right questions…. Don’t tell… ASK Be a facilitative leader Teen Brain Development

  16. Drugs and Your Influence Parent Social Media Education Agenda

  17. How do drugs work? • Drugs Force Large Releases of Dopamine

  18. The Effects of Marijuana

  19. The Effects of Marijuana • Brain Development & Loss of I.Q. • Memory and Cognition • Motivational Systems & Reward• Appetite Changes • Immunological Function • Reproduction issues • Movement Coordination • Pain Regulation & Analgesia

  20. Signs of Use Marijuana: Blood shot, sleepy eyes combined with slow reactions and stumbled vocabulary, skunky smell Alcohol: Smell of alcohol, slurred speech, dramatic changes in personality, lack of coordination

  21. Effects of Alcohol • Alcohol kills brain cells and attacks all organs in the body • Poor decisions: commit felonies or get pregnant • Alcohol gives false courage • People do what they want, not what is right • People can die from overdose • One time can cause permanent brain damage or death • Addictive

  22. Other Drugs Signs of Use Speed: (Meth, Cocaine, Ritallin, diet pills) Excitability, dilated pupils, rapid speech, bouncing off the walls. Molly/Ecstasy: Dilated pupils, overly friendly and trusting, sweating, feverish to touch Heroin, PCP, Oxycotin, Cough Syrup: Sluggish, droopy eye lids, extremely insensitive to touch, slurring of speech.

  23. Long term Consequences LEARNING IDEA: Drugs are not good for children brain development Dramatic Changes in Brain Chemistry Retardation of Brain Development Psychological Impairment Physical Problems Physical Addiction Public Record Drug Use Death

  24. Responding to possible overdose Call for help immediately Ask your child to tell you exactly what they took and when. (some ingested drugs will kick in dramatically after 15 to 45 minutes) Ask them to tell you what’s going on with their body, their feelings, and their thoughts If passing out, lay on their side > keep passageways open

  25. Who is taking drugs? • Who is stressed, anxious or depressed? • Who needs friends and acceptance? • Who needs to feel important? • Who lacks direction?

  26. Intervening With Children Who Are Exhibiting Drug-Using Traits Notice any changes in attitude, behavior, school performance? Any new friends that may be behind the changes? What do the electronic devices tell you?

  27. Talking to Your Children Parent Drug Education

  28. My Communications • Have a few discussions with a friend or spouse exploring the impact of your own communications. • Children follow our examples • Anger creates irrational states of mind • Children need consistency from parents • Children need parents to be the leaders LEARNING IDEA: • Stay Calm

  29. Prevention Factors • Supportive family (tuned in, time together, supervision, fair rules/boundaries, Safety) • Healthy, Positive peer role models • Youth are connected (school, activities) • Social and Decision-making Skills

  30. Healthy Emotions Build Capacity

  31. Being the team leader • I care, I see, I feel, Listen • Make a non-judgmental Connection • Clear expectations and consequences • Communication & Monitoring • Integrity – Modeling • Lock up the alcohol and drugs LEARNING IDEA: • Get interested in how your children, think, make decisions, and feel

  32. Checklist Am I encouraging open dialogue? Does your teen tell you how they truly feel? Remind your child that he/she can always talk to you (or another caring adult) about anything – without judgment. (You want them to talk to you, right?)

  33. Am I setting aside one-on-one bonding time? Does your teen feel neglected? Is there a family crisis? Show your kid you love him/her by taking them out just you and him/her Remind him/her that you’re still interested in what’s going on in his/her life. Tune in with your child to pick up on problems or changes in his/her behavior.

  34. Self Care • Wake up caring for yourself emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. • Have your own life in order. • Have your own confidant • Divergent thinking = open-minded • Human beings are resilient! • Enjoy your free time! LEARNING IDEA: • You cannot give something to others if you do not have it yourself

  35. Re-Directing Behavior • Getting your child back on track • Establishing a healthy leadership relationship • Help your child find their purpose • Set them up on a winning team with accountability partners LEARNING IDEA: • You can only lead people that want to follow you

  36. What are my child’s strengths? Moving positive self respect forward People’s self esteem is based on “winning” and being self motivated People win greater and more frequently when they do what they are best at Have your child take a Strengths Test http://freestrengthstest.workuno.com/

  37. What are my child’s passions/interests? People do better when they do what they care about Follow your “heart path” and success will follow What was your child exceptional at when they were a toddler? When are they happiest?

  38. What is my child’s learning style? There are 8 known different intelligence styles Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical, Musical, Naturalistic, Linguistic, Visual-Spatial People all have intelligence People do best from their strength area

  39. What would be the best career for my child? Identify the future career by matching the strengths and passions with the intelligence style Co-construct a plan to get there backwards Get them involved in something right now that provides experience and mentors towards the career objective Teach them how to do day to day planning

  40. Its About them not you Never do what they can do… for them (if you do it, they don’t learn) Coach them on doing whatever it is Allow them to learn through natural consequences Celebrate their successes Empathize with their challenges State your belief in them ALWAYS 

  41. Robert Dousa (510) 273-1592 Robert.Dousa@ousd.k12.ca.us Contact Information

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