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LOG 201 Curriculum Review

LOG 201 Curriculum Review. Jim McMahon Course Manager. Log-201 Overview. Course Description Course Objectives General Course Information Terminal Learning Objectives Method of Assessment Achievements Issues/Concerns Recommendations. Log-201Course Description.

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LOG 201 Curriculum Review

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  1. LOG 201 Curriculum Review Jim McMahon Course Manager

  2. Log-201 Overview • Course Description • Course Objectives • General Course Information • Terminal Learning Objectives • Method of Assessment • Achievements • Issues/Concerns • Recommendations

  3. Log-201Course Description This course is designed to provide life cycle logisticians with the tools, methods and techniques required to participate in and manage the development of logistics support for DoD acquisition programs. It is a hybrid course based on the University of Phoenix model. The A portion is a60 day Distance Learning course using selected readings, on-line and other media research, and e- mail. The B portion consist of 5 days of facilitated group activities, such as practical exercises and case analyses during which the student will successfully demonstrate tools, methods and techniques learned during the Distance Learning portion.

  4. Log-201 Course Objectives • To Ensure the vital competencies identified for the Logistics Workforce are developed: • - Understand the use of M&S across the total life cycle • - Know and understand the Open System Concept and its relationship to providing the user with interoperable systems. • - Use Market Research to synthesize best value solutions. • - Develop user requirements in performance based terms. • - Know and understand the components of Total Ownership Cost

  5. Log-201 General Information • Intermediate Level Acquisition Course • Current version based on competencies contained in “DoD Mandatory Course Fulfillment Program and Competency Standards” and Appendix K-4 of the Acquisition 2005 Task Force Final Report. • Current Version Oct 2001, with updates in Nov 02 (policy and format) and May 03 (policy updates). • Contains 12 Lessons on-line and 7 Facilitated Exercises • Estimated at 60 hours to complete over a 60 day period • Worth 11.2 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) • Oct 2002 ACE accreditation for 3 Upper Division Baccalaureate or 2 Graduate Level Credits. • Prerequisite: ACQ 101, ACQ 201, LOG-101

  6. LOG 201A Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 1 - 4 • Lesson 1 - System Engineering:Given access to DoD Policy and related handbook, the student will be able to relate the elements of Systems Engineering to supportability and address the criticality of logistics participation in all areas of systems development. • Lesson 2 & 4 – Modeling and Simulation:Given access to DoD policy the student will be able to identify the importance of modeling and simulation and how it will prove beneficial to an acquisition program with an emphasis on logistics. Modeling and Simulation. Identify the procedures and tools used to perform and plan for modeling and simulation. • Lesson 3 - Emerging Concepts “Advance Concept Technology Demonstrations”Demonstrate and understand the overall intent of the ACTD program. Understand how an ACTD is established, managed and its effect on the performance of the Acquisition Logisticians’ duties.

  7. LOG 201A Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 5 - 7 • Lesson 5 - Market Research: Identify the value of market research in the early stages of system development as it applies to logistics management. Identify how the acquisition strategy and attendant requirements documents are influenced by the knowledge gained during the Market Research effort . • Lesson 6 – Evolutionary Acquisition:Demonstrate an understanding of Evolutionary Acquisition and address how that strategy will impact the system development and supporting documentation with an emphasis on acquisition logistics. • Lesson 7 -Test and Evaluation: Defend evaluation as a dynamic activity that will allow the identification and management of risk areas and can, if integrated in the system development, influence the system design.

  8. LOG 201A Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 8 - 10 • Lesson 8 – Life Cycle Costing: Lesson Overview: Defend the increased importance of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) to the successful development and fielding of a system and be able to relate how CAIV will enhance the management of LCC. • Lesson 9 – Open systems and Interoperability:Demonstrate an understanding of open systems and interoperability and how they will impact Total Ownership Cost (TOC) and logistic support planning. • Lesson 10 Performance Based Logistics:Generalize about the concept of Performance Based Logistics and its relationship to product support and how it use will enhance the logistics support planning and performance.

