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Learn about the key components and focus areas of the Pleasanton Unified School District's Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA), including measurable goals, detailed strategies, targeted instruction, and measuring effectiveness.
2018-2021Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) Pleasanton Unified School District Board of Education Meeting April 17, 2018
Key Components • Measureable goals • Detailed strategies • Targeted instruction • Student group focus • Measuring effectiveness
District Strategic Plan All schools developed focus areas addressing theDistrict Strategic Plan’s Bold Goals. • Curriculum and Instruction • Personal Growth (Student Character Development) • Learning Environment • Professional Development • Parent Involvement
Focus Areas Focus Areas describe activities related to: • Supporting site Area of Inquiry / Theory of Action • Targeted subgroup interventions and support, including LCAP (Local Control & Accountability Plan) • Use of systemic data • Common Core State Standards implementation • Benchmark assessments • Instructional Strategies • Collaborative work/PLC’s (Professional Learning Communities) • Mission and Vision
Interacting with the 2015-17 Essential Question 1 How can leveraging the 2017-19 School Plan have an impact on significantly driving school-wide efforts to improve the teaching and learning for every student, especially the historically underserved student sub-groups?
Essential Question 2 How do the school’s Theory of Action and Area of Inquiry embrace the work underway in the classrooms? • Interim assessments/progress monitoring tools • Formative assessment results • Multiple measures reports • Noticeable results
Principals’ Sharing School Plan Highlights • Elias Muñiz: Hearst Elementary School • Robin Munsell: Harvest Park Middle School • Jason Krolikowski: Foothill High School
Hearst Elementary School School Plan Highlights Elias Muñiz
Theory of Action If all teachers are engaging students to extend their thinking through written expression in various areas of the curriculum, then all students will reach deeper levels of understanding and achievement in their content knowledge.
Area of Inquiry How might teachers engage students in writing across the curriculum to effectively instruct, support and assess all students in their writing?
Goal #1: At Hearst, the goal is to continue with the efforts of closing the opportunity/achievement gap with all of our students. The goal is to increase student proficiency by 5% overall in the ELA portion of the CAASPP.
Actions To Be Taken To Reach This Goal • Data talks, use multiple measures to assess student progress toward proficiency • Align instruction and implementation of district adopted curriculum and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) • Continue to provide strategic and intensive interventions to accelerate learning • Teachers will be provided with professional development based on identified areas of need • Continue to provide opportunities for parents to participate in school improvement efforts, culture and leadership roles
Harvest Park Middle School School Plan Highlights Robin Munsell
Theory of Action If all students are engaged in collaborative learning opportunities and academic conversations across content areas that are rigorous and stimulate critical thinking, then all students will leave Harvest Park Middle School prepared for success in high school and beyond.
Area of Inquiry Harvest Park students need collaborative learning opportunities that allow them to engage in academic conversations in which they can demonstrate their ability to listen attentively, paraphrase and synthesize information, support ideas with evidence, and think critically.
Goal #1: Harvest Park will continue progress for engaged learning and provide collaboration opportunities for students so that Harvest Park will increase the percent of students achieving proficiency in Listening by 5% overall.
Activities and Strategies to support this goal include: • Blended learning PD that addresses listening and speaking standards • Administer Interim CAASPP, analyze results, use data to inform instruction • PD on engagement strategies and activities that teach listening and speaking standards (including AVID strategies) • Reading intervention course • OARS transition to Illuminate Education
Foothill High School School Plan Highlights Jason Krolikowski Josh Butterfield
Theory of Action If all students and staff: -meaningfully connect to our FHS community, -make productive use of their time, -collaboratively and independently engage in rigorous critical thinking, -use academic language across the curriculum, -are challenged to act with conscience and integrity, Then students will graduate from FHS prepared for social, college, and career success in the 21st century.
Area of Inquiry Foothill High School has identified that students need greater access and opportunities to: -Demonstrate ability to orally deliver information for a variety of purposes and audiences. -Accurately interpret and use information delivered orally. -Engage in tasks that promote greater depth of knowledge questioning.
Focus Questions Focus Questions: 1. What evidence is there that students are delivering information orally? 2. What learning tasks are students engaged in and where do they fall in the DOK? 3. What evidence exists of academic vocabulary being used? 4. What observable evidence of interpreting information accurately is present?
“Achievement is enhanced to the degree that students and teachers set and communicate appropriate, specific and challenging goals” ~Hattie,Visible Learning