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America as a World Power

America as a World Power. Chapter 18 Section 4. I Teddy Roosevelt & the World. Japanese set up Korea as indep. State but Russia had set their sights on Korea Japan attacks Russian P ac. Fleet destroys it completely and then destroys European fleet Japan retained control of Korea.

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America as a World Power

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  1. America as a World Power Chapter 18 Section 4

  2. I Teddy Roosevelt & the World • Japanese set up Korea as indep. State but Russia had set their sights on Korea • Japan attacks Russian Pac. Fleet destroys it completely and then destroys European fleet • Japan retained control of Korea

  3. Japan asked Roosevelt to mediate the conflict • Deal= Japan gets half Shaklin island & Russia lets Japan take over its interests in Manchuria & Korea • Roosevelt wins Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation efforts

  4. Relations with Japan • US & Japan continue talks • Agree to respect each other’s possessions in East Asia & Pacific • Roosevelt sends “Great White Fleet” on world tour to demonstrate US naval power • Japanese begin to build a bigger navy

  5. Panama Canal • Roosevelt wanted to build canal through central America • Reduce travel time for commercial and mil. Boats • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty= GB gives US exclusive rights to build and control canal through central America • Panama controlled by ColombiaUS negotiated w/ Colombia • Talks break down & Panamanian rebellion took place

  6. US negotiates treaty for Panama’s indepndence • Treaty also give the US control of canal zone and gave right to US to intervene in Panama (like Cuba)

  7. Roosevelt Corollary • Latin American countries took loans out fro European banks to built RRs • Roosevelt scared that if they defaulted European powers would intervene in Western Hemisphere • Roosevelt policy= Roosevelt Corollary • “Speak softly and carry a big stick” • Argued Europe. Powers must not intervene in W. Hem. • Warned that disorder in Latin Amer. would force the US to exercise its “int’l police power” to protect Amer. interests

  8. Nicaragua goes bankrupt due to rebellion • Taft instructs US banks to make loans to Nicaragua to pay it’s debt • US banks get $$ back by collecting Nicaraguan custom duties • Dollar Diplomacy= US gov’t guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American business people • Kept European powers out of the Caribbean

  9. III Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy • Monroe doc. Warns nations against expanding their influence in Latin Amer • Roosevelt Corollary asserts the US right to exercise international police power • Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy said US had right to deny recognition of any Latin Amer govt it viewed as oppressive or hostile to US interests • Pressured countries in west to establish Dem. Gov;t

  10. A. Mexican Revolution • US invest in Mexico businessesHuerta takes over Madero’s gov’t and executes himWilson refuses to recognize “a gov’t of butchers” • “Watchful waiting”Amer sailors arrestedmex. Apologized and released them but Wilson uses as an excuse to invade Mexico • Wilson withdraws after Carranza becomes president and recognizes his gov’t

  11. Pershing Pursues Villa • “poncho” Villa & Zapata lad revolt against Carranza • Threatened US • Villa followers kill Americans in Mexico and go to New Mexico and kill group of Amer. • Carranza allows Wilsonto send US troops • Gen. Pershing hunts down villamexicans tired of US invasionCarranza asks US to leavewilson refusesintesified anti-american feelings in mexico

  12. American imperialism dress US deeper into world affairs at the same time imperialism pushed European powers towards war

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