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Operations Update 24th September 2012
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These projections, estimates and beliefs contained in such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause the company’s actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections. These risks include, but are not limited to, risks associated with the mining industry in general, delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration and development activities and capital expenditures, the uncertainties of estimates and projections relating to production, political risks, costs and expenses and health and safety and environmental risks, commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, and uncertainties resulting from competition and ability to access sufficient capital, and risks relating to the ability to complete capital markets transactions referred to in the presentation. 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Focussed on Greenland • Highly prospective and underexplored land mass • Greenland is seeking to increase economic independence as Danish subsidy is reduced • Opportunities in gold, zinc, lead, coal, iron ore, rare earths and precious stones, etc. • Angel is the only operational mining company in Greenland • Founder Member of the Greenland Mining Association
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Mine • Shipment of the new long hole drill is now planned for 4 October and it should be on site early November • Bolt tests complete so resin packs are now on order • Agreement needed with BMP to enable us to use mechanical rock bolts where rock failure would not otherwise be significant • Development in Mountain Block are going well – a series of single rises to create a stope – grade over 100gpt
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Plant • Production has been poor in August and September due to low grade and problems with crushing circuit 16/8 Pour 18 17.6kg 507 ozs gold 26/8 Pour 19 8.31kg 240 ozs gold 13/9 Pour 20 8.87kg 256 ozs gold • Crushing circuit is now fixed so that all crushing can be done underground • Delay in delivery of balls for ball mill has caused gold recovery to fall. Balls due on site today. • New liner for the ball mill is in transit – due before end of month
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Plan . NOTE: Gold Recovered is a forecast of process plant activity but the actual pouring of gold dore will, in part, take place in the following month.
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Exploration . Possible sampling area Contact between granite and Nalunaq host rock
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Exploration . The Granite continues behind the Nalunaq Mountain
Nalunaq Gold Mine – Exploration Team Leader – Joshua Hughes (Nuna Minerals A/S) Team – 2 geologists Equipment – Air Greenland helicopter for 1 week Commencing – 24 September Activity – collecting rock samples Looking for – quartz with gold, quartz, granite
Black Angel zinc and lead mine Mine Entrance Mine Camp
Black Angel Zinc/Lead Mine • A high grade zinc/lead mine (typically 15% Zn, 6% Pb) • Operated by Cominco from 1976 and closed in 1990 • JORC compliant resource • 4.5m tonnes @ 8.6% Zn and 3% Pb, • Plus non-JORC compliant resource • 2.6m tonnes of @ 14.9% Zn and 5.5% Pb • Capex estimate to build the mine - $85 million • Target output pa 30,000 tonnes Zn and 8,000 tonnes Pb • Cash generation potential of first 5 years (pillar extraction) - $186m • Life of Mine – over 20 years
Resource Statement – JORC compliant Wardell Armstrong International - 2007
Resource – Non JORC compliant Deep Ice Zone • Extensively drilled by Cominco pre JORC • Grid pattern was 200m x 300m drilling through the ice cap • Many intersections with mineralisation • Best hole hit 5.9m, 19.5% Zn, 13.1% Pb Internal Report by Dr. Bob Dowdell, dated August 2008, estimates:- 2.6m tonnes of inferred resource at 14.9% Zn, 5.5% Pb
Map of known deposits DEEP ICE ZONE Drill intersection with 6.9 metres @ 19.5% Zn & 13.1% Pb SOUTH LAKES Measured and Indicated Resources: 1.7Mt @ 6.9% Zn & 2.5% Pb NUNNGARUT Indicated Resources: 0.2 Mt @ 9.0% Zn & 3.4% Pb ARK Measured Resources: 492kt @ 4.7% Zn & 2.2% Pb
Black Angel - Financing • Need for JORC resource statement for Deep Ice Zone • Cash Cost per tonne estimated at $1,125 • Fuel Oil accounts for 34% of cash cost • Net Smelter Return, at a MP of $2,000 per tonne for Zn/Pb, is $1,416 • Margin potential is therefore $291 per tonne • Hydro could reduce fuel oil cost to 8% of cash cost and reduce the cash cost per tonne to $960 per tonne • NIRAS can produce a pre-feasibility assessment of the hydro scheme before the end of the year
The Future • We have already learned a great deal, • much of it – the hard way. • We now know how to operate in Greenland. • To set the standard for mining in Greenland • Develop NGM, BA and other Greenlandic projects • To lead in the new, and last, frontier