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Download the PDF: https://www.demandmetric.com/content/channel-marketing-automation Companies that sell their products and services through resellers, dealers, distributors and other channel partnerships know that the lifeblood of their sales and profits rests on the quality of their channel relationships. Yet, due in large part to the complexity of their distributor networks, traditional marketing automation software has not provided these companies with the benefits enjoyed by other marketing and sales organizations. Until now. A new breed of marketing automation software that combines the best features of asset management, marketing automation functionality and Sales Enablement capabilities is emerging, specifically to address the challenges of channel partnerships. We call it Channel Marketing Automation. This How-To Guide is designed to help companies with reseller, dealer and distributor networks to empower their channel partners with the tools, information and technology they need for revenue growth and profitability by using Channel Marketing Automation.
2 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide Companies that sell their products and services through resellers, dealers, distributors and other channel partnerships know that the lifeblood of their sales and profits rests on the quality of their channel relationships. Yet, due in large part to the complexity of their distributor networks, traditional marketing automation software has not provided these companies with the benefits enjoyed by other marketing and sales organizations. Until now. A new breed of marketing automation software that combines the best features of asset manage- ment, marketing automation functionality and Sales Enablement capabilities is emerging, specific- ally to address the challenges of channel partnerships. We call it Channel Marketing Automation. This How-To Guide is designed to help companies with reseller, dealer and distributor networks to empower their channel partners with the tools, information and technology they need for revenue growth and profitability by using Channel Marketing Automation. At Demand Metric, we define Channel Marketing Automation as the strategies, technologies, tools and best practices used to optimize channel partnerships for better performance and profitability. Channel Marketing Automation goes beyond traditional marketing automation known for lead generation, nurturing and scoring to include asset management and Sales Enablement functions. This integrated asset, automation and enablement system approach allows companies to main- tain control over their brand while providing maximum marketing and sales support and flexibility to their channel partners. HOW-TO GUIDE What Is Channel Marketing Automation? Channel Marketing Automation 2 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide Companies that sell their products and services through resellers, dealers, distributors and other channel partnerships know that the lifeblood of their sales and profits rests on the quality of their channel relationships. Yet, due in large part to the complexity of their distributor networks, traditional marketing automation software has not provided these companies with the benefits enjoyed by other marketing and sales organizations. Until now. A new breed of marketing automation software that combines the best features of asset manage- ment, marketing automation functionality and Sales Enablement capabilities is emerging, specific- ally to address the challenges of channel partnerships. We call it Channel Marketing Automation. This How-To Guide is designed to help companies with reseller, dealer and distributor networks to empower their channel partners with the tools, information and technology they need for revenue growth and profitability by using Channel Marketing Automation. At Demand Metric, we define Channel Marketing Automation as the strategies, technologies, tools and best practices used to optimize channel partnerships for better performance and profitability. Channel Marketing Automation goes beyond traditional marketing automation known for lead generation, nurturing and scoring to include asset management and Sales Enablement functions. This integrated asset, automation and enablement system approach allows companies to main- tain control over their brand while providing maximum marketing and sales support and flexibility to their channel partners. HOW-TO GUIDE What Is Channel Marketing Automation? Channel Marketing Automation
3 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Maintains corporate brand integrity across multiple channel partners while giving partners the flex- ibility to personalize their content and sales materials. Improves partner engagement by automating marketing tasks, giving them the right marketing and sales materials to present your products and services to their customers. Accelerates content marketing and delivery with a fully automated asset management system. Empowers channel sales teams by directly connecting them to the marketing materials they need, exactly when they need them. Increases channel demand generation by automating your partners’ lead generation, scoring and nurturing programs for them, giving them more time to sell for you. Increases visibility and insight into channel partners’ performance. Creates channel incentives through multi-tiered marketing and sales automation. Enhances your channel partners social sharing and influence marketing with social media syndi- cation tools. Generates and tracks partner leads to avoid channel conflict and