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Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Role of the ELAC & SSC. La Chanee Thompson and Robert Oye Title I Coordinators Educational Service Center South. Objectives. Understand the roles and responsibilities of ELAC and SSC in the development of the SPSA.
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Role of the ELAC & SSC La Chanee Thompson and Robert Oye Title I Coordinators Educational Service Center South
Objectives • Understand the roles and responsibilities of ELAC and SSC in the development of the SPSA. • Know the components of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. • Understand the required parental involvement elements of the SPSA.
It’s the Law… California Education Code 64001 requires that districts receiving categorical funding ensure that participating schools prepare a SPSA. It’s an Action Plan…The SPSA identifies needs and strategies for addressing the achievement of at-risk students. It’s a gateway… The SPSA is the driving force in providing supplemental resources to schools. SPSA…Why do we need it? 3
California Education Code 52852 requires schools to establish a School Site Council (SSC) as the decision-making council for categorical programs. The SSC is required to collaboratively develop and approve the SPSA with written advice from appropriate school advisory committees (ELAC, etc.). Expenditures described in the SPSA must be aligned to data that will address specific needs and must be annually evaluated by the SSC. SPSA…Who is responsible? You are 4
Navigating the SPSA There are 7 Sections of the SPSA District and School Information Comprehensive Needs Assessment Performance Meter Matrix Title I Required Components Parent & Community Engagement ESC Monitoring Funding (Budgets)
SPSA Goal Matrix Pages 14-18 • The Goal Matrix pages are the heart of the SPSA. • In this section, schools will describe the specific tasks, actions and strategies needed to raise student achievement for students. • There are six areas of focus in the SPSA Goal Matrix. 100% Graduation (High Schools Only) English Language Arts Mathematics English Language Programs Parent and Community Engagement 100% Attendance, Suspension/Expulsion and Non-Cognitive Skills.
Parent and Community Engagement Parental Involvement Policy, Page 22 • Each school along with ALL stakeholders will develop a Parental Involvement Policy that engages parents as equal partners in their child’s education • Schools ensure that they received input and assurances from all councils and committees • Schools will distribute the school-parent compact annually
Parent and Community Engagement School-Parent Compact, Page 23 • School must develop a school-parent compact jointly with stakeholders that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement. • Schools solicit input and assurances from all councils and committees. • Schools will distribute the school-parent compact annually.
Budgets 2014-2015 Budget pages will be inserted on page 25.
Attachments • Submit with Plan: • SSC Approval of SPSA • Include copies of agenda, minutes, and sign-ins verifying approval of the SPSA. • Include any written parent comments of dissatisfaction with the SPSA (SWP). • Documentation (i.e., agendas, sign-ins, and minutes) must remain at the school site for five years. • Annual Title I Meeting • Evidence of yearly Title I parent meeting. (Agenda and flier) • School Report Card (School Experience Survey for Parents) New Schools—insert the Analysis of School Experience Survey for Parents located in the Resource Guide for Completing the SPSA. • CD containing an electronic copy of the 2014-2015 SPSA in Word format • Retain at the School: • Small Learning Community Plan • GATE Plan • Grants (Include plans for any grants received by the school.) • Safe School Plan • LAUSD Public School Choice Proposal
The End Questions Comments Concerns Contacts: La Chanee Thompson, ldt7275@lausd.net Robert Oye, robert.oye@lausd.net