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Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP). Team Brief January 2014. Our aims. To explore opportunities for NHS Boards to utilise resources in more effective and innovative ways; for example, sharing services where appropriate.
Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP) Team Brief January 2014
Our aims To explore opportunities for NHS Boards to utilise resources in more effective and innovative ways; for example, sharing services where appropriate. There are already examples of good practice across NHSScotland. Our purpose is to work together to ensure that we share these benefits widely and identify further productive opportunities to enable us to deliver services of improved quality and efficiency.
Background NHSScotland has a duty to the people of Scotland to ensure the NHS continues to deliver high quality services that are good value for money. The latest review, the Scottish Government Efficiency and Productivity Framework (Feb 2011) identified Support/ Shared services as an area where further savings and quality improvements could be made. Facilities Shared Services has 5 workstreams: – Capital Planning & Hard Facilities Management – Public Private Partnership (PPP) – Sterile Services – Transport – Waste
Programme Board The Facilities Shared Services Programme now reports into the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board. This group is chaired by Jeff Ace (Chief Executive of NHS Dumfries & Galloway). The Board s also responsible for the Soft Facilities Management Programme, which is being led by my colleague Martin Henry, Programme Director. John Boland continues to be the National Staffside representative on this group. This change will allow the group to focus on delivery of service options across all facilities services.
Capital Planning & Hard FM Capital Planning A strategic Options Appraisal workshop held in October 2013 identified a long list of options for the future delivery of capital planning services across NHSScotland. Workshop participants included NHS Board capital planning and service planning staff and a national staffside representative. The group will meet again on 5th February 2014 to score the short list of options and identify a preferred option. This preferred option will be presented to the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in March 2014 for approval.
Capital Planning and Hard FM Hard FM The Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved a Recommendations Report submitted by the Hard FM Short Life Working Group in September 2013 which identified collaborative opportunities for the procurement of estates equipment to enable increased efficiency and value for money to be achieved from collective purchasing. These recommendations are currently being handed over to the service to take forward. January 2014 commence work to examine options for the delivery of specialist operational estates functions across NHSScotland.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Options Appraisal Workshop held in October 2013 scored the short listed options for the future delivery of operational PFI/PPP contracts in NHSScotland. Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved the preferred option in December 2013 and authorised the development of a Business Case for the establishment of a central specialist support team to provide expert advice on PFI/PPP/NPD/HubCo and act as a single point of contact for the contract management teams within NHS Boards. The responsibilities of this support team will include training and developing capability in client side expertise, providing central advice on legislation/guidance, sharing and dissemination of best practice nationally, providing independent review and support.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) A number of efficiency savings have already been realised by this workstream, e.g. adopting a service management approach to energy procurement to deliver a 20% saving (£600,000 per annum) on energy costs and the installation of energy efficiency measures such as LED lighting realising £56,000 per annum. The support team will continue to work with NHS Boards to achieve further savings. NHS Boards will design and further develop structures and contract management/monitoring arrangements which provide excellent contract management to suit their local and regional circumstances whilst also recognising the pipeline of HubCo and NPD projects. The Review & Shared Services Programme Board also approved recommendations to improve PFI/PPP contract management skills and practice to ensure that NHSScotland has a robust, commercial client side capable of delivering “value for money” PFI/PPP contracts.
Sterile Services The Sterile Services workstream seeks to ensure the maximum efficiency of the physical assets provided and that capital is invested in a manner which allows NHS Boards to provide decontamination services within the statutory frameworks. Data collection has also been undertaken across NHSScotland to understand the theoretical capacity available within Central Decontamination Units (CDU). The data was reviewed by NHS Boards and contingency scenarios explored at the Sterile Services Efficiency, Capacity & Contingency Workshop held on 25th November 2013. This information will be used to inform the development of guidance for NHS Boards in the event of contingency.