evaluate the strength of your channel. Measures activity and results so you know what campaigns are working and why. Channel Marketing Automation offers the following benefits to your organization’s channel partners: DemandMetricrecommendssixbestpracticestoensuresuccessindevelopingaChannelMarketing Automation program: What Is Channel Marketing Automation? Best Practices For Channel Marketing Automation Profile Create a profile or persona that represents each distinct type of channel partner. Focus on the business success criteria of your channel. Do you know what makes them successful? How do they run their business? What are their key challenges and obstacles? The better you know your channel partners and their business, the better your Channel Marketing Automation strategy will be. Channel Marketing Automation 3 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Maintains corporate brand integrity across multiple channel partners while giving partners the flex- ibility to personalize their content and sales materials. Improves partner engagement by automating marketing tasks, giving them the right marketing and sales materials to present your products and services to their customers. Accelerates content marketing and delivery with a fully automated asset management system. Empowers channel sales teams by directly connecting them to the marketing materials they need, exactly when they need them. Increases channel demand generation by automating your partners’ lead generation, scoring and nurturing programs for them, giving them more time to sell for you. Increases visibility and insight into channel partners’ performance. Creates channel incentives through multi-tiered marketing and sales automation. Enhances your channel partners social sharing and influence marketing with social media syndi- cation tools. Generates and tracks partner leads to avoid channel conflict and evaluate the strength of your channel. Measures activity and results so you know what campaigns are working and why. Channel Marketing Automation offers the following benefits to your organization’s channel partners: DemandMetricrecommendssixbestpracticestoensuresuccessindevelopingaChannelMarketing Automation program: What Is Channel Marketing Automation? Best Practices For Channel Marketing Automation Profile Create a profile or persona that represents each distinct type of channel partner. Focus on the business success criteria of your channel. Do you know what makes them successful? How do they run their business? What are their key challenges and obstacles? The better you know your channel partners and their business, the better your Channel Marketing Automation strategy will be. Channel Marketing Automation
4 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Engage Educate Empower Incentivize Measure We recommend two best practice steps for engaging channel partners here. The first is to invite some of your top channel partners, those who are already your best ambas- sadors and top performers, to help craft your channel marketing strategy. This assures that your strategy is developed with partner needs at the forefront. The second step is to engage your entire network with communication and connection. Share your Channel Marketing Automation plans, in detail, with all your partners as soon as possible, giving them time to prepare and setting the stage for the education phase. Develop a detailed education and roll out plan for your entire channel. Channel part- ners will undoubtedly have varying degrees of technology skill and knowledge. A solid education plan that explains the new marketing automation system, showcases the benefits and provides step-by-step instruction on usage will ensure your Channel Marketing Automation investment provides a solid ROI. Make sure that your channel partners have the knowledge, skills and tools to use the Channel Marketing Automation system effectively. Provide exact details on the kinds of tools, people talent and business/technology infrastructure each partner-company needs to have in-house to make the most of the new system. Provide incentives to use the system through rewards, rebates or cash incentives. If you want to go a step further, add Gamification features to your system to increase participation. Make sure metrics are in place to track the success and/or potential challenges of your channel partners. Your Channel Marketing Automation vendor should have a set of metrics built into their solution. These may require customization for your channel. Channel Marketing Automation 4 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Engage Educate Empower Incentivize Measure We recommend two best practice steps for engaging channel partners here. The first is to invite some of your top channel partners, those who are already your best ambas- sadors and top performers, to help craft your channel marketing strategy. This assures that your strategy is developed with partner needs at the forefront. The second step is to engage your entire network with communication and connection. Share your Channel Marketing Automation plans, in detail, with all your partners as soon as possible, giving them time to prepare and setting the stage for the education phase. Develop a detailed education and roll out plan for your entire channel. Channel part- ners will undoubtedly have varying degrees of technology skill and knowledge. A solid education plan that explains the new marketing automation system, showcases the benefits and provides step-by-step instruction on usage will ensure your Channel Marketing Automation investment provides a solid ROI. Make sure that your channel partners have the knowledge, skills and tools to use the Channel Marketing Automation system effectively. Provide exact details on the kinds of tools, people talent and business/technology infrastructure each partner-company needs to have in-house to make the most of the new system. Provide incentives to use the system through rewards, rebates or cash incentives. If you want to go a step further, add Gamification features to your system to increase participation. Make sure metrics are in place to track the success and/or potential challenges of your channel partners. Your Channel Marketing Automation vendor should have a set of metrics built into their solution. These may require customization for your channel. Channel Marketing Automation
