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Get updates from the 6th International Steering Committee Meeting of the International Solar Alliance held on 20th February 2018 in New Delhi, with discussions on important agenda points.
International Solar Alliance: 6th International Steering Committee Meeting Anand Kumar Chairperson International Steering Committee International Solar Alliance 20 February 2018, New Delhi
Agenda • 1. Opening remarks by the Chair • H.E.Mr Anand Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India. • 2. Remarks by the Co-Chair • H.E. Mrs Ségoléné Royale, Special Envoy for the Implementation of the International Solar Alliance, Government of France, President of COP21, former Minister of Environment and Energy. • 3.Adoption of Agenda for the 6th ISC meeting • Agenda notes circulated . • 4. Confirmation of Report of the 5th ISC meeting • The 5th ISC Meeting Report at Annexure I of Agenda Notes. • 5. Action taken report on the 5th ISC meeting • Action taken report at Annexure-II of Agenda Notes. • Proposal • Agenda Items no 3 to 5 are open for advice, guidance and directions.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.1 ISA Framework Agreement enters into force • The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India, the depositary of the Framework Agreement (FA) of the ISA informed that 15 countries had deposited their Instruments of Ratification by 6 November, 2017. • 15 countries : Bangladesh, Comoros, Fiji, France, Ghana, Guinea, India, Mali, Mauritius, Nauru, Niger, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan and Tuvalu. • As per Article XIII (1), the ISA FA, ISA entered into force, 30 days thereafter i.e. on 6 December, 2017. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.2 Headquarters Agreement between ISA and Host Country • ISC in its 5thmeeting had advised the Interim Secretariat of ISA to submit an amended draft Headquarters Agreement for consideration of the Government of India. • Secretariat has submitted a further revised draft Agreement on 2 February 2018. This is being processed for necessary approvals. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance. • The IDG may be authorized to sign on behalf of ISA.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.3 Review of progress of ISA programmes • Scaling Solar Applications for Agricultural Use: 21 countries participating • Affordable Finance at Scale: 28 countries participating • Scaling Solar Mini Grids: 18 countries participating • Scaling Solar Roof Top& Scaling Solar supported e-mobility • Underpreparation and will be launched during the Founding Conference of the ISA on 11 March 2018. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance. • Countries are requested to manifest their interest to participate in the programmes.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.4 Paris Risk Mitigation Fund with updated status • Launched on 18 May 2017. • Objective: de-risking and reducing the financial cost of solar projects in the ISA member countries. • Task force chaired by TWI and comprising the Currency Exchange Fund (TCX), the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). • Brief note on the working draft report at Annexure IV. • Proposal • ISC may consider the proposal and provide guidance. • ISA Secretariat to share the feasibility study in advance to all NFPs (in addition to the brief note).
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.5 Resolution on welcoming the Countries that have signed the Framework Agreement and appreciating those that have also ratified the same along with status update. • Proposal • Welcome countries that have signed the Framework Agreement after the 5th ISC meeting. • Countries that ratify the Framework Agreement until the ISA Founding Day Ceremony will be treated as Founding Members. • Provide further guidance to get more prospective member countries to sign and ratify the ISA Agreement. • 6.6 Energy Efficiency as an integral area of activity of ISA under Article II (1) • Energy Efficiency may be considered as an area of ISA activities. • Proposal • Provide guidance as to whether ISC may approve, or should be dealt by the first General Assembly.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.7 ISA Founding Conference on11 March 2018 • The ISA Founding Conference will be held on 11 March 2018. • The MEA, Government of India has been co-ordinating organisation of ISA Founding Conference. • Heads of State/Governments of the Signatory countries have been invited. • Proposal • Signatory Countries to provide update on their participation. • ISC to provide further guidance.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.8 Rescheduling of Global REINVEST • The 2nd Renewable Energy Global Investors Meet & Expo (Global RE-INVEST 2017 India-ISA Partnership) has been rescheduled to 26-28 April 2018. • Proposal • Chair, ISC to brief about RE-INVEST • ISC may consider and provide guidance. • 6.9 Selection of Director General of the ISA in the first Assembly of the ISA • Pursuant to decision taken in 4th ISC meeting H.E. Mr. Upendra Tripathy has taken over as the Interim Director General, ISA on the 15 March 2017 . • Article V.2 of the Framework Agreement states “The Director General is selected by and responsible to the Assembly, for a term of four years, renewable for one further term.” • Proposal • Appointment of Director General may form part of the Agenda in the First General Assembly Meeting. • In view of the need for continuity and consistency, ISC may consider to make recommendation, if any, to the Assembly.