Sterile Services A data collection exercise has also been undertaken on capital equipment across CDU, Endoscopy and Primary Care. This has identified investment needs and development opportunities. The Endoscopy and Primary Care SLWGs have further completed a baseline data collection exercise to identify investment necessary to comply with national technical requirements. This work will be discussed with NHS Boards and presented to the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in March 2014. Preliminary exploration has been made into management system requirements to allow tracking systems in decontamination units to communicate. This work will be developed in 2014.
Transport Car Leasing The purpose of this work area is to review the current processes, procedures and costs for car leasing across NHSScotland. The Car Leasing SLWG has drafted a core set of principles to guide what should be included and excluded from a car leasing policy. Further analysis is being carried out based on service data provided by NHS Boards. In January 2014 a further piece of work will be undertaken to examine the options for the management of the car leasing function.
Transport and Fleet Management The Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved a Recommendations Report submitted by the Fleet Short Life Working Group in September 2013 which identified collaborative opportunities for standardisation of vehicle specifications and joint procurement of vehicles. This recommendation is currently being progressed by the service for the small pool car. An options appraisal has been completed for Fleet Management. This identifies and costs the structural options for the NHSS Fleet Management operation and the benefits and potential efficiencies which can be achieved through delivering the various parts of the operation locally, regionally and nationally. This work includes significant efficiencies to be realised through the wider introduction and utilisation of telematics.
Logistics The purpose of this work area is to review the current NHSScotland logistics infrastructure, including the understanding of routes and types of logistics functions delivered. Data collection on vehicle assets and journeys undertaken during a 4 week period in September 2013 has been completed across NHSScotland for all vehicles concerned with the transportation of goods and services. Information Services Division (ISD) is currently analysing this data at NHS Board level. The dataset will undergo Paragon Modelling to identify optimal routes, utilisation and fleet. Opportunities for collaboration within logistics services and recommendations developed for submission to the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board in June 2014.
Waste The changes required by the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 provide opportunities to modernise and deliver more sustainable solutions in the management of waste materials generated by the Health Service in Scotland. NHS Boards are working towards the two key dates: By 1 January 2014, to source segregate dry materials (paper, card, plastics, metals, and glass) for collection (to increase the quality of recycled materials and reduce these wastes going to landfill) and From 1 January 2016, to source segregate food waste for collection and treatment, usually by anaerobic digestion (as a minimum to cease macerated food waste entering the public sewer system, which is banned from that date)
Waste The Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board approved the 6 Recommendations Papers submitted by the Waste Core Project Team in December 2013. The recommendations identify opportunities for financial efficiencies (including cost avoidance and income generation) and improved cross-Board cooperation in: food waste, confidential paper waste, management of unwanted furniture, cardboard waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and current consignment practices. These recommendations are currently being handed over to Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) for implementation.
Note from Douglas Seago I hope you all have enjoyed a restful festive period and are looking forward to a healthy and productive 2014. I am extremely grateful to all of those who have supported the Facilities Shared Services Programme over the last 12 months. It has been a busy and exciting time and I am delighted to see the fruits of your hard labour delivering both financial and non-financial benefits which directly and indirectly have a positive impact on the delivery of high quality patient services. It is helpful to remind ourselves that we are a single National Health Service with common aims and challenges. While the Shared Services Agenda will not provide a solution to all of those challenges, by sharing information, best practice and, where appropriate, services between NHS Boards we can deliver improved patient care.
Note from Douglas Seago The operational work load is a constantly expanding ever present. The requirement to deliver operational services and respond immediately to service needs is recognised by all of us leading this programme. I and the workstreamleads appreciate the efforts of those who continue to work in and engage with this programme. So many thanks for all the support which we have had, and hopefully will continue to receive throughout 2014. HFS Conference I was also able to present at the HFS Conference in November 2013 with more than 100 people in attendance to hear a joint presentation from myself and Martin Henry, Soft Facilities Management Programme Director.
Find out more If you have any questions…. Email: nss.facilities-shared-services-programme@nhs.net