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Bahan kajian pada MK. Pertanian Berlanjut. EFEK PERTANIAN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN. PENGELOLAAN LAHAN. Diabstraksikan oleh : smno.jurstnh.fpub.sept2013. PENGELOLAAN LAHAN.
Bahankajianpada MK. PertanianBerlanjut EFEK PERTANIAN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN PENGELOLAAN LAHAN Diabstraksikanoleh: smno.jurstnh.fpub.sept2013
PENGELOLAAN LAHAN Lahanmerupakanlingkunganfisik yang meliputiiklim, relief, tanah, hidrologi, danvegetasi. Faktor-faktorinihinggabatastertentumempengaruhipotensidankemampuanlahanuntukmendukungsuatutipepenggunaantertentu. Tipepenggunaanlahan ("major kind of land use") adalahgolonganutamadaripenggunaanlahanpedesaan, sepertilahanpertaniantadahhujan, lahanpertanianirigasi, lahanhutan, ataulahanuntukrekreasi. Tipepemanfaatanlahan ("land utilization type, LUT") adalahsuatumacampenggunaanlahan yang didefinisikansecaralebihrincidan detail dibandingkandengantipepenggunaanlahan. Diunduhdarisumbernya:
PENGELOLAAN LAHAN "Karakterisiklahan"merupakanatributlahan yang dapatdiukurataudiestimasi. Misalnyakemiringan, curahhujan, teksturtanah, kapasitas air tersedia, biomasavegetasi, dll. "Kualitaslahan"adalahkompleksatributlahan yang mempunyaiperananspesifikdalammenentukantingkatkesesuaianlahanuntuksuatupenggunaantertentu. Contohnyaketersediaan air, resistensierosi, bahayabanjir, danaksesibilitas. "Kriteriadiagnostik"adalahsuatupeubah yang mem-punyaipengaruhtertentuterhadaphasil (atau input yang diperlukan ) padapenggunaantertentu, danpeubahinijugaberfungsisebagaidasaruntukmenilaikesesuaiansuatubidanglahanbagipenggunaantersebut. Peubahinibisaberupakualitaslahan, karakteristiklahan, ataufungsidaribeberapakarakteristiklahan. Diunduhdarisumbernya:
PENGELOLAAN LAHAN Beberapamacamkualitaslahan yang berhubungandenganpertumbuhandanproduktivitastanamanadalah: (i) hasiltanaman, (ii) ketersediaan air, (iii) ketersediaanhara, (iv) ketersediaanoksigendalam zone perakaran, (v) kondisibagi per-kecambahan, (vi) kemudahanpengolahan, (vii) salinitasataualkalinityas, (viii) toksisitastanah, (ix) ketahananterhadaperosi, (x) bahayabanjir, (xi) rejimsuhu, dan (xii) Fotoperiodik. Diunduhdarisumbernya:
PENGELOLAAN LAHAN Evaluasilahandansurveitanah, sangatdianjurkandalamrangkauntukmerencanakandanmengkoordinirupayaperbaikandanpengelolaanlahanpadamasing-masingtipepenggunaanatauusahatani. Kegiatanevaluasilahaninimesuplaipetanidenganinformasisecaratepatdanakurattentangapa yang seyogyanyadikerjakan, danperbaikanapasaja yang diperlukanuntukpengelolaanlahannya. Evaluasimeliputipenelitiandanpenilaiantentangteksturtanahlapisanatas, teksturtanahlapisanbawah, kedalamansolumdan subsoil, warnatanahlapisanatas, strukturtanah, keadaanbatu-batuan, mudahnyadiolah, permeabilitas subsoil, drainasepermukaan, drainase internal profiltanah, kemiringan, derajaterosi, bahayaerosibilatanahdiolah, faktor-faktor yang digunakanuntukmenentukankelaslahan, dankelaskapabilitaslahan. Diunduhdarisumbernya:
PENGELOLAAN LAHAN • What are some features of good soil? Any farmer will tell you that a good soil: • drains well and warms up quickly in the spring • does not crust after planting • soaks up heavy rains with little runoff • stores moisture for drought periods • has few clods and no hardpan • resists erosion and nutrient loss • supports high populations of soil organisms • does not require increasing fertilizer for high yields • has that rich, earthy smell • produces healthy, high quality crops Diunduhdarisumbernya:
www.agnet.org/library/eb/473/ Criteria of SALM can be listed as follows: Meeting the food needs of present and future generations in terms of quantity and quality and the demand for other agricultural products. Providing enough jobs, securing income and creating human living and working conditions for all those engaged in agricultural production. Maintaining, and where possible enhancing, the productive capacity of the natural resources base as a whole and the regenerative capacity of renewable resources, without impairing the function of basic natural cycles and ecological balance, destroying the socio-cultural identity of rural communities or contaminating the environment. Making the agricultural sector more resilient against adverse natural and socio-economic factors and other risks, and strengthening the self-confidence of rural populations.
CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABILITY 1. A low dependence on external / purchased inputs2. Use of locally and renewable resources 3. Beneficial impacts on environment: on - farm & off - farm4. Adapted to the existing local conditions5. Long-term maintenance of productive capacity 6. Biological & cultural diversity7. Knowledge of local inhabitants 8. Adequate domestic and exportable goods. www.aars-acrs.org/.../Papers/GIS97-3.htm
SISTEM PERTANIAN SISTEM ALAMIAH - Panentanaman - TeknologiPengelolaan - Pemupukan / perabukan - Pengolahantanah - Pengairan - Aplikasiagrokimia - Agroteknologilainnya. www.kabarindonesia.com/berita.php?pil=10&jd=M...
PUPUK - RABUK Pemupukan meningkatkan hasil/kualitas: The law of diminishing return Dosis Optimum Minimize Fertilizer: Sistem rotasi dg legume Manure/ Bahan organik Uji tanah & analisis tanaman Kultivar dg kebutuhan hara rendah Teknologi aplikasi Limbah organik Musim / waktu tanam Fiksasi N-biologis
MINIMIZE INSEKTISIDA 1. Metode peramalan gangguan hama 2. Better placement & formulations 3. Cropping rotations 4. Appropriate cultivations 5. Time of planting/ sowing 6. Controlled weed growth practices 7. Biological insecticides 8. Parasites & predators of pests 9. Allelochemicals, pheromones, repellents 10. Resistant cultivars 11. Use of trap crops 12. Innovative cultural techniques
MINIMIZE FUNGISIDA 1. Metode peramalan penyakit 2. Crop rotations 3. Aplikasi - placement 4. Waktu / musim tanam 5. Disease antagonists 6. Tolerant / resistant cultivars growvegetables.org.uk/vegetable_crop_rotation.htm
MINIMIZE HERBISIDA Mechanical weed control Crop rotations Cover cropping Live mulches Mycoherbicides Pest of weeds
CULTIVATION: MINIMIZE OLAH TANAH 1. Shallow plowing 2. Chisel plowing, not invert the soil 3. Deep subsoiling 4. Ridge tillages 5. Shallow-tine, menggemburkantanah 6. Harrowing, menyiapkanbedengan 7. No-till (direct drilling) 8 …… etc.
INTERAKSI YANG SPEKULATIF 1. Pupukmempengaruhipertumbuhangulma = tanaman 2. Pupukdapatmeningkatkangangguan Hama / Penyakit 3. BO dptmereduksihangguanhama & penyakit 4. BO dapatmerangsangpopulasi fungi pengendali NEMATODA 5. BO dapatmenjerapharadanpestisida 6. BO dptmenjadimakananalternatifbagi marginal pests
INTERAKSI YANG SPEKULATIF 1. Kultivasi dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan gangguan hama atau penyakit 2. Kultivasi mengendalikan gangguan gulma 3. Kultivasimempengaruhidosispupuk yang diperlukan 4. Kultivasimeningkatkanefektivitaspestisida 5. Kultivasi membenamkan/mengubur BO ke dalam tanah www.omafra.gov.on.ca/.../2007/03cpo07a2.htm
INTERAKSI YANG SPEKULATIF 1. Herbisidamempengaruhikeparahangangguanhama/penyakit 2. Pestisidamempengaruhiorganismetanahdekomposer 3