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.10 Proposal for appointment of a Pro-tem President for the First Assembly & holding of the first Assembly of International Solar Alliance. • Proposal • Consider holding the First Assembly of the ISA on the side-lines RE-INVEST. • Appoint a Pro-tem President to conduct the interim proceedings to elect the President, the Co-President and five Vice Presidents. • Constitute, or authorise the Interim Director General of the ISA to constitute, a five member Accreditation Committee from among the Member Countries to ensure that the GA is attended by authorised and statutory representatives from the Member Countries. • ISA Secretariat to provide in advance, a list of agenda items for the first GA: vision, work plan, budget, participation from Partner Countries and organizations, organizational chart, scientific committee, infopedia and other procedural documents.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.11 Ratification of ISA’s Joint Declaration with European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). • Joint Declaration between ISA and the EIB was signed during the EU-India Summit held on 6th October, 2017. • Joint Declaration between ISA and the EBRD was signed on 2 November, 2017. • Proposal • ISC may consider and provide guidance.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion 6.12 Proposed Joint Declaration with Commonwealth Secretariat The ISA Secretariat has invited Commonwealth Secretariat for working together for massive and affordable deployment of solar energy among ISA Member Countries. A draft Joint Declaration, planned for signature during the above Summit, is also being jointly discussed. The ISC may authorise the Director General to sign the same in case it comes up for signature during the above said event. Proposal Existing Joint Declarations are posted on ISA website. The Joint Declaration with Commonwealth Secretariat will be brought for information of the General Assembly at a later stage. ISC may consider to authorise the Director General, ISA to sign the same in case it comes up for signature during the above said event.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.13 Review of progress on the Solar Technology Application and Resource Centre • ISA Secretariat is in the process of establishing a Solar Technology Application and Resource- Centre (STAR-C) . • ISA will provide the logistics support to this Centre. Detailed Project Report for setting STAR-C is under preparation. • Currently National Institute of Solar Energy,(NISE), India and INES, France are jointly working on the idea. • Proposal • ISA secretariat to provide further information (short concept note) on the STAR-C to all NFPs. • DPR should be completed expeditiously in consultation with all NFPS. • Submitted for information and further guidance.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.14 Office Memorandum on Financial Delegation • With the Framework Agreement entering into force, ISA has to switch over from following financial rules of the Government of India, to UN rules mutatis mutandis after notification by the Secretariat . • UNDP and IRENA are handholding to manage the transition to UN Rules. • As DG is still not in place, the IDG has stipulated some financial delegation ( placed at Annexure –VII of Agenda Notes) for the day to day management during the transition period. • Once financial regulations and procedures are finalized, the same will be placed for approval of the Assembly. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.15 Extending the Scope of Application of the ISA Framework Agreement and granting voting rights to Partner Countries • In accordance with Article VII (1), the ISA membership is currently open to solar resource rich States located fully or partially between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. • A number of countries namely Nepal, Germany, Korea, Tunisia and Italy have expressed their interest to becoming a full-fledged member country of ISA. • The process of enlarging the ambit of FA will need formal amendment which may only be introduced by a member country once the Assembly is constituted. • ISA initiative should benefit the world at large. The constituent convention will meet the current expectations of many partner countries and will also encourage many countries outside the Tropics to seek partnership from the Assembly. This will also help in expanding the scope and corpus of the ISA. • Proposal • ISC may consider to express the will to enlarge the ISA scope including for granting voting rights to Partner Countries. • Decision on process and modalities should be taken by the General Assembly. • ISA secretariat may consider to provide information on application documents and process for Partners countries and organizations.
