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Goals and Dreams Achieved. If you walk into the DSPS Office and look straight ahead, you will see our bulletin board of achievements.
Goals and Dreams Achieved • If you walk into the DSPS Office and look straight ahead, you will see our bulletin board of achievements. • This bulletin board reflects the achievement of our DSPS students throughout the year. Our students achieve their dreams and goals in many different ways and we like to celebrate each achievement by calling it out. • From winning a race to graduation time, we are proud of our students reaching their goals and living out their dreams and we are happy to assist them in any way we can.
Did You Know? Hartnell College DSP&S serves on the average 540 students per year DSPS Program • Disabled Students Programs and Services supports students with disabilities. • DSP&S provides services, instruction and accommodations to facilitate student success in academics and personal development.
Did You Know? The US has had several presidents with disabilities. DSPS Program Our purpose is to: • Assist students with disabilities in becoming fully integrated into the college community. • Promote greater awareness and understanding of disabilities and the needs of students with disabilities. • Facilitate the transition of students with disabilities from high school to college to universities and the workplace.
Did You Know? DSPS began at Hartnell College in the fall of 1976 DSPS Services Services provided by DSP&S include: • Counseling services including academic, personal and career counseling • Assessment for Learning Disabilities • Testing services for students needing accommodations for class exams • Sign Language Interpreting for students who are Deaf and hard of hearing
DSPS Services Services provided by DSP&S include: • Captioning services • Note taking services • Campus transportation • Priority registration services • Assistive technology • Alternative media texts
Did You Know? Individuals with disabilities represent the largest minority group in the United States DSPS Classes Classes offered by DSP&S include: • Educational Skills Lab • Memory Skills • Study Skills • Job Hunting Techniques • Adaptive Basic Computer Skills
Did You Know? The telephone was originally designed to communicate with individuals who were hard of hearing. DSPS Classes Adaptive Physical Education • Swimming • Aquatics for the Diabetic • Stress Reduction • Fitness Exercise • Wall climbing • Soccer • Basketball • Circuit Endurance • Injury • Rehabilitation • Strength Conditioning
Did You Know? DSPS works closely with many community agencies and provides resource information and referrals WorkAbility III Works for Students • It is a partnership program between Hartnell College and the California State Department of Rehabilitation, working together to assist students with disabilities reach educational goals and employment. • Works to meet the exceptional job placement needs of individuals with disabilities.
Did You Know? The football huddle originated at Gallaudet University to keep opposing teams from reading the sign language of Gallaudet’s players who were Deaf and hard of hearing WorkAbility III Works for Students • WorkAbility has been working at Hartnell College since 1986 helping hundreds of students with disabilities attain employment and independence.
WorkAbility III Services To assist students in reaching their career goals, WorkAbility III provides a continuum of services including : • Academic support • Work based learning • Job search skills • Job development • Employment retention
Did You Know? There are approximately 70,000 people with disabilities living in Monterey County. WorkAbility III Services A Hartnell College course, Counseling 29, Job Hunting Techniques (.5 units) is offered to WorkAbility III students interested in preparing for part-time or full-time employment.
WorkAbility III Works for Employers WorkAbility III services to employers focus on successful job placement, success from the employer’s and employee’s prospective.
WorkAbility III Works for Employers Employer services include: • Recruitment and advertising • Pre-screening of applicants • Information on the ADA • Accommodation assistance as requested • After hire follow-up services to facilitate retention. Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. ---Confucius
DSP&S is leading our college community to recognize that students with disabilities are just like any other student, each with his or her own contribution to make. Contact the DSP&S office for information Hartnell College Center, Room 102 831.755.6760-Voice 831.770.6199-TTY