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Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP). Team Brief December2014. Note from Douglas Seago. This is a very busy time of year for us all so many thanks for taking the time to read this edition of the Facilities Shared Services Bulletin.
Facilities Shared Services Programme (FSSP) Team Brief December2014
Note from Douglas Seago This is a very busy time of year for us all so many thanks for taking the time to read this edition of the Facilities Shared Services Bulletin. I am indebted to all of those involved in the various work streams for their exceptional efforts in taking the shared services agenda forward, in some cases to the point where they can be handed back to the Health Boards where the benefits can be realised, services improved and importantly savings made. There has been considerable debate both within the Facilities Review and Shared Services Programme Board and offline about the pressure on staff representatives and managers to free up time to contribute to the work of the Programme. It is appreciated that the urgent needs of the operational service must take priority over involvement and engagement in this important strategic work. If I can help staff, through discussion with managers to support your involvement in this programme then please do not hesitate in getting back to me. Given the lack of availability of staff to complete some aspects of projects it has been necessary to use consultants with the appropriate experience. This has not been undertaken lightly and I would assure all staff that should there be parcels of work which need to be undertaken then secondment opportunities will be offered to staff with the appropriate skills and experience, prior to the work being tendered through NHSScotland Frameworks2. These opportunities will be advertised internally. May I take this opportunity to offer you a very peaceful Christmas and a successful 2015.
Our aims The Facilities Shared Services Programme aims to explore opportunities for NHS Boards to utilise resources in more effective and innovative ways; for example, sharing services where appropriate. There are already examples of good practice across NHSScotland. Our purpose is to work together to ensure that we share these benefits widely and identify further productive opportunities to enable us to deliver services of improved quality and efficiency.
Background NHSScotland has a duty to the people of Scotland to ensure the NHS continues to deliver high quality services that are good value for money. The latest review, the Scottish Government Efficiency and Productivity Framework (Feb 2011) identified Support/ Shared services as an area where further savings and quality improvements could be made. Facilities Shared Services has 5 workstreams: – Capital Planning & Hard Facilities Management – Public Private Partnership (PPP) – Sterile Services – Transport – Waste (complete)
Capital Planning Ove Arup consultants have concluded the data collection exercise to establish which skills sets and capital planning roles are currently held within NHSScotland across all Boards, and to compare this to indicative development plans for the next 10 years. A report providing a roadmap and potential way forward to deliver a regional Capital Planning model was presented to the FR&SS Programme Board on 11th December 2014 at which the decision was made to seek stakeholder input from those involved in capital projects, Chief Executives and Directors of Finance. Until this work is complete there will not be a clear direction of travel.
Hard FM The analysis work undertaken by the Hard FM Short Life Working Group to date has started to highlight areas of skill shortage and opportunities for skill sharing across Boards. Further work is now being planned to examine the skill mix in the context of Health Boards and their proximity to each other. This will expand the areas covered to include property and asset management and sustainability amongst others.
Transport - Fleet Management Business Case approved in principle by Scottish Government to procure base telematics units for all commercial and pool vehicles across NHSScotland and an integrated Fleet Management System (including car leasing quoting functionality) and to establish a professional national fleet management support function. Work has been ongoing with NHS Boards and Staffside colleagues to explore opportunities and develop a phased implementation plan for the creation of regional fleet management operational areas, supported by a national support function.
Transport - Car Leasing An automated Car Leasing Fleet Management System is being progressed as part of the wider Fleet Management and Telematics systems. It is anticipated that procurement will commence early 2015 on confirmation of funding. The formal route for negotiation and implementation of core principles for car leasing is in progress. A Review Group will be established in early 2015 to review management structures for the delivery of the Car Leasing function across NHSScotland.
Transport – Logistics A funding bid has been submitted to resource dedicated logistics expertise to work with NHS Boards on the re-routing opportunities identified in the national review. It is anticipated that this resource will be available early 2015.
Sterile Services A report on the non-financial appraisal of options for the future delivery of sterile services for NHS Boards which have a need to invest in a capital infrastructure or establish contracts for the delivery of these services was presented to the FR&SS Programme Board on 11th December 2014. NHS Boards in scope are NHS Forth Valley, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Lothian (West Lothian only) and NHS Ayrshire & Arran (as a potential provider). The Programme Board requested that the Sterile Services Core Project Team complete the financial appraisal of the options for submission to the next Board meeting. The Programme Board also proposed a broader review of options and opportunities on a wider, and possibly, national basis. This will be explored further with the Central Decontamination Group in the New Year.
Sterile Services The Scottish Government eHealth Directorate has requested NHS NSS lead on the development of a report detailing the potential usage of GS1 within NHSScotland. It is expected that this report will help understand the implications and inform decisions around the use of GS1 as the unique identification standard in Scotland. The outcomes of this will inform work on a single solution for tracking and traceability for NHSScotland.
Reports Reports approved by the Facilities Review & Shared Services Programme Board can be downloaded from ourwebsite. http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk/quality-and-efficiency/shared-services/facilities-shared-services.aspx
Note of Thanks A note of thanks to all involved in the Facilities Shared Service Programme during 2015, and in particular to: Projects moving into Business As Usual George Curley, Director of Facilities, NHS Lothian and Howard Royston, PFI/NPD Contracts Advisor (PPP) Doug Flint, Sustainable Development Manager, HFS (Waste) Jim Leiper, Director of Estates, Facilities & Capital Services, NHS Fife (HardFM)
Note of Thanks Moving on Mike Baxter, Deputy Director of Capital & Facilities, Scottish Government Peter Haggerty, Director, HFS Joe Lynch, National Partnership Representative Thanks to all for their dedicated work and support and best wishes to those moving on to new positions and opportunities in 2015
Find ut more Further information is available on the website: http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk/quality-and-efficiency/shared-services/facilities-shared-services.aspx If you have any questions…. Email: nss.facilities-shared-services-programme@nhs.net