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SC Johnson School Crisis Response Plan TEAM MEMBER Kim DeLaO , Principal 488-4967 (cell) Gwendolyn Berry, Building Coordinator 632 -5498 (home) 909 -0977 (cell ) Stephanie Redding, Social Worker 989-3344 (home)
SC Johnson School Crisis Response Plan TEAM MEMBER Kim DeLaO, Principal 488-4967 (cell) Gwendolyn Berry, Building Coordinator 632-5498 (home) 909-0977 (cell) Stephanie Redding, Social Worker 989-3344 (home) Deb Jankowski, Counselor 884-8878 (home) 994-1701 (cell) Sue Malone (414) 571-1574 (home) Charity James 260-8733 (home)
Information regarding crisis should be directed to Principal and Crisis Response Coordinator. • Principal calls Crisis Response Building Coordinator who then calls the team. This activates the telephone tree to inform staff of current crisis/situation. • Crisis Coordinator with Principal will set up team meeting or teleconference if necessary and will determine if full staff meeting is necessary and possible. They will also anticipate who may need a substitute. • Crisis Coordinator or Principal will place a written message concerning crisis in mailboxes of staff as soon as possible. Announcement to be made to notify staff to check mailboxes. • Teachers and Team will give pertinent information to students as deemed necessary. • In the event of a sudden student/staff death, a team member designated by Coordinator will remove or secure all personal belongings. Check with Specialists for materials. Child’s name will be removed from school/district records. (Contact School Data to make correction in Skyward). • If large numbers of students need assistance dealing with the crisis, team members will assist outside crisis response team in three locations: Room 44, Library, and classrooms. • If a small number of students need assistance dealing with the crisis, team members will assist the students in Room 44, or conference room located next to the principal’s office, or the psychologist’s office, or the social worker’s office. • This plan will be revised annually and modified as needed.
SC Johnson School Contingency Plan • CONTINGENCY PLAN WILL TAKE EFFECT IN THE EVENT THAT THE PRINCIPAL IS INCAPACITATED OR OTHERWISE UNABLE OR UNAVAILABLE TO MAKE DECISION. • Gwendolyn Berry, Assistant Principal, will assume responsibility for calling any and all appropriate police and medical assistance. She will also call Jeff Weiss at the Administration Service Center number, 631-7086 or (262) 939-2835 (cell). Patti Redding, Secretary, will assume responsibility for calling appropriate personnel if the assistant principal is also unavailable. • All duties in our Crisis Response Plan normally assigned to the principal or assistant principal, in their absence, will be carried out by Jeff Weiss, Alyson Eisch, and/or Jeff Weiss’s designee.
SC Johnson Elementary School • Crisis Response/Lockdown Procedure • This lockdown procedure will be used if a suspicious, unidentified adult is in the building and not checked into the office, or other building safety concerns are taking place. • “Lockdown is in place.” • Staff classroom doors are to be in locked mode at all times. They may be left in open position unless lockdown is taking place. • Upon announcement, staff is to immediately close door and take attendance, making sure all students are accounted for. If the threat is inside or outside the students in the classroom should be in the most secure location with the shades pulled. Lights should be out and students should not be visible through any window openings. Students should remain quiet. ** Please make students aware if they are in the hall and hear this announcement, they are to go immediately to the nearest classroom.
Teachers who have taken students into their classroom from the hallway should immediately call the other classroom to let teacher know of student’s whereabouts. If no call is received, teacher of the missing student MUST call the office immediately. • Classes in transit to other parts of the building should go into the nearest classroom. • Students on back playground should be taken to far south end (turn around) of blacktop or brought to the cafeteria if threat is outside. • Cafeteria should be in locked mode at all times. During Lockdown Code the doors should be closed immediately. • “Lockdown is over.” Classes resume normal activities. • Procedures for a safe environment: • No outside doors are to be propped open for any reason. • Visitors are to check in at the office and receive a visitor’s pass. Before leaving, they should be directed to check out in the same manner. • Staff should immediately call the office if unidentified adult or suspicious activities are observed in the building. • Valuables brought to school should be kept at a minimum and under secure lock and key.
“Student Lockdown is in place.” • This procedure will be used for internal disruptions as well. In the past we have had students out of control running, screaming, and interrupting classrooms. This procedure will also be used at these times. • Upon announcement, staff is to immediately close door and take attendance, making sure all students are accounted for. Student’s can remain at their desks working but should not leave room for restroom break, etc., until “student lockdown” is over. • SC Johnson School Security Plan • SC Johnson School front doors and carport doors are opened at 6:00 am. The carport doors are locked at 7:20 am. The carport doors are not to be unlocked until 4:50 pm. for evening activities. The building custodian maintains a list of evening activities and times and will lock up accordingly. The front doors are locked at 8:00 am. A security “buzzer” system is used at our front doors. All visitors to the building must enter through the front doors on Kentucky Street, having been “buzzed in” by the front office secretary or clerk. Once inside the building, all visitors must sign in and take a visitor’s pass sticker to put on their clothing. All substitute teachers will wear a substitute tag. If parents enter the building with their child, they are not to walk their child to the classroom unless this is cleared through the office, they sign in, and are wearing a visitor’s tag.
SC JOHNSON SCHOOL • TORNADO DRILL • Revised 11/6/12 • Room Location • 1 Boy’s lavatory across from Room 1 • 3 Girl’s lavatory across from Room 1 • 5 Girl’s lavatory across from Room 1 • 7 Hallway outside Room 7 • 8 Hallway outside Room 8 • 9 Hallway outside Room 9 • 10 Hallway outside Room 10 • 11 West side of hallway between Rooms 11 and 13 • 12 East side of hallway outside of Rooms 11 and 13 • 13 Back room of Room 13 • 14 Inside Room 16 • 15 Equipment room in Gym • 18 Inside Room16 • 19 Office Supply Room • 20 Office Supply Room • 21 Office Supply Room • 22 (AV) Stay inside Room 22 entrance wall • 23 Stay inside Room 23 • 25 Stay inside Room 25 • 29 Back Room of Room 29 • 30 Title 1 Room – Room 25 • 31 Title 1 Room – Room 25 • 32 Hallway between Rooms 29 and 31 • 33 Hallway between Rooms 30 and 32 • 34 Hallway between Rooms 31 and 33 • 36 Hallway between Rooms 32 and 34 • 38 Hallway outside Room 34 and 36 • 40 Hallway by Room 38 • 41 Hallway by Room 38 • 42 Hallway between boy’s and girl’s lavatories • 43 Hallway outside of room 43 • 45 South hallway between Room 41 and 43 • 47 Hallway outside Room 40 • 49 Hallway outside Room 40 • 51 Girls go to the girl’s lavatory; boys to the boy’s lavatory • 52 Girls go to the girl’s lavatory; boys to the boy’s lavatory • 53 Girls go to the girl’s lavatory; boys to the boy’s lavatory • 54 Girls go to the girl’s lavatory; boys to the boy’s lavatory • 55 Boys lavatory next to the library • 56 Stay inside Room 56 • 57 Girl’s lavatory next to the library • 61 Stay inside Room 61 • 62 Storage room in the library • 63 Along the walls of Room 63 • 64 Storage room in Room 64
Tornado Drill Instructions • We are about to have a tornado drill. Please remain seated and listen carefully. This is a drill, a practice so that we will know what to do in case of a real tornado. • Tornadoes are nature’s most violent and erratic storms. Winds can exceed 200 mph. A tornado can travel for miles along the ground, lift and suddenly change direction and strike again. There is little you can do to protect your home or workplace from the strength of tornado winds, but there are actions you can take to protect yourself and your family better. Warning of severe weather would be transmitted to the school from the office of emergency government. A warning siren would sound and teachers would be directed to move students to designated safe areas of the building. • You are to keep quiet at all times. This is not a recess. There is a strong possibility that we would lose electrical power due to high winds. In that event, you would be notified with a temporary speaker—it’s important that you listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions. • The bathrooms have been mopped this afternoon in preparation for today’s drill. If you are assigned to a restroom, you must follow the same procedures. Kneel down facing the wall, bend over and place your hands over your head for protection. Your goal is to make yourself as small as possible. During this drill your teacher will monitor to make sure that you are following the correct procedures. If this were a real tornado everyone would assume this safety position. Stay in the safety position quietly until the all clear signal is received. Your teacher will give you instructions that it is safe to return to your classroom. • Remember to turn out your lights and leave your door open. Stay in your positions on the floor until the all clear signal is received and your teacher gives you instructions that it is safe to return to your classroom. We are now ready to begin our drill. Wait for instructions from your teacher and proceed quietly.
SC Johnson Fire Drill Route-Procedure • Please see fire drill route attached to this plan. As with tornado drill procedures, students are to remain quiet and exit the building using proper line basics. After arriving at designated location teachers are to ensure that all students are accounted for. After receiving the all clear (bell will ring twice) you can return to your classrooms. • General Evacuation Procedures • SC Johnson Elementary School • This procedure will be used in the event of a fire, bomb threat, maintenance breakdown and for events deemed by the principal to merit evacuation. • Announcement to evacuate will be made over the PA system. If the PA system is disabled, principal and office staff will go to each room to announce directions. • All K-3rd grade students will go directly to: • Pastor John Bodnar, Cell – 930-9710 • First Evangelical Free Church • 2402 Ohio Street Church – 554-1070 • K-3rd grade students will go to the church basement. • 4th-5th grade students will go directly to: • Twin Disc • 4600 21st Street • They will report to the training conference room at Twin Disc. The contact person is Roxanne Knuth, Human Resources, at 554-2690 and in her absence, the next contact person would be RichelleKapp, Manager Environmental, Safety and Security at 554-0640, ext. 3575.
Teachers/SPED Inclusion/EA’s are to stay with their students at all times. Bridge Room teachers and EA’s will evacuate with 4th & 5th grade. Non-homeroom staff (specialists, Title, ESL, Speech, etc.) will evacuate with K-3rd to provide support for safety purposes. • Teachers will take their class roster and account for their students. • School Secretary will call Transportation (631-7138) or Pat Starken’s cell # 939-0812 and arrange for buses, then call the RUSD switchboard (635-5600) and will then go to Starbuck to meet the students at Starbuck with the student release forms. She will take the tote of pink emergency cards with her to Starbuck. • Office Clerk will travel to First Evangelical Church with the K-3rd grade students. The Principal will take the student enrollment book located in her office and go to Twin Disc with the 4th – 5th grade students. • Assistant Principal/Social Worker/Counselor will go to First Evangelical Church and take the student enrollment book located in the main office. • Once the immediate evacuation is completed, the RUSD Transportation Department will have students transported from the evacuation site to a central location: Starbuck Middle School. • All students will assemble in Starbuck’s auditorium. Parents will be called from Starbuck Middle School and will sign for the child’s release using the student release forms. • First Evangelical Free Church: 554-1070 Starbuck Middle School: 664-6500 • RUSD Switchboard: 635-5600 Transportation Department: 631-7138