6. Agenda Points for Discussion • 6.16 Notification of the Framework Agreement entering into effect under article XIII (1) • The fifteenth instrument of ratification was submitted on 6th November, 2017 and therefore, after thirtieth day of the submission of the fifteenth instrument of ratification ISA Framework Agreement entered into force on 6th December, 2017. • ISA Secretariat has issued notification and placed at Annexure VIII of the Agenda Notes. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.1 First Outreach Programme of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) • ISA hosted the ISA Forum during 17-18 January, 2018 at the Future World Energy Summit (WFES) 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and set up a Pavilion for awareness generation and dissemination information about ISA. • ISA Ministerial was attended by eight Energy Ministers of ISA Member countries (Congo, Guinea-Bissau, India, Seychelles, Somalia, UAE, Uganda, and Yemen). • On the 17 January 2018, companies and one private sector bank exchanged Letters of Intent (LoIs) / MoUs for establishment of solar related projects in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, India and Spain, with the help of eight companies. • M/s CLP (China light and Power) and M/s NTPC Limited announced forging partnership deal with ISA and committed to make voluntary contribution of US $1 million each to ISA fund corpus under article VI 1.b of ISA Framework Agreement. Green Climate Fund also announced entering into partnership with ISA. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.2 Proposed Joint Declaration between ISA and Green Climate Fund (GCF) • ISA proposes a collaborative framework with GCF for mobilizing finance for development and deployment of affordable solar energy. • A request letter for collaboration along with draft joint declaration has been sent earlier to GCF by ISA Secretariat. • Representative from GCF will make a presentation. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.3Appeal by ISA to the ISA Member countries contributing to the Solidarity Tax on airplane tickets to apportion a part of such contributions to ISA to fund capacity building projects in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) & Small Islands Countries. • The "Solidarity Tax on airplane tickets" is a surcharge on the civil aviation tax, and the proceeds are used for preventing diseases. • The solidarity contribution on airline tickets is an innovative financing model. • Proposal • ISA Secretariat will develop a more detailedconcept note and circulate to all NFPs. • ISC may consider appealing to the ISA Member countries contributing to the Solidarity Tax to apportion a part to ISA to fund capacity building projects in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) & Small Islands Countries. • Submitted for further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.4 To establish the Solar Energy Deployment Fund similar to the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN Fund) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in order to promote public private partnership for blended finance. • The Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN Fund) was launched on 12 September 2017 at the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP13) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). • LDN Fund is a first-of-its-kind investment vehicle leveraging public money to raise private capital to finance the targeted activities. • A Fund similar to LDN fund could be a potential source for funding solar energy projects in ISA countries. • UNCCD Representative will present the proposal. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.5 Creation of a UN International Day dedicated to Access to Energy (SDG7) • ISA Framework Agreement entered into force on 6th December, 2017. • General Assembly of United Nations may be requested to earmark 6th December as the UN day dedicated to Universal Energy Access to be known as Universal Energy Access Day of the UN. • Proposal • ISA Secretariat may first consult UN agencies (UN Energy, etc.).
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.6 National Focal Point Conclaves • ISA secretariat organised a first Conclave with National Focal Points (NFPs) during 6-15 December 2017. 24 NFPs or their official nominees participated. • The conclave resulted in the preparation of 19 ISA country Solar Road Maps by the NFPs. These documents are to be sent to the respective countries for their scrutiny, comments, suggestions , if any. • The second NFP Conclave has been scheduled from 11 March 2018. • Proposal • Submitted for information and further guidance.
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.7 ISA Experts without Borders: The Rainbow Circle • ISA Secretariat proposes to enlist/empanel experts from 121 prospective Member countries to support its various programmes. • Broad contours of expert empanelment proposal, with nomenclature “The Rainbow Circle” are at Annexure-X of the Agenda Notes. • Proposal • Approve the proposal to establish a panel of ISA experts under the nomenclature “The Rainbow Circle”. • Authorize the ISA Secretariat to take appropriate steps to put in operation the panel of such ISA Experts .
7. Agenda Points for Discussion- New Proposals • 7.8 Proposal for Solar Rooftop Demonstration Projects in Member countries • TATA POWER DDL and/or its affiliates intend to implement Demonstration Solar Rooftop Projects in the prestigious buildings in ISA countries that signed the Agreement. • Projects upto an aggregate capacity of 1 MWp could be set up in each country at : a) Office & residence of the Head of the State and Head of the Governments; b) Office & Residence of the Chief of the Judiciary; and c) Office & Residence of the Head of the Legislature. • TATA POWER DDL carry out the Rooftop Projects on an OPEX basis with Power Purchase Agreement signed with the sovereign countries and as per transparent procedures . • TATA POWER DDL will make a presentation. • Proposal • Submitted for further guidance .
8. Any other Item with permission of the Chair. • 9. Concluding remarks and proposed way forward, by the Chair and the Co-Chair
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