5 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Lead Generation. Your vendor should support the primary features of a solid marketing auto- mation system including lead generation, scoring and nurturing. Asset Management. Unlike traditional marketing automation, which focuses on demand gener- ation, Channel Marketing Automation requires corporate brand integrity be protected and main- tained as it is distributed through the channel. Asset management features like user-access controls, customizable template libraries, on-demand access to marketing and sales materials and flexible on and off-line printing options protect your brand and drive channel sales. Lead Management. Your vendors’ solution should include features like lead distribution and registration to help avoid channel conflict and manage leads effectively. Campaign Management. Your Channel Marketing Automation system must enable partners to develop, schedule and send campaigns based on general interest as well as specific engage- ment behaviors. Integrating multi-tiered marketing and sales campaigns into your strategy will give your partners more options and flexibility. Analytics. Your vendor should provide a core set of metrics and measurements that provide you with insights into how your channel is performing against leads provided. Look for a vendor that offers an intuitive analytics dashboard for visibility, performance data capture for review and program refinement. Your vendor’s metrics should enable you to easily track your part- ners’ activities and level of engagement. Metrics that also track collateral effectiveness, which marketing and sales materials are working best for engagement and conversion, are key to effective asset management. Sales Enablement. Features such as mobile presentation apps, sales portals and sales play- books will make your partners’ sales team more effective. Vendors that integrate Sales Enable- ment features into their Channel Marketing Automation solutions provide the best of both worlds – marketing and sales. Look for the following features and functions when selecting a vendor for your Channel Marketing Automation solution: Channel Marketing Automation Vendor Selection Criteria Your Channel and Distribution Partners are the lifeblood of your revenues and profits. A new breed of marketing automation software that combines the best features of asset management, marketing automation functionality and Sales Enablement capabilities is emerging; specifically to address the challenges of channel partnerships. Ensure the success of your channel by investing in a Channel Marketing Automation solution. Bottom Line 5 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide HOW-TO GUIDE Lead Generation. Your vendor should support the primary features of a solid marketing auto- mation system including lead generation, scoring and nurturing. Asset Management. Unlike traditional marketing automation, which focuses on demand gener- ation, Channel Marketing Automation requires corporate brand integrity be protected and main- tained as it is distributed through the channel. Asset management features like user-access controls, customizable template libraries, on-demand access to marketing and sales materials and flexible on and off-line printing options protect your brand and drive channel sales. Lead Management. Your vendors’ solution should include features like lead distribution and registration to help avoid channel conflict and manage leads effectively. Campaign Management. Your Channel Marketing Automation system must enable partners to develop, schedule and send campaigns based on general interest as well as specific engage- ment behaviors. Integrating multi-tiered marketing and sales campaigns into your strategy will give your partners more options and flexibility. Analytics. Your vendor should provide a core set of metrics and measurements that provide you with insights into how your channel is performing against leads provided. Look for a vendor that offers an intuitive analytics dashboard for visibility, performance data capture for review and program refinement. Your vendor’s metrics should enable you to easily track your part- ners’ activities and level of engagement. Metrics that also track collateral effectiveness, which marketing and sales materials are working best for engagement and conversion, are key to effective asset management. Sales Enablement. Features such as mobile presentation apps, sales portals and sales play- books will make your partners’ sales team more effective. Vendors that integrate Sales Enable- ment features into their Channel Marketing Automation solutions provide the best of both worlds – marketing and sales. Look for the following features and functions when selecting a vendor for your Channel Marketing Automation solution: Channel Marketing Automation Vendor Selection Criteria Your Channel and Distribution Partners are the lifeblood of your revenues and profits. A new breed of marketing automation software that combines the best features of asset management, marketing automation functionality and Sales Enablement capabilities is emerging; specifically to address the challenges of channel partnerships. Ensure the success of your channel by investing in a Channel Marketing Automation solution. Bottom Line
