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CLASSES OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. A-Organic chemistry. A1.The study of Carbon-containing compounds A2. Carbon can form single and multiple bonds with other elements and with itself. This results in a large number of organic compounds. B -Carbon bonding. C-Bucky ball.

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  2. A-Organic chemistry A1.The study of Carbon-containing compounds A2. Carbon can form single and multiple bonds with other elements and with itself. This results in a large number of organic compounds.

  3. B -Carbon bonding

  4. C-Bucky ball Biosphère, Environment Museum Montreal C60 Nobel Prize 1996

  5. D- Classes of organic compounds • Hydrocarbon (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic hydrocarbons) • Alcohols • Ethers • Aldehydes • Ketones • Carboxylic acids • Esters • Amines • Amides

  6. E-Aliphatic hydrocarbons E1. Alkanes: contain only single C-C bonds General formula:CnH2n+2 E2. Alkenes: unsaturated- contain at least one C=C bond General formula: CnH2n E3. Alkynes: unsaturated- contain CC bonds General formula: CnH2n-2

  7. F-Alkanes and the homologous series

  8. G- Alkane Homologous series

  9. H- Physical properties of the homologous series

  10. I- The reason Observation: The longer the carbon- carbon chain, the higher the boiling points and melting points because longer chain pack better than shorter alkanes

  11. J- How is carbon bonding represented on paper ? 1 carbon has to have 4 bonds around it to be stable

  12. K- Example Structural Formula Condensed structural formula Skeleton structural formula

  13. L- Straight vs. Branched alkanes L1. Straight chain alkane has higher bp and mp than branched alkanes because of their better packing than branched alkanes

  14. M- Alkanes can also be cyclic

  15. N- Unsaturated hydrocarbons N1. Are alkenes and alkynes N2. Alkenes contain double bonds in their structure N3. Alkynes contain triple bonds in their structure N4. Therefore, their structures has less hydrogen atoms than alkanes (i.e. saturated hydrocarbon)

  16. O- Alkenes (CnH2n) O1- Ethene is an alkene (commonly called ethylene). It is released by ripen fruits which helps ripen other fruits

  17. P-Alkenes (Cont’d) Propene Cyclic alkenes e.g. Cyclohexene

  18. Q- Alkynes (CnH2n-2) Commonly called acetylene Cyclooctyne A cyclic alkyne

  19. R- Recap Naming hydrocarbons

  20. S- Naming straight alkanes 1. CH4 2. CH3-CH3 3. CH3-CH2-CH3 4. CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 5. CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 6. CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 Answer: 1. methane 2. ethane 3. propane 4. butane 5. pentane 6. hexane

  21. T- Naming straight alkenes When naming alkenes and alkynes: -there are many ways to place the double bond or triple bond in molecules with >3 carbons - thus have to specify where the double bond and triple bonds are with a number 1. CH2=CH2 2. CH2=CH-CH3 3. CH2=CH-CH2-CH3 4. CH3-CH=CH-CH3 Answer: • Ethene • 1-propene 3. 1-butene 4. 2-butene

  22. U- Naming straight alkynes 1. CHCH 2. CHC-CH3 3. CHC-CH2-CH3 4. CH3-CC-CH3 Answer: • ethyne • propyne 3. 1-butyne 4. 2-butyne

  23. V-Aromatic hydrocarbon o- : ortho- m- : meta- p- : para- Benzene

  24. W-Frederick A. Kekule and the benzene ring structure = C6H6 hexagon Skeleton or Kekule structure

  25. X- Products from benzene Cinamaldehyde Benzaldehyde Vanillin Styrene Aspirin

  26. Y- Introducing Functional Groups Y1. What is a functional group? a group of atoms that gives the organic compound its unique chemical and physical characteristics Y2. examples: Carbon single bond (C-C, in alkanes), double bond (C=C, in alkenes) and triple bond (CC, in alkynes) are functional groups

  27. Z –Other functional groups

  28. Z –Other functional groups (Cont’d) A good summary table on page 252 of textbook

  29. AA- Identify ALL functional groups in the following compounds

  30. AA- Identify ALL functional groups in the following compounds (Cont’d)

  31. Organic Compounds in nature

  32. AB -Bee Sting and Formic Acid Formic Acid AB1. Beeswax, C15H31OCOC30H61 An ester of palmitic acid C15H31COOH and myricyl alcohol C30H61OH

  33. AC -Ibuprofen AC1- A widely sold OTC pain killer (Motrin, Advil)

  34. AD -Organic dyes/pigment/colorants anthocyanin

  35. AD -Organic dyes/pigment/colorants Chlorophyll used as food colorant and diet supplement

  36. AE- Synthetic organic compounds • Agent Orange: herbicide used to strip off leaves in Vietnam war • Contain extremely toxic organic compounds called DIOXIN known to cause birth defects and cancer dioxin

  37. ~ 71 million litres was sprayed in Vietnam

  38. The aftermath

  39. In-class work / Homework • Question 1, 2 page 183 • Question 3,4 page 186

  40. Nomenclature Flash Cards • In-class work if time permits • Create 5 flashcards to test your friends on how to name hydrocarbons. • There should be a picture on one side and the correct name of the compound on the back.

  41. Chemsketch Tutorial

  42. Exercise Identify the functional groups below: • CH3-CH3 • HC=CH-CH3 • CH3-CC-CH3 • CH3-CH2-CH2OH • CH3-O-CH3 6. CH3CHO same as 7. CH3COOH 8. CH3COOC2H5 9. CH3-CH2-NH2 10. CH3-CO-NH-CH3

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