  9. LOG 201A Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 11 - 12 • Lesson 11 – Support Strategy Planning:Explain the criticality of support strategy planning. Be able to address the requirement to do this in an integrated environment from a logistics as well as a total systems perspective ensuring that current policy is met. Address how the development of the support concept and follow-on planning is not a reaction to the system designed, but has the potential to impact system design and should be considered in the requirements analysis process of systems engineering. • Lesson 12 - Contracting: Identify the responsibilities of the acquisition logistician in development of the Request for Proposal to ensure that support considerations are correctly developed, evaluated and included in the applicable sections. Understand how best value, past performance, incentives, and development of performance work statements and specifications are considered in the development of the Statement of Work or Objectives as well as the availability of tools to assist in performance of those task.

  10. LOG 201B Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 1 - 3 • Lesson 1 System Engineering: The student will be given a scenario that will require active participation in the following activities, with the objective of providing supportability analysis recommendations: Requirements Analysis, Functional Analysis and Allocation, Synthesis, using the System Analysis and Control process throughout the scenario as the management foundation for conducting the analysis • Lesson 2 - Modeling and Simulation:Within a group environment, the student will use a model to perform a trade-off analysis of various alternatives to determine a viable support mix that satisfies the users readiness requirement within an established cost constraint. To complete the exercise, the student will participate in individual group presentation that addresses appropriate areas of risk • Lesson 3 - Market Research: Perform a market research task and develop recommended logistics inputs to requirements and program documents, to include user requirements, acquisition strategy, supportability strategy and product specifications

  11. LOG 201B Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 4 - 6 • Lesson 4 - Life Cycle Costing: Use a model to analyze a program, recommend changes, and determine their effect on life cycle cost. Given a realistic program correctly develop a life cycle cost estimate. • Lesson 5 -Test and Evaluation: Use a management approach to identify those support areas of a given program that pose a significant risk in an operational environment. Identify the applicable area of the TEMP to address these operational concerns and will use a technical approach to develop the critical operational issues, measures of effectiveness and measures of performance. • Lesson 6 -Support Planning:Perform a risk assessment of an existing program identifying logistical issues or risks. Using a business case analysis approach develop an integrated support plan that incorporated their recommendations and brief them to an instructor representing a Program Officer.

  12. LOG 201B Terminal Learning Objectives:Lessons 7 • Lesson 7 Contracting:Use a risk analysis matrix and available tools to develop performance based work statements and performance specifications, which will be included in a Request for Proposal (RFP). The effort will include the development of instructions to the offeror and evaluation criteria. They will use a best value approach to review the contractors’ submission and provide their evaluation of the contractors’ proposal as well as identify clarifications required.

  13. Log-201 Assessment Methods • A portion: Course grades will be based on assignments submitted by the student which consist of M/C, Short Answers and 3 essays. • B portion: Group performance based on an established Rubric during the resident portion.

  14. Log-201 Achievements • Successfully migrated the course from an 8 to a 5 day resident offering in 1Q FY03 without affecting the existing course schedule or course quality. • Provided 38 offerings to more than 750 Students. • Updated Course Materiel within 4 weeks of Policy updates to DoD 5000 Guidance in October 02 and May 03. • Received ACE Accreditations at the Graduate Level • Recognized by DAU in its 2nd Q FY 03 review for high quality student evaluations.

  15. 96%

  16. 89%

  17. 94%

  18. Issues/Concerns • Student pre-requisite met. • Student Time Management. • Instructor Workload/Diversity • Maintenance of currency

  19. Recommendations • Supply Chain Management • Total Life Cycle Support Management • Prime Vendor/DVD/Virtual Prime Vendor • HSI • Integrate sustainment related issues into the existing course materials • Increase use of ATLAS database to optimize instructor utilization and increase throughput

  20. Thank You for your Trust and Continued Support

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