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Weather Research & Forecasting Model

Weather Research & Forecasting Model. Xabriel J Collazo-Mojica Alex Orta Michael McFail Javier Figueroa. Presentation Overview. Research Motivation Current Project Status WRF Documentation Draft WRF Benchmarking Status/Process WRF Profiling Status Hurricane Mitigation Wiki Website

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Weather Research & Forecasting Model

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Weather Research & Forecasting Model Xabriel J Collazo-Mojica Alex Orta Michael McFail Javier Figueroa

  2. Presentation Overview • Research Motivation • Current Project Status • WRF Documentation Draft • WRF Benchmarking Status/Process • WRF Profiling Status • Hurricane Mitigation Wiki Website • Pending Goals • Summary

  3. Motivation • Lack of documentation of the WRF code, producing unknown knowledge of the code’s functionality • Need of more computing power to calculate higher resolution weather forecasts • Need to understand WRF internal behavior in GRID environment for future improvement

  4. Challenges • Accomplished: • WRF Documentation First Draft • WRF Benchmarking Started • WRF Profiler Evaluation First Draft • To be accomplished: • Finish Documentation (Final Draft) • Finish Benchmarking and create paper about results • Finish Profiler Evaluation • Populate “Hurricane Mitigation Wiki Page”

  5. WRF Documentation • Finished WRF Documentation First Draft • PDF Overview • WRF Documentation in Google • Future effort to make it a formal Document • Help future developer community • Get input from Community • John Michalakes

  6. WRF Benchmarking • Finished Benchmarking GCB • Continued effort to generate a Mathematical Model for WRF behavior • Preparation for Benchmarking University Of North Florida, 32 node, 128 CPUs cluster

  7. Finished Benchmarking GCB

  8. Mathematical Model for WRF behavior

  9. Mathematical Model for WRF behavior

  10. Benchmark UNF’s cluster • 32 node – 128 CPUs cluster • If we use the same input we can compare to GCB’s. • More nodes = More data • Is our current equation even close?

  11. WRF Profiling • Final set of criteria to evaluate profiler tools • Final Profilers • TAU • SvPablo • Paraver • IBM HPC Toolkit • PGI-CDK • The profiler that best fit WRF will be profiling the program

  12. Profiler Evaluation Criteria • More information in the Google Document • Profiler evaluation criteria example: SvPablo TAU

  13. Goals • Produce final draft of WRF Documentation • Benchmarking WRF in bigger environments • Come up with a Mathematical equation to model WRF behavior • Finish profiler evaluation • Use profiler on WRF

  14. Summary • Finished the WRF Documentation Draft • Finished Benchmarking GCB cluster • Gained research experience on graduate student projects • Obtained great knowledge on High Performance Computing, FORTRAN and parallel computing

  15. Questions?

  16. Acknowledgements • National Science Foundation • Research Experience for Undergraduates FIU program (http://www.cs.fiu.edu/reu) • Florida International University • Dr. Masoud Sadjadi (sadjadi@cs.fiu.edu) • WRF Team FIU graduate students

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