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[Insert Project Name]

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services eXpedited Life Cycle (XLC). [Insert Project Name]. Architecture Review [Insert Date of AR] [Insert Clarity ID]. Template Instructions.

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[Insert Project Name]

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services eXpedited Life Cycle (XLC) [Insert Project Name] Architecture Review [Insert Date of AR] [Insert Clarity ID]

  2. Template Instructions This document is a template for the Architecture Review (AR). The purpose of the review is to seek approval to move forward to the Concept Phase of the Expedited Life Cycle (XLC). Sections should not be removed from the presentation. If a section is not applicable, please indicate as such and provide an explanation. Additional slides may be added to convey information that you feel is important to share that is not addressed by this template. Please ensure that your presentation is Section 508 compliant by following the URL: http://www.hhs.gov/web/policies/checklistppt.html DELETE THIS SLIDE BEFORE FINALIZING YOUR PRESENTATION


  4. Presenters See this slide’s notes pages for slide instructions.

  5. Project Summary [Insert project summary/overview.]

  6. Key Project Resources [Insert the key resources as identified in Section 4.1 of the Project Charter]

  7. Project Complexity [Indicate your project’s complexity level by using the Complexity Worksheet tab in the Project Process Agreement (PPA). Bring copies of the completed Complexity Worksheet to the Architecture Review for the governance board to review and approve.]

  8. High Level Business Concept [Insert graphic providing a high-level overview of the business process from Section 5 of the Business Case.]

  9. Project Information Business Need [Insert condensed business need and drivers from Section 3.1 of the Business Case] Goals/Scope [Insert condensed goals and scope from section 3.2 of the Business Case] Stakeholders [Insert stakeholder information from Section 3.3 of the Business Case] Cloud Services [Are you planning to use cloud services now or in the future?]

  10. Business Risks & Impacts Business Risks/Issues [Insert condensed business risks/issues from Section 3.4 of the Business Case.]

  11. Alternatives Analysis Alternative A [Insert condensed alternatives analysis for Alternative A from Section 6.1 of the Business Case; indicate if this alternative is the preferred solution.]

  12. Alternatives Analysis Alternative B [Insert condensed alternatives analysis for Alternative B from Section 6.2 of the Business Case; indicate if this alternative is the preferred solution.]

  13. Alternatives Analysis Alternative C [Insert condensed alternatives analysis for Alternative C from Section 6.3 of the Business Case; indicate if this alternative is the preferred solution.]

  14. Funding & Acquisition Funding [Insert the funding source(s) for the preferred solution from Section 7.1 of the Business Case.] Acquisition Strategy [Insert condensed acquisition strategy for the preferred solution from Section 7.2 of the Business Case.]

  15. Current System [If applicable, insert graphic providing an overview of the current system from Section 2.3 of the High-Level Technical Design.]

  16. Proposed System System Scope [Insert condensed system scope from Section 3.3.1 of the High-Level Technical Design.] High Level Functional Requirements [Insert high level functional requirements from Section 3.3.3 of the High Level Technical Design.] Summary of Changes [Insert condensed summary of changes of the current system from Section 3.3.4 of the High-Level Technical Design (if applicable).]

  17. Proposed System [Insert graphic providing an overview of the proposed system from Section 5.2 of the High-Level Technical Design.]

  18. Proposed SystemInfrastructure & Security • Platform • System Hosting • Connectivity Requirements • Modes of Operation • Assurance Level • E-Authentication Level • Authorization • Encryption See this slide’s notes pages for slide instructions.

  19. Milestones [Insert high level milestones from Section 7 of the Project Charter.]

  20. Performance Measurement AreaMission and Business Results

  21. Performance Measurement AreaCustomer Results

  22. Performance Measurement AreaProcess and Activities

  23. Project Process Agreement [Provide a copy of your Project Process Agreement.]

  24. Conclusion of Architecture Review (AR)for [insert project name]

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