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Welcome to the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Pre-proposal Conference. July 22, 2014 Virtual/Teleconference. Welcome. La Toy J. Jones Contracting Officer. Agenda. Opening Remarks. Director Office of Procurement.
Welcome to the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)Pre-proposal Conference July 22, 2014 Virtual/Teleconference
Welcome La Toy J. Jones Contracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Agenda LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Opening Remarks Director Office of Procurement LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Orientation and Procurement Overview La Toy J. Jones Contracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Disclaimer • These slides are not to be interpreted as a comprehensive description of the procurement strategy or requirements in the LPI CAN. • To the extent there are any inconsistencies between this briefing and the CAN solicitation, the CAN solicitation will govern. • The purpose of this Pre-Proposal Conference is to help the community understand the Government’s requirements and vision for the LPI CAN. • A copy of this presentation is posted on the LPI CAN website at: http://procurement.jsc.nasa.gov/lpican/ • Responses to Questions: • Verbal questions will not be entertained. • Questions during this conference shall be submitted via Webex, email (latoy.j.jones@nasa.gov) or “Anonymous Questions to the Contracting Officer” feature on the LPI CAN website. • Questions received to date and today will be addressed during the Q&A period of this conference. • Additional questions after today’s conference shall be submitted via email, regular post, or the “Anonymous Questions to the Contracting Officer” feature on the LPI CAN website. • Official responses to all questions will be posted to the LPI CAN website. If a difference exists between verbal and written responses to questions, the written responses shall govern. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Acquisition Team • The Selecting Official for this CAN is the Director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA HQ. • NASA HQ will select an evaluation board chairperson and committee members by September 30, 2014. • When an offer is selected for award, an award will be issued by the Procurement Office at the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC). LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Point of Contact • Contracting Officer: La Toy J. Jones latoy.j.jones@nasa.gov NASA Contracting Officer NASA Johnson Space Center 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, TX 77058 (281) 244-8023 • LPI CAN Solicitation web address: • http://procurement.jsc.nasa.gov/lpican/ • Click on the “Anonymous Questions to Contracting Officer” link to submit a question. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Ombudsman • NASA Agency Ombudsman: NASA Headquarters Mail Code: LP011 Washington, DC 20546-0001 Phone: (202) 358-0445 Agency-procurementombudsman@nasa.gov LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Solicitation Overview and Statement of Work Eileen Stansbery (on behalf of NASA HQ Science Mission Directorate Planetary Science Division) LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Solicitation Overview/History • NASA formed the original Lunar Science Institute (LSI) in 1968 to provide a base for outside scientists, encouraging them to visit the Manned Spacecraft Center and use its laboratories, lunar photographs, and its rock samples. The institute is viewed as a major stimulus to lunar science. • The current Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) was established as a cooperative agreement in 2002 to provide an academic atmosphere that serves as a focal point for lunar and planetary science activities and as a forum to encourage participation of eminent scientists from the United States and other countries in Planetary Science Division (PSD) programs. • This solicitation seeks an entity to continue the operation of the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) when the current cooperative agreement expires in December 2014. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Goals and Objectives • The LPI is an integral part of the NASA Planetary Science Division (PSD)’s plan for the study of our solar system. • NASA expects the institute to be devoted to serving the scientific community and providing a forum for developing research ideas in lunar and planetary science. Planetary Science Decadal (2013-2022) LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference The purpose of the LPI is to provide a research and exploration leadership capability in planetary science and to foster greater involvement of the science community in the accomplishment of NASA’s Planetary Science goals.
LPI Objective • Provide independent intellectual leadership to enable world-class lunar and planetary research and other activities which: • Strengthen cooperation between NASA and the academic community • Provide an academic and scholarly atmosphere that attracts planetary scientists throughout the world; • Provide expertise in Astromaterials; • Facilitate and promote access to extraterrestrial samples • Organize initiatives, such as field work that enables research on the formation, evolution and current state of the Moon, planets, their satellites, small bodies, cosmic dust, and our solar system as a whole. • Disseminate scientific information on planetary science through scientific educational and technical journals and sponsorship of conferences, meetings and other appropriate mechanisms. • This also includes general support of education and outreach that enhances the public understanding and appreciation of lunar and planetary science. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Statement of Work In order to fulfill its primary role of enabling lunar and planetary research, at a minimum, the required institute activities shall include the following: • Conduct openly competed, peer-reviewed basic research in lunar and planetary science related to NASA’s mission; • Provide training on protocol for appropriate sample handling; • Coordinate, manage, and host fellowship programs for NASA Centers (e.g., the JSC Summer Intern Program) for undergraduates and graduates in lunar and planetary science that typically includes at least 10 competitively-selected participants; • Coordinate and manage a Resident Postdoctoral Fellow Program for NASA Centers for postdoctoral researchers in lunar and planetary science that annually includes four or more Postdoctoral Fellows; • Coordinate and manage a Visiting Scientist program for NASA Centers that supports at least four scientists to conduct openly competed peer-reviewed research in lunar and planetary sciences at the LPI for 3 to 24 months; LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Statement of Work (cont.) • Establish and maintain programs, as identified by NASA Planetary Science Division, that engages scientists, technologists, engineers, science students, educators, and others, as appropriate, to conduct research in lunar and planetary science and/or the communication of results of that research; • Establish and maintain technical supporting activities for topical workshops and study initiatives for the planetary science community in order to spur innovation in or across subject areas identified by NASA; • Coordinate and organize two or more multi-year focused topical projects (e. g., New Views of the Moon, Oxygen in the Solar System) in lunar and planetary science to be identified by the NASA Planetary Science Division (e.g., through its advisory groups). • Enable research activities that include, but are not limited to, hosting topical meetings, reviews, workshops and conferences necessary to meet the goals of the NASA Planetary Science Division. Examples of such activities are Meteorite Working Group meetings, Curation and Analysis Planning Team for Extraterrestrial Materials (CAPTEM) advisory committee meetings, workshops to support the Solar System Oxygen Initiative cited above, and the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). • For the LPSC, NASA shall use this LPI CAN to manage the technical program including solicitation and collection of contributed program abstracts from the scientific community, support a select and diverse committee of scientific peers who volunteer to critically review the submitted abstracts and create a high quality scientific program consisting of oral and poster sessions. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Statement of Work (cont.) • Establish a joint JSC/LPI working group to coordinate joint activities such as sample access issues and problems related to the individual extraterrestrial sample collections at JSC. Facilitate and promote access to extraterrestrial samples controlled by NASA to the scientific community through the existing sample allocation process. • Operate a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF), which archives scientific data (both hard copy and electric data) and allows easy access to data and imagery for the scientific community; • Disseminate and/or facilitate the dissemination of scientific information in the lunar and planetary sciences and in activities related to the exploration of the Moon, Mars, and other bodies of the solar system through website management; • Sponsor, support, facilitate, and conduct a program of lunar and planetary education and public outreach activities directed at all educational levels and toward enhancing appreciation of lunar and planetary science. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, education short courses and preparation and distribution of visual aids and other materials in support of educational and informational distribution activities. NASA envisions that the institute will support scientific and technical education at all levels and invites the LPI to participate in NASA-funded educational programs. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General CAN Information La Toy J. JonesContracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General Information • The LPI CAN solicitation and amendments take precedence over this conference • Solicitation Number: NNJ14ZKA001N • Notice of Intent (NOI) Due Date: July 31, 2014 • Proposal Due Date: September 30, 2014 • Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement • Competition - Full and Open (Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) IRS status, other than institutions of higher education) LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General Information • NAICS Code – 541712 • Number and Size of Awards: • NASA intends to select one (1) proposal pending receipt of proposals of sufficient merit. NASA may elect to make a full or partial selection of a proposal. • Funding for awardee will be disbursed on an annual award of approximately $6 million over the initial five (5) year period. • Funding levels will be reviewed annually and will be contingent upon awardees’ demonstration of progress against proposed objectives and ongoing support of Lunar and Planetary Institute objectives and reporting requirements. • All funding awards are contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Proposal Instructions La Toy J. JonesContracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General (Proposal Overview) • NSPIRES Cover Page and Budget Form (Section 2.3.2(a) of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers): The NSPIRES Cover Page contains the following: • Proposal Information: PI information, proposal title, proposed start and end dates, submitting institution information, certification and authorization • Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Disbarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters: The Authorized Organizational Representative’s (AOR) signature on the Proposal Cover Page automatically certifies that the proposing organization has read and is in compliance with these certifications. No additional form is necessary. See NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreement Handbook, Appendix A, Part 1260.10(c). • Team Members: Names, institution and contact information (Notes: each team member must register themselves in NSPIRES and complete all required data. Each team member must establish an organizational relationship; i.e., identify the organization or other auspices through which the person is participating in the proposal. A proposal cannot be submitted if an organizational relationship within NSPIRES is missing from any team member.) LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General (Proposal Overview) • Project Summary (max. 4000 characters, Section 2.3.3. of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers): Provide a brief description of the project, including objectives, targeted audience, partners, method of approach, relevance to NASA themes, use of NASA content, and outcomes. (NSPIRES will initially populate this with the NOI summary, which can be edited to reflect your actual proposal concept.) • Budget Figures: Include figures for all years of the proposed project in the spaces provided. This is the total budget, including any sub-awards. NASA intends to evaluate performance on an annual basis to determine continuation of funding. • Note: NASA will not fund institutions that do not appear on the Proposal Cover Page. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General (Proposal Overview) • Proposal Description: The technical portion of the proposal shall detail the proposed effort focused on the CAN objectives. The specific areas that shall be addressed are listed in the Statement of Work (Section C). Provide a description of the scope and purpose of the program to demonstrate an understanding of NASA’s vision of the LPI and how the objectives set forth is the Statement of Work will be met. Provide sufficient detail to fully describe the proposed effort in order to enable a reviewer to make informed judgments about the overall merit of the proposer and about the probability of accomplishing the requirements with the resources requested and with their own resources. Clearly describe the proposed program: its rationale, innovation, distinguishing features, unifying intellectual focus, and proposed research plan. Describe available facilities and any equipment required to be purchased in order to carry out the program objectives. • References and Citations (Section 2.3.6 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers) • Biographical Sketches: Submit sketches for key personnel using the following guidelines: Section 2.3.7 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers and references therein. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
General (Proposal Overview) • Statements of Commitment and Letters of Support (Section 2.3.9 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers) • Cost Proposal: Narrative and Details (Section 2.3.10 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers): Include a budget breakdown for each year of proposed work, along with total budget figures for the entire period of performance. • Note: Offerors are advised to review the NASA Guidebook for Proposers and language in this CAN (Section II) for funding considerations specific to this CAN, in developing resource utilization plans, completing Budget forms in NSPIRES, and developing the required budget narrative. • The proposal shall reflect the unique ability for the lead institution and any partners to the furtherance of goals and objectives of the Lunar Planetary Institute. Offerors are expected to provide sufficient detail to enable review by persons who are knowledgeable of, but not necessarily specialists in implementation of education programs. The reviewers may include personnel from NASA, other government agencies, industry, professional organizations, and universities. • Note: The Proposal Description is restricted to a maximum of 50 pages. Appended material (other than required forms) will not be reviewed. The sections listed below the Proposal Description do not have a page limit. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Special Considerations • Note to Prospective Offerors: Prospective Offerors are reminded not to contact incumbent personnel (either directly or through electronic means) during duty hours or at their place of employment, as such contacts are disruptive to the performance of the current contract. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Proposal Evaluation La Toy J. Jones Contracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Evaluation Factors for Award • The evaluation of proposals will be based on • Technical Excellence, • Quality of Key Personnel, • Quality of Management Approach, • Cost and Past Performance. • All factors will be evaluated by the same panel • Technical Excellence is significantly more important than Quality of Key Personnel and Quality of Management Approach, which are of equal weight. • While still important, Cost and Past Performance are of less importance than the Quality of Key Personnel and Quality of Management Approach. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Discussions Evaluation Review • Offeror’s initial proposal should contain the best terms from a price and technical standpoint. • The Government preference is to award without discussions, however, the Government reserves the right to conduct discussions with those Offerors who have made it to competitive range. • If discussions are held, the Offeror will: • have the opportunity to correct potentially acceptable items and; • be requested to resubmit the revised proposal pages with Final Proposal Revisions (FPR) which will include clearly marked changes. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Question and Answer Session Questions during this conference shall be submitted via Webex, email (latoy.j.jones@nasa.gov) or “Anonymous Questions to the Contracting Officer” feature on the LPI CAN website. Official responses to all questions will be posted to the LPI CAN website. If a difference exists between verbal and written responses to questions, the written responses shall govern. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Final Reminders La Toy J. Jones Contracting Officer LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Final Reminders • All proposals in response to this CAN must be submitted electronically via NSPIRES. Electronic proposals must be submitted in their entirety by 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time on the proposal due date of September 30, 2014. • Proposals that are late will be handled in accordance with NASA’s policy as given in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Appendix B, Section (g) (also see Sections 3.2 and F.23). Due to the aggressive timeline of this solicitation/review process, late proposals will generally not be accepted or considered. • Organizations must obtain a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Note that an organization must also be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) and obtain a CAGE Code before receipt of any Federal award. The SAM approval process can take several days (at minimum). SAM registration shall be performed by an organization’s electronic business primary point-of-contact. Organizations new to NSPIRES or any offeror new to the NASA CAN process shall visit and reference early in the proposal preparation process. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Final Reminders • All information needed to respond to this CAN is contained in the solicitation and in the companion document entitled Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Research Announcement, May 2014 Edition (hereafter referred to as the NASA Guidebook for Proposers). This document is located at: • http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook/proposer2014.pdf • Note: in the event that the information contained in this CAN conflicts with the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, this CAN takes precedence. LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-Proposal Virtual Conference
Thank you for attending the LPI CAN Solicitation Pre-proposal Conference