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Bachelor of Education (Primary) - AREP 100485 Professional Learning Portfolio Name of Student ID#: xxxxxx. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction- Portfolio Summary Academic Qualifications Work Experience Professional Beliefs and Values Achievements & Professional Learning
Bachelor of Education (Primary) - AREP 100485 Professional Learning Portfolio Name of Student ID#: xxxxxx
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction- Portfolio Summary Academic Qualifications Work Experience Professional Beliefs and Values Achievements & Professional Learning Reflection of the Journey Goals for Future Artifacts References
INTRODUCTION- PORTFOLIO SUMMARY I seek accreditation at Professional Competence level. I have just finished the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) - AREP at UWS, Bankstown campus and can teach ….. … I have always had a fascination for culture and Indigenous language … I have a great desire to share my knowledge with others. I have extensive experience working with communities and recently was awarded a medal for outstanding contribution to the community by the local Council. I also have been recognised by my supervising teachers to be outstanding in the classroom and have developed excellent rapport with my students and colleagues in the staffroom … In this portfolio I have addressed each standard as outlined by the NSW Institute of Teachers
Professional Knowledge • This domain encompasses that I have knowledge and understanding of the fundamental ideas, principles and structure of the six primary curriculum areas. I know the subject/content and how to teach it. I also have in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of my students and their implications for teaching and learning. These characteristics include the diverse social, cultural, ethnic, religious and special-learning-needs background of students and the influences these have on teaching and learning.
Professional Practice • This domain focuses on the action or process of teaching as well as the knowledge and skills gained through my experience as a teacher. I encompass the effective development of teaching and learning programs and the appropriate organization, selection, development and use of materials and resources. The importance of effective planning, assessment and reporting is also essential to my practice.
3. Professional Commitment • The commitment domain encompasses my capacity to reflect critically on my own practice accompanied by a commitment to my own development. A major component of this is the ability to engage in personal and collegial professional learning including contributing to professional communities. This domain describes also the relationship of teachers to the wider community. Teachers do not operate in isolation but rather value opportunities to engage actively with other members of their profession and their school communities.
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT • PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE • “be well prepared in terms of your knowledge of subject content” (Author, year) • Knowledge of subject content • I demonstrate knowledge of the subject, am able to present lessons which are content based and engage students through rich, meaningful and connected activities. I can develop a variety of learning activities suitable to students’ stages of development. (Artifact 1) • Teachers do need a solid knowledge base and the mastery of a broad range of teaching skills (Korthagen, 2001). …
Knowledge of pedagogy I provide relevant learning experiences; display awareness of and cater for different learning needs of students. I also communicate effectively with students; clarify purpose, aims and objectives of each lesson. (Artifact2) Shulman (1987) indicates, “there is a rich and complex knowledge base for effective teaching which includes: content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of learners and their characteristics, knowledge of educational contexts and knowledge of educational ends, purposes and values” (p.8).
Knowledge of NSW curriculum requirements I develop programs which are based on syllabus requirements and which reflect or incorporate requirements such as ICT and literacy. I also select balanced teaching and learning activities. (Artifact 3) I have designed and implemented relevant teaching and learning sequences using knowledge of the NSW syllabus documents.
2. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE “know how to teach that content to a diverse range of students” Providing feedback to students I ensure prompt marking or assessment of work and give constructive and justifiable feedback for improvement; ensure students understand why and how to achieve goals and give feedback which is learning focused and linked to outcomes. (Artifact 4) Becher, Eraut and Knight (1981) and Eraut (1993) discuss the importance of moral and professional accountability and upholding agreed standards and ethics of practice, as well as teachers meeting contractual obligations related to prescribed curriculum knowledge transmission.
Reporting • I write reports which use appropriate language and terminology and are easily understood by the parents/ caregivers and ensure that the purpose of the report is clear to intended audience. I am professional in practices; meet report deadlines; assess regularly and attend parent - teacher night. (Artifact 5) • Sachs (2005) outlines the importance of teaching standards being dynamic rather than static, and futures-oriented and creative, with conversations about practice using a sufficiently sophisticated language.
Create an environment of respect and rapport I always model and articulate expected behavior. I display and implement clear expectations, rules and consequences; ensure students can articulate the rules and their understanding of the goals and consequences. (Artifact 6) Ballantyne’s (2003) description of a socially critical approach to teacher education focuses on effective teachers using strategies and processes designed to critique social/cultural/political norms and using inquiry-based teaching programs, as opposed to focusing on skills and knowledge acquisition through an ‘apprenticeship’ process in schools.
3. PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT • “have a high level of practical experience before you can function as an independent professional.” • Capacity to analyze and reflect on practice • I seek assistance and advice from colleagues and supervisor; am willing to adapt in response to such advice/assistance. I reflect upon and develop an accurate self analysis of teaching performance. (Artifact 7) • Masters (2003) links quality teaching and student learning and the importance of being explicit about effective teaching as well as teachers sharing professional knowledge.
Engagement in personal and collegial professional development • I develop a personal, professional learning plan, participate in professional learning opportunities and display awareness of professional standards. (Artifact 8) • Ramsey (2000) stresses “a lifelong learning process’ involving ongoing professional development from initial teacher education to the early career years and throughout teaching lives” (p. 26).
Communicating with parents and caregivers I keep records which are used in reporting to parents and caregivers and other colleagues and follow established school protocols for communicating with parents and caregivers. I communicate with and behave towards parents and caregivers in a professional manner. I use appropriate language, both in writing and orally; uses clear and accessible language and use both positive and constructive comments. (Artifact 9) “Becoming a tactful, caring, or passionate teacher is treated as largely a matter of personal disposition, moral commitment, or private virtue, rather than of how particular ways of organizing teaching shape teachers’ emotional experiences” (Hargreaves, 2001, p. 1057).
REFLECTION OF THE JOURNEY Since Australia is a multicultural society, schools have students from different nationalities and background. As a teacher I have learnt to respect these differences and respond in a fair manner. … My teaching experience has given me an opportunity to learn a great deal about student learning. I have learnt how to assist students in their learning and design activities that actively engage students. … I have realized the importance of cooperative learning. It is an effective strategy which allows me to cater for individual differences within my classroom. The class is divided into small groups and students work collaboratively and take responsibility for various individual tasks. I have a better understanding of diverse learners and how to address these differences. I have learnt that the teacher has many resources available to him or her when dealing with exceptional students. Teachers must be aware of the differences among students and make adjustments when needed. They also must create an environment that respects these differences. I believe that a teacher must address diversity in the classroom in order to be an effective teacher. Teachers must be aware of the different learning styles in the classroom as well as their own.
I learnt that teachers have their own ways of creating a learning environment that has effective classroom management. I have also learnt that you must try different strategies to motivate students in their learning. I have definitely learnt the importance of reflection and professional development. I have learnt that an effective teacher is constantly reflecting and evaluating his or her actions and decisions. Since I have been reflecting, I have found that I have gotten to know myself so much better. I never used to be one that enjoyed journaling, but now I see the importance in it. I actually enjoy it now! I also learnt a lot about professionalism by being in the schools. I also learnt that becoming a professional also means looking into important issues taking place in education. It is so important for teachers to be aware of who they are and who they want to become. Reflecting helps put down on paper what I am feeling inside. I know that I want my students to remember me as the kind of teacher who went the extra mile to help a student out. If I continue to think about how I want to be remembered, then I can be aware of my actions and how they are perceived. It is important to continue to reflect for growth as a teacher.