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Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP). Team Brief May 2014. Our aims. To explore opportunities for NHS Boards to utilise resources in more effective and innovative ways; for example, sharing services where appropriate.
Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP) Team Brief May 2014
Our aims To explore opportunities for NHS Boards to utilise resources in more effective and innovative ways; for example, sharing services where appropriate. There are already examples of good practice across NHSScotland. Our purpose is to work together to ensure that we share these benefits widely and identify further productive opportunities to enable us to deliver services of improved quality and efficiency.
Background NHSScotland has a duty to the people of Scotland to ensure the NHS continues to deliver high quality services that are good value for money. The latest review, the Scottish Government Efficiency and Productivity Framework (Feb 2011) identified Support/ Shared services as an area where further savings and quality improvements could be made. Facilities Shared Services has 5 workstreams: – Capital Planning & Hard Facilities Management – Public Private Partnership (PPP) – Sterile Services – Transport – Waste (complete)
Capital Planning An option appraisal process has been undertaken as part of the review of current capital planning arrangements in NHSScotland and its suitability to respond to the future needs of the capital programme. Short listed options were scored at the Options Appraisal Workshop held on 5th February 2014. All NHS Boards were invited to the event and a robust consensus on the preferred option was achieved. On 25th March 2014, the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board endorsed the preferred option for HubCo, Design Build Finance & Maintain (DBFM) and Design & Build (D&B)capital planning services to be delivered through a Regional/Geographic Model. The Programme Board provided approval for the workstream to progress with the development of a Business Case.
Hard FM The Recommendations Report approved by the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in September 2013 identified collaborative opportunities for the procurement of estates equipment to enable increased efficiency and value for money through collective purchasing. This is currently being handed over to the service to take forward. A data collection exercise will be undertaken to determine the current specialist role resource / skill in each NHS Board for the delivery of operational estates services. This exercise will also identify current and future skills shortages and details on succession planning arrangements that are in place. The work will inform the identification of any collaborative opportunities for the sharing of specialist roles across NHSScotland.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Further to the approval of preferred option by the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in December 2013, work has been underway to complete the Business Case for the establishment of a central specialist support team to provide expert advice on PFI/PPP/NPD projects and act as a single point of contact for the contract management teams within NHS Boards. The Business Case will be submitted to Health & Social Care Management Board for approval. An operational PPP/PFI Conference was held on 12th March 2014. The event was well attended by NHS Boards, Scottish Government and Staffside. The programme focused on lessons learned from the in-depth reviews, opportunities for contract management and a workshop to explore requirements from a central specialist support team.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) A number of specialist advisory papers have been produced that set out the ‘PFI/PPP perspective’ on topics such as changes in legislation and the impact this may have on contracts. These papers have been published to the PFI/PPP Advisory Group and are also available on the website.
Sterile Services The Sterile Services workstream seeks to ensure maximum efficiency of the physical assets provided and that capital is invested in a manner which allows NHS Boards to provide decontamination services within the statutory frameworks. The Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved the Recommendations Reports submitted by the Endoscopy and Primary Care Short Life Working Groups on 25th March 2014. The report detailed the current provision of the endoscopy decontamination service and managed primary care decontamination services across NHSScotland and the investment necessary to meet technical requirements.
Sterile Services The Programme Board requested further detail on the capital investment required. This work will be undertaken and added to the report for submission to the Efficiency Portfolio Board and handover to the service. The Sterile Services Departments (SSD) Short Life Working Group has undertaken further analysis of the dataset gathered to identify facility capacity based on a unit being operational 24/7. This data will inform recommendations on future planning for the service and contingency arrangements. Work has been undertaken to identify equipment replacement and capital investment requirements. The SSD SLWG will report on findings and make recommendations to the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in June 2014.
Transport Car Leasing The Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved the Recommendations Report submitted by the Car Leasing Short Life Working Group on 25th March 2014. Recommendations focused on opportunities for the removal of variation and improved cost recovery associated with the adoption of a common set of principles for the assessment of financial viability of a car lease scheme; potential efficiencies to be realised through an automated Car Leasing Management Fleet Management System for NHSScotland; and potential efficiencies through changes to the management structure for the delivery of the car leasing function.
Transport Car Leasing The Recommendations will now be submitted to the Efficiency Portfolio Board (EPB). NHS Boards are requested to phase in all core principles upon renewal of existing leases and commence new arrangements for all new leases from no later than 1st April 2015. Work will commence on the business case for the development of a Car Leasing Fleet Management System for NHSScotland. Further work is required to explore opportunities to increase collaboration between NHS Boards leading to the potential for a virtual national team for the management of car leasing.
Transport Transport & Fleet Management The Fleet Management Review was established to investigate and identify the potential synergies to be gained from greater collaboration between the 22 NHS Boards in Scotland, with regards to the provision and management of the Fleet. An Options Appraisal process for the future delivery of the Fleet Management structure was undertaken during the summer of 2013, and outline options approved by the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board on 26th September 2013 with agreement to further develop with detailed costs.
Transport Transport & Fleet Management On 25th March 2014 the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved the preferred option and agreed to the creation of a National Support Unit and detailed phased implementation plan for the development of the shared management of NHS Board fleets within a regional area supported by a national support function. The Programme Board also endorsed the need to procure a national telematics system. Next steps for this work will focus on the development of a business case for the set up of the National Support Unit and procurement of fleet systems. Collaborative work has started with NHS Fife, NHS Forth Valley and NHS Tayside to explore opportunities for the sharing of fleet management resource across the East/ Central area.
Transport Logistics The purpose of this work area is to review the current NHSScotland logistics infrastructure, including understanding routes and types of logistics functions delivered. The data collected on vehicle assets and journeys undertaken during a 4 week period in September 2013 has been analysed and reports produced for each NHS Board to review their data. Additionally, the dataset has been prepared for Paragon Modelling to identify optimal routes, utilisation and fleet. Opportunities for collaboration within logistics services and recommendations will be reported to the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in June 2014.
Note from Douglas Seago Thank you for taking time to read the update on the Facilities Review and Shared Services Programme. You will have seen from the individual project reports that there has been a continued effort from all of the workstreams to deliver improvements in the way we deliver facilities management across the National Health Service in Scotland. The intention is to maximise the benefit of the changes, approved through the Programme Board, by ensuring that improved ways of working are passed back to the service where identified individuals or Groups will be tasked with implementation across the NHS Health Boards. It is proposed that there will be assessments of the benefits realised by the implementation of the proposals at 12 and 18 months after the work has been passed back to the service and adopted as “business as usual”.
Find out more Further information is available on the website: http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk/quality-and-efficiency/shared-services/facilities-shared-services.aspx If you have any questions…. Email: nss.facilities-shared-services-programme@nhs.net