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Mr. Adamowicz Classroom Orientation. Welcome back!. Mr. Adamowicz. About Me: Graduated from Seminole High School Health Academy Graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelors of Science in Social Science Education. Currently working towards my Masters at UCF.
Mr. Adamowicz Classroom Orientation Welcome back!
Mr. Adamowicz • About Me: • Graduated from Seminole High School Health Academy • Graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelors of Science in Social Science Education. • Currently working towards my Masters at UCF. • 2nd year teaching Civics at SSMS
Supplies • Spiral Notebook (wide or college) • Folder • Paper • Pencil and/or Pen • Colored Pencils • GLUE STICKS!!!!!!! *You are expected to have these at all times
When you first walk in… • Please walk in to your assigned seat, take a seat and read the board. • Your backpack should be either on the floor or the back of your chair (i.e. not your lap or the desk) • Have your notebook out ready to begin class. • If you are not IN your chair and WORKING, you are not present for class and thus tardy.
What you will see on the board. Upcoming Community Service Civics DATE Learning Goal Twitter name Class website Date Assignment Page # Today’s Agenda Civics 1. 2. Upcoming due dates: 1. 2. Assessment
Interactive Notebooks • This is where 90% of your work will be done and kept. Everything is glued into the notebook or written directly into it. • The current pages we are working on in the unit will appear on the left hand side of the whiteboard in the classroom. • This is also 30% percent of your grade. • Random checks • Keep them with you at all times, • DO NOT leave them in the classroom!
Expectations • School Expectation: 4 B’s • Be Safe • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Productive • Classroom Expectations • 4 B’s, as 7th graders, who have been here for a year, I expect you to have mastered the 4 B’s. For success in my class the last two are essential. Responsibility, worry about your self and your grades. Productive, if you are not working or turning in work it will be hard to earn a good grade.
Classroom Expectations • Raise your hand if you have a question • Don’t shout out • Respect all peers of their questions and comments • Name calling will NOT be tolerated • Turning in homework • First thing as you walk, back of the classroom close to my desk • Your name and class period will be on everything you turn in. • If not, it will be place on display on the NO NAME HALL OF SHAME
Classroom Expectations Cont’d • If you need to leave the class for any reason: • 1st- write it in your hall passes in your interactive notebook. • 2nd- Raise your hand with your pass in hand • 3rd- I will sign it • 4th- Grab the Hall Pass off of the wall by the door • 5th- sign out on the clip board on the door.
Tardy Policy • First Offense: verbal warning • Second Offense: call home, and detention • Third Offense: call home, and detention • Fourth Offense+: handled by discipline
Discipline: Positive and Negative • Both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE behaviors will be recognized • Positive will result in praise or potentially Leadership Lira. • Negative will be dealt with accordingly. • Potential consequence: Detention with me Friday morning at 8:45. Parents/Guardians will be notified. If you miss detention, Wednesday School with Mr. Grace. • NO FOOD, GUM, or DRINKS are allowed at any time* *Subject to change by individual class behavior
Online Textbook • For Civics only, • Http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/connected/login.do • Redemption Code: 6NRN-2J1D-Y2Y0 • User Name: Student ID with an “s” at the end • Password: Birthday with “s” at the end (YYYYMMDDs) • This will have both the book and the workbook in digital forms for you to print out or read.
Your grade • Course work: 30% • Class work, homework, anything that is turned in not in your interactive notebook • Assessments: 40% • Tests, and Pretests • Interactive NB: 30% • Random checks, having one
Late work • If absent, you have the number of days you were absent plus one day to turn in all assignments. • Assignments MUST be turned in on their due date. • No late work will be accepted after close of the grading period. • Late work: letter grade a day. Each day it takes to turn in an assignment, is a letter grade deduction.
Technology in class • Cell phones are permitted in class only at MY discretion. • If you have a cell phone, please be sure you are able to use it in my classroom! • We will be using both texting and online capabilities, if you are unable to do one or the other please do not try and use them because it will cause your parents to pay a huge cell phone bill! In order to pay them pack you will have to get a job doing menial labor for the next 10-20 years and not being able to attend my class.
Technology, cont’d • Class website is: AdamowiczCivics.weebly.com • Website will be updated every Monday after school. • The website will include: • Weekly Agenda • Interactive Notebook- Table of Contents • Homework/Classwork • Online Textbook link
Technology, Cont’d • Twitter! • If you have a twitter and a device that you can get onto the internet, please take it out now. • Click on the button : #DISCOVER • Under the “Who to Follow” tab on the left side. Search for: @SSMS_Adamowicz • After you click follow: click the “turn on mobile notification” This will…..
Technology, cont’d • Polleverywhere.com • Two options in answering polls for class • 1st Option- using a cell phone you can text a poll code, then another code which corresponds with the answer you would like to choose in the message. • 2nd Option- using any device that has internet access, go to Pollev.com. You will type in the poll code, space, then another code which corresponds with the answer you would like to choose.
Option #1 Option #2
Technology, cont’d • Titan Pad • Allows us to chat instantly as you are working in groups only using one smartphone. • Netiquette- This is instant broadcasting of you and your groups thoughts. With that said, be appropriate, on task, and respectful of your peers thoughts. • Do not delete anyone’s posts, I can see what group is editing the document.
Technology, Cont’d • Every Monday afternoon a mass text will be sent out to both parents and students of class assignments for the, as well as the next test or quiz. • Students will receive an additional text prior to tests, with study guides and tips. Students Parents
Technology, cont’d • NOTICE!!!!!!!!!! • Any misuse of technology is subject but not limited to loss of technology for the school year, detention, and/or referral depending on the infraction.
brain Breaks • Block schedule is a longgggggg time in a class. • We will break up the class about half way through during each block class and have a brain break. • Some examples of are: • Four corners • Killer • Gotcha • Core break • Etc.
Wrap up • Backstory of Little Green Man: • Gazoo (the little green man) has come to earth but is slow to pick up the language and can only understand one word from one person. Everyone in class must tell Gazoo what is something they learned, in just 1 word. • Let’s try it using TitanPad. • If you don’t have a device to use today, you may work with a partner. Little Green Man!