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European Crisis (1919-1939)

European Crisis (1919-1939). Open your books to page 346 and read the chapter intro. New Notes.

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European Crisis (1919-1939)

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  1. European Crisis (1919-1939)

    Open your books to page 346 and read the chapter intro
  2. New Notes Its finally time for you to be responsible for your own notes. However, to help guide you I have created note sheets for you with the BIG ideas and terms. Your job is to write supporting information about each topic that you find important. Suggestions: -Do NOT attempt to write sentences; use bullets and abbreviations -avoid writing EVERY thing on the slide- pay attention to what I am saying not just what the slide says -Review questions are off old regents- jot down notes about those too! -Take notes during the videos as well
  3. Read page 346 Baumer writes “Now if we go back we will be weary, broken, burnt out, rootless, and without hope”, what do you think caused this among the men?
  4. Europe After WWI WWI was ended after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to: -Accept blame for the war -pay huge reparations to the allies The Treaty redrew the boundaries of Europe and created several new nations. The Treaty also will lead to future war. The Big Three represented which nations? Britain, France and the United States 3:07
  5. War to end War… After WWI many nations worked together to avoid further war: -Locarno Spirit- France and Germany ban war Forever at a conference in Locarno, Italy -Kellogg-Briand Pact- Agreement to “renounce [outlaw] war as an instrument of national policy”. It was signed by nearly all the independent nations of the world. -Nations voluntarily reduced the size of their Navies -Germany and Soviet Union join the League of Nations What do you think is the problem with the League of Nations and Kellogg-Briand pact? There is no way to enforce the ban or to stop aggressors without being aggressive back.
  6. Post War Problems -lack of jobs for returning soldiers-National debts were too high -fear of communism spreading from Soviet Union -fear of another war
  7. Economic Success and Failure Economy improves: -War vets start finding jobs -Wages improve -people buy many goods: fridges, cars and radios -many buy on margin/credit increasing sales Economy plateaus: -Margin reaches a limit and begins to be asked back -Overproduction as sales drop off Economy Crashes: -Stock market Crashes on Black Friday-banks Fail -unemployment rises as businesses continue to close
  8. Great Depression -People’s loans are called in to be paid but they don’t have the money -Jobless can no longer afford goods- forcing factories to lay off more employees -The world economy falls as trade between nations decreases By the 1900s there is a global economy. The Great Depression began in the United States but immediately impacted the rest of the world By 1932 –30% of German workers were unemployed. –22% of British and U.S. workers were unemployed. Today’s rate in the U.S. is 7.8% :59
  9. British Empire Declines The economic and political woes of post war Europe forced Britain to re-examine its colonies. Many colonies become Commonwealths:-Canada-Australia-New Zealand-South Africa. Still linked to Britain because of economic and cultural ties, but politically independent
  10. Irish Civil War Even Ireland will break away- led by the IRA Irish Republican Army- Ireland demands self rule In 1921 the British and Irish agreed on an unpopular agreement: -Southern Ireland = independent -Northern Ireland= Stays with England (mostly protestant like England) Today, many Irish are still unhappy about the partition of Ireland, and conflict still occurs.
  11. Post War France -Won the war but had millions of casualties and French citizens were scarred (emotionally and physically) from the war -Democratic government constantly under attack by extreme conservatives (want king) and communists -#1 concern- securing France against Germany Two tier plan:-Defensive line on border-enforce terms of Treaty of Versailles to keep Germany poor and weak
  12. French Security The French took steps for protection:-Maginot Line- a string of defenses to protect against a German invasion -Sought alliances -Insisted the Treaty of Versailles be followed to keep Germany’s economy and military weak Why does the Maginot Line extend to the border between France and Belgium? The German’s Schlieffen plan of WWI had included an invasion through Belgium
  13. European Government After WWI three forms of government compete in Europe:Democracy: holds on in Britain and France despite economic and political issuesCommunism: Soviet Union pushes for communism to spread out to other nations. Support given to communist groups worldwide. Fascism: anchored in Italy but gains support in Germany under Hitler
  14. Review
  15. Fascism “Any Authoritarian Government that is not communist” Often characterized by extreme nationalism, racism and militarism. The importance of the nation is above all else, individual rights and freedoms are lost. The Government is has total control of every decision and its people Fascism began in Italy post WWI
  16. Review
  17. Fascism in Italy Frustrated by disorder in post WWI Italy, Benito Mussolini pushed for an end to the constitutional government, to be replaced with an authoritarian government. Benito’s Black Shirts and attacked socialists, communists and royalists. They smashed the opposition’s printing presses, attacked unions and influenced voters. 1922- March on Rome- Tens of Thousands chant as they swarm into Rome The Italian King concedes power to Mussolini. 4:35
  18. Il Duce Mussolini adopts the name “Il Duce”= The Leader Suppressed rivals, censors the press and limits voters rights Promised to bring strength and stability back to Italy Revived national pride through nationalism and a call to return to “the Glory of Rome” The sticks= unity The ax= authority Unity around Mussolini’s authority
  19. Fascist Economics Businesses under State control- still working for profit but Government controlled with appointed representatives Workers wages were low, but unions were forbidden. It became unlawful to strike, and discontent was met with punishment
  20. Social Policies Believe, Obey, Fight- state slogan Men were taught to be selfless fighters- the needs of Italy over the needs of the individual Women were glorified as home makers- they were forced out of the work force. However, any woman who had 14 or more children received a medal from Il Duce for their service to the state.
