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Operations Update September

This update provides information on the EGI Operations framework, OLA/SLA framework, reporting and monitoring, and the quality of support in GGUS. It also includes updates on VOMS configuration, EGI Conference, ROD dashboard training, and federated cloud documentation.

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Operations Update September

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  1. Operations UpdateSeptember Małgorzata Krakowian EGI Operations

  2. OLA/SLA framework • https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Performance • RP and RC OLA • https://documents.egi.eu/public/ShowDocument?docid=31 • https://documents.egi.eu/public/ShowDocument?docid=463 • Feedback deadline: 5.09 • Approval: September OMB • Reporting and monitoring: • Ava/Rel • Unknown • ROD performance index • Quality of Support in GGUS

  3. OLA/SLA framework • EGI.eu SLA (new) • https://documents.egi.eu/public/ShowDocument?docid=2166 • Parties of the agreement: • Customer: Resource infrastructure Providers • Provider: EGI.eu • Conditionsunder which Federated Operations service is offered by EGI.eu in collaboration with the EGI partners to the Resource infrastructure Providers. • Feedback deadline:SeptemberOMB • Technology Providers SLA (underconstruction) • https://documents.egi.eu/public/ShowDocument?docid=2282 • Feedback deadline:October OMB

  4. Gstatsupport • GstatSupport Unit in GGUS • New person hasbeenassigned to providesupport: Asa Hsu • With Quality of Support: Medium • Responsetime: • Less urgent, urget: 5 workingdays • Veryurgent, top priority: 1 workingday

  5. New VOMS for ops VO 1/2 • Instructions circulated in two broadcasts: • First, second • Every production site should configure the new VOMS in all the relevant production services (I.e. Argus, CEs, FTS, LFC, SEs, UI, WMS, WN) • Operations Support openeda GGUS ticket for each NGI • Asking to follow up with the sites, and confirm the support for the new VOMS • Deadline for the sites: September 15th • Important: • For the time being, do not remove the OldVOMS server • SAM instances must continue to use the old one until all the monitored sites have upgraded

  6. New VOMS for ops VO 2/2 • First deadline was September 15th • All services using VOMS should be configured to support also the new server. • 38 tickets opened on September 3rd • 16 NGIs completed the configuration in all sites • 13 NGIs in progress • 9 NGIs did not answer (on Sep 10th): • NGI_BY, NGI_CH, NGI_CYGRID, NGI_DE, NGI_IL, NGI_MARGI • The SAM instances are not using yet the new VOMS, this would affect the site A/R statistics. Please follow up with your sites.

  7. EGI Conference on Challenges and Solutions for Big Data Processing on Cloud • 24-26 September, Amsterdam • Agenda: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2160 • Sessions: • Status, perspectives and security for the EGI Federated Cloud • ELIXIR and KM3NeT storage case studies and EGI data management services • Single SignOn BOF • Pay-per-use • CloudWATCH Cloud Plugfest and Standards Profile Workshop • Developing the Open Science Commons • EGI-GEANT Symposium • Developing the concept of a service catalogue and market place for EGI

  8. Operations Portal • ROD dashboardtraining • Prepared by EGI operationssuppor team and Operations Portal develpers • For ROD teams • When: aimingat 30.09.2014 or first days of October. • Ava/Relalarms on ROD Dashboard • With nextweekrelease • Alarms will be raised for Availability (80%)and also Reliability(85%) • Operations Portal Advisory and Testing Board • Call for participants-> operations @ egi.eu • Monthlylightweightmeeting, collecting and discussingrequirements

  9. Federated Cloud • Federated Clouddocumentationlinkshavebeencollectedunder: • For VO managers • https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/User_Documentation#EGI_Federated_Cloud • For Site administrators • https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Administrator_Documentation#EGI_Federated_Cloud.C2.A0 • Update of Procedures: • Proc 13 VO Deregistration • Proc 14 VO Registration • Change: Steps for Perun and AppDBsupport • EGI workshop • Session: Status, perspectives and security for the EGI Federated Cloud

  10. Federated Cloud • Cloud Site certification • Manual checkinstructions for Cloudprovidershavebeencreated: • https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/HOWTO04_Site_Certification_Manual_tests#Check_the_functionality_of_the_cloud_elements • Not yetincluded in the procedure – needreview • Security surveyin place • Cloudsupport in e-GRANT • with nextrelease (scheduled for thisornextweek) • Support for Site admins • Cloud GGUS SUs in preparation

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