6 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluate and Profile your Partners Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Evaluate and profile your channel partners to assess their level of preparedness for a Channel Marketing Automation Initiative. Action Plan STEP 1 - Evaluate and Profile your Channel Partners Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Partnership Marketing Evaluation Matrix V I E W R E S O U R C E Preparing Your Channel Marketing Automation Initiative Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool 6 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluate and Profile your Partners Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Evaluate and profile your channel partners to assess their level of preparedness for a Channel Marketing Automation Initiative. Action Plan STEP 1 - Evaluate and Profile your Channel Partners Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Partnership Marketing Evaluation Matrix V I E W R E S O U R C E Preparing Your Channel Marketing Automation Initiative Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool
7 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluate and Profile your Partners Create a Partner Council Create a Partner Council of your strongest and highest performing channel partners to help develop your Channel Marketing Automation strategy and roll out plan. Action Plan STEP 2 - Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Sales Growth Team Charter V I E W R E S O U R C E Identify Your Best Performing Channel Partners Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool 7 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Evaluate and Profile your Partners Create a Partner Council Create a Partner Council of your strongest and highest performing channel partners to help develop your Channel Marketing Automation strategy and roll out plan. Action Plan STEP 2 - Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Sales Growth Team Charter V I E W R E S O U R C E Identify Your Best Performing Channel Partners Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool
8 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Use the Vendor Selection Criteria listed above to evaluate potential Channel Marketing Auto- mation Vendors. Action Plan STEP 3 - Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Create a Partner Council Evaluate Channel Marketing Automation Vendors Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Evaluate and Profile your Partners 8 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Use the Vendor Selection Criteria listed above to evaluate potential Channel Marketing Auto- mation Vendors. Action Plan STEP 3 - Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Create a Partner Council Evaluate Channel Marketing Automation Vendors Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Evaluate and Profile your Partners
9 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Action Plan STEP 4 - Use our Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Use our Marketing Channel Ranking Tool to help you evaluate marketing campaigns that will work best for your channel partners. V I E W R E S O U R C E Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Discover the Right Marketing Campaigns & Best Partners Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Evaluate and Profile your Partners 9 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Action Plan STEP 4 - Use our Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Use our Marketing Channel Ranking Tool to help you evaluate marketing campaigns that will work best for your channel partners. V I E W R E S O U R C E Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Discover the Right Marketing Campaigns & Best Partners Marketing Channel Ranking Tool Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Evaluate and Profile your Partners
. 10 Channel Marketing Automation How-to Guide 1 2 3 4 5 Develop Your Plan With Your Partners Develop your plan with your Partner Council and vendor partner and use our best practice steps to launch your new Channel Marketing Automation initiative. Action Plan STEP 5 - Develop Your Plan With Your Partner Council And Vendor Partner Create a Partner Council Use the Vendor Selection Criteria Get Ready to Launch and Automate Your New Channel Evaluate and Profile your Partners Use Marketing Channel Ranking Tool
. Demand Metric is a marketing research and advisory firm serving a membership community of over 100,000 marketing professionals and consultants in 75 countries. Offering consulting playbooks, advisory services, and 500+ premium marketing tools and templates, Demand Metric resources and expertise help the marketing community plan more efficiently and effectively, answer the difficult questions about their work with authority and conviction, and complete marketing projects more quickly and with greater confidence — thus boosting the respect of the marketing team and making it easier to justify resources the team needs to succeed. To learn more about Demand Metric, please visit www.demandmetric.com About Demand Metric Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Join Linkedin Group © Demand Metric Research Corporation. All Rights Reserved.