  21. Fascist Youth -Mussolini shaped the minds and beliefs of the youth -Boys and Girls taught with strict military discipline -At torchlight ceremonies young students would sing national hymns and chant “Mussolini is always right”
  22. Fascism and Communism Similarities: -Blind Devotion to state -Terror and secret police to secure power -economies flourish under TOTALitarianism -Vast changes to society -Leaders are popular and claim to rule in the best interest of the nation
  23. Fascism and Communism Differences:
  24. Weimar Republic (Germany) Post WWI Germany reorganized from a monarchy to a parliamentary Government-Chancellor and legislature -near universal suffrage-Bill of Rights to protect the people Problems: -weak government and not popular -communists, backed by Russia made plays to get power -Conservatives wanted to restore the monarchy
  25. Occupation and Inflation In 1923 Germany fell behind in their reparation payments. France occupied the coal rich Ruhr valley. The German miners refuse to work (Passive Resistance). To support the miners the government printed money to help them buy food/goods. This led to inflation- the value of each dollar dropped because there was so much money! 1922 1923 100 marks = 944,000 marks
  26. Hyperinflation Money in Germany became worthless. Average workers earned Billions of marks a year, bread cost tens of thousands. 8:24
  27. Dawes Plan The United States stepped, offering loans and convincing France to lower reparation payments. The agreement was called the Dawes plan
  28. Hitler’s Rise -Leader of the Right Wing National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZIs) -hated Communism-Attempted to over take government in 1923- failed and sent to Prison -in Prison he wrote Mein Kampf- outlined his views Gained support by promising:-End reparations-create jobs-re-arm Germany-take care of the German State Eventually voted into power 9:39
  29. Mein Kampf Outlines Hitler’s views: -Extreme Nationalism -Racism -Anti-Semitism -Germans=Aryan= Supreme Being -Germany never lost the war, they were betrayed by the Jews -A strong leader was needed to lead Germany: Fuhrer
  30. The Third Reich Hitler’s Totalitarian state: -Controlled all areas of life -used SS troops and Gestapo to root out and end opposition -Controlled schools and religion -Suspended Civil Rights -destroyed opposition -Disbanded political parties -executed Nazis suspected of not being loyal **Many Germans did notice their rights were being limited but they were more happy to be employed and the prospering German nation. They did nothing to halt his power**
  31. Fascism takes hold of Europe 9:58
  32. Anti-Semitism Wanted to drive the Jews out of Germany and limited their rights-cant go to school or university -cant work for the government -cant practice law or medicine -books written by Jews are banned Many Jews, including Albert Einstein, fled to the United States and other sympathetic nations
  33. Kristallnacht November 9 + 10, 1938 In an attempt to scare the Jews out of Germany. Nazi led riots looted Jewish stores and homes. Rioters destroyed property, burned Jewish businesses and Synagogues. 5:22
  34. Response “The Nazis came first for the Communists. But I wasn’t a communist, so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for the Jews, but I wasn’t a Jew so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for the trade unionists, but I wasn’t a trade unionist so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for the Catholics, but I was a protestant so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for me. By that time, there was no one left to speak up.” The German public didn’t oppose the change because they enjoyed the freedoms, better economy, and strong leadership.
  35. Why were the fascists so popular? The dictators were able to get power because the people wanted change:“Democracy has disappeared in several great nations, not because the people of those nations dislike democracy, but because they have grown tired of unemployment and insecurity, of seeing their children hungry while they sat helpless in the face of government confusion and government weakness… Finally, in desperation, they chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of getting something to eat.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Why do the people turn against democracy according to Roosevelt? What do the people have to give up and what will they receive? “they have grown tired of unemployment and insecurity,…” “Government confusion and weakness” Give up their “liberties” to get “something to eat”
  36. Challenges to Peace Dictators in Italy, Germany and Japan pursue goals to build empires The western democracies are urged by voters to end war and solve issues diplomatically so they pursue Appeasement- They give into the demands of aggressive nations to avoid war. What does this political cartoon imply about appeasement? Can anyone guess who drew it? Appeasement shows weakness and cowardice Dr. Seuss
  37. Hitler makes moves In 1936 Hitler violates the Treat of Versailles by building up an army Then pursues goals: -Sends troops to occupy the Rhineland-Unites German and Austria in Anschluss -invades Czechoslovakia to unite German speakers -Munich Pact 1938- Czechoslovakia is convinced by Great Britain and France to give in to Hitler’s demands and in return Hitler promises no more expansion -1939 Hitler seizes the remaining Czechoslovakia territory. *Only Democratic Poland remains- Western powers promise to protect*-Nazi-Soviet Pact- Non-aggression agreement between Russia and Germany- also includes plans to divide Poland -Poland invaded on 9/1/1939- war declared!
  38. Appeasement: As Hitler continued to take over parts of Eastern Europe, the Western powers stood by and did nothing.
  39. World War II 1939-1945 These nations entered the war later on WWI- Trenches In France and Russia WWII- Mobile Aggression Europe, N. Africa and Asia
  40. Blitzkrieg “Lightning War” Hitler took control of Poland within a month. After a quiet winter he continued his conquest on Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. By May Allied forces are retreating from France. Germany and Italy invade France, take control and begin occupation. Miracle of Dunkirk:Allied forces were evacuated away from Dunkirk using military, commercial and private boats. Over 300,000 troops are rescued.
  41. Britain stands alone Led by Winston Churchill: “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender” Woman:Mr. Churchill, you are drunkChurchill:and you madam are ugly, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly 2:25
  42. Hitler’s Operations Three main operations: Operation Sea Lion- Britain Operation Desert Fox- North Africa (Egypt) Operation Barbarossa- Russia
  43. Operation Sea Lion- Britain Invade England after a massive air assault- military targets switched to civilian targets London Blitz- 58 nights of bombing 15,000 perish and nearly half of the city destroyed but the citizens hold on
  44. Desert Fox- Africa German General Rommel became known as the Desert Fox- thus the nick-name Desert Fox Germany and Italy tried to overturn Egypt and gain control of the Suez Canal. Britain sent thousands of troops to protect their trade passage
  45. Operation Barbarossa- Soviet Union Hitler wants to crush communism and take Russia’s natural resources 3 Million troops storm into unprepared Russia Russian troops retreat, burning crops and supplies as they go (like scorched earth) Leningrad Siege:The Germans are not ready for the Russian winter, so they surround the city and do not let supplies in. They are hoping to starve out the Russians. Over 1 million Leningrad citizens perish, survivors eat paper, wall paper and even boiled leather
  46. Final Solution- GENOCIDE The Axis powers were dominating the war from 1939-1942. Hitler and his Nazis set up Concentration camps through out occupied land where they carried out the systematic killing of Jews, dissenters, gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped and other religious followers. 2:19 2:33 **Only the people of Denmark resisted and successfully evacuated over 90% of their Jews to neutral nations** 1:45
  47. Holocaust- The Terrible things allegory http://vimeo.com/31162159 6:50 What does the Big Rabbit say every time a new animal is taken away? Why does the little rabbit questions fall on deaf ears?
  48. US Neutrality“It’s their war” Scared to be involved in another war in Europe the American people pushed politicians to remain neutral. As the US continues its policy of neutrality, President Roosevelt finds a way to supply aid to the Allies. He convinces Congress to pass the Lend Lease Act which allows the US to lend or sell war materials to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the US”. “Arsenal of Democracy”
  49. Pearl Harbor Lives in infamy Roosevelt pledged to stay out of the war because the US was not directly involved. However, the Japanese angry with the US for halting trade with them, bombed the Navy base at Pearl Harbor. 3:50 2:37 1:40
  50. What are these pictures of? Japanese Internment Camps in AMERICA **In times of war, civil liberties may be limited** Japanese Americans were interned, or kept, in large camps to “protect” the united states safe from Japanese spies. Most of the Japanese Americans in the camps were born in America.
  51. Allied Efforts The Big Three: Britain: ChurchillSoviets: StalinUnited States: Roosevelt They didn’t trust each other but agreed to deal with the European problem before the Japanese/ Asian problem
  52. TOTAL war Governments increased in power during the war: -Order factories to make planes/tanks -ration food and gas -set prices and wages -internment camps for the Japanese Americans **In times of war, civil liberties may be limited**
  53. Propaganda Used to promote the war effort and to spread dislike of opposition. Posters like Rosie the Riveter convinced women to join the work force:
  54. Turning Points:Africa and Italy The allies pushed Axis forces out of North Africa and pushed them back through Italy. Hitler sends additional troops to the Italian forces, creating a Third Front.
  55. Turning Points:Stalingrad Hitler’s siege of Leningrad was not working, so he tried to take Stalingrad instead. He circled Stalingrad, preparing a siege, but the Russian troops circles around him. One year later the Germans surrender (300,000 German causalities)
  56. Turning PointsFrance D-Day D-Day Dwight Eisenhower planned an Allied invasion of France. To prepare the Allies constantly bombed German factories, aircraft sites and military supply warehouses. The Allies stormed Normandy’s beaches on June 6, 1944 with 176,000 troops. Aftermath 3:53 Invasion 3:44
  57. Battle of the Bulge Last battle in Europe- Soviets and US/Brits met at Elbe River and attacked Berlin. When they entered the city Hitler was dead and Germany surrendered on May 7th, 1945
  58. Post War Europe As the Allies enter German held lands the holocaust comes to light, revealing the true horrors. Nazis like Auschwitz operator Rudolf Hoess admit to mass murder in the millions. The Nuremburg trials begin, holding political and military leaders responsible for wartime actions.
  59. Pacific Theater The Americans stopped the Japanese expansion into the Pacific at Midway. Once the European war was over the Allies began an Island hopping campaign to push Japan back.
  60. Manhattan Project While the military island hopped the Pacific, scientists in the US were studying ways to harness the power of the atom. In July 1945 detonated first Atomic bomb test President Truman ordered Japan to surrender of face “Utter and complete destruction” Atomic bombs dropped:Hiroshima- 8/6/45- 70,000 killed instantly Nagasaki- 8/9/45- 40,000 killed instantly **many more die from radiation exposure over time**
  61. Japan surrenders The war officially ends when Japan signs a peace treaty in September 1945.
  62. United Nations With war officially over, the world looks to create and restore peace. The United Nations is created to keep peace with five permanent members:US, Britain, France, Soviet Union and China Today the UN plays a peace keeping role AND humanitarian society, responding with aid to natural disasters, disease outbreaks and aiding nations economically.
  63. Yalta Conference Disagreements at Yalta (allies met in 1945 to discuss post-war Europe) -The Soviets were denied war reparations from the Germans by the Allies -The Americans pressed the Soviets to declare war on Japan -Poland’s future- Soviets wanted Poland to remain communist, but the Allies insisted free elections be held to allow the nation to chose their own government -Germany is split into 4 Zones of Occupation: American, British, French, and Soviet -The Soviet Union begins the Coniform Program- offering advice and support to Communist parties in other countries around the world
  64. German Occupation After WWII The allies split Germany into 4 zones of occupation. Each nation was responsible for the rebuilding and demilitarization in their zone. Berlin, Germany’s capital, was also split into 4 Zones of Occupation
  65. Cold War Though the Allies had worked together during the war, deepening suspicions and fundamental differences caused tensions. Soon the United States and Soviet Union were locked in the Cold war: hostility between nations WITHOUT armed conflict. Allies- want to promote democracy and capitalismSoviet Union- promote totalitarian regimes and communism
  66. Satellite nations/ buffer Zone Stalin didn’t trust France and Germany to not invade again so he created a “Buffer zone” to protect the USSR
  67. Iron Curtain The division between the communist influenced nations and democratic nations was referred to as the Iron Curtain
  68. Appeal of Communism Post WWII:-people are starving -cities in ruins -homes destroyed -millions dead -few jobs But Communists are promising:-jobs for all -food and shelter for all -strong government Which would you prefer? Why?
  69. Containment The United States passed several measures to ensure the “containment” of communism inside the iron curtain. Truman Doctrine- “it must be the policy of the US to support free people who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures [USSR]” Marshall Plan- Use financial aid to combat the appeal of communism- billions spent By providing basic needs and financial aid to rebuild, communist influences are reduced
  70. Berlin Blockade 1948- time to reunite Germany as one independent nation but USSR refuses. Stalin blockades West Berlin to get rid of foreign influence to turn it to communism. The Allies respond with the Berlin Airlift- thousands of supplies are flown into West Berlin for over a year
  71. NATO 1949 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) The United States and Western European nations (11 in total) formed an alliance pledging to help one another if attacked Warsaw Pact In response to the formation of NATO, Stalin created an alliance with 7 Eastern European Nations, mostly the Soviet’s satellite nations.
  72. Arms Race The Soviet Union quickly develops an Atomic bomb. The US develops a Hydrogen bomb. The Soviet Union develops a Hydrogen bomb Both attempt to create more powerful weapon superiority
  73. WWII Long last effects -Cold War lasts until 1991- over 40 years -wars are fought pitting Communists against democrats -new more powerful weapons -North Korea considers US their “Sworn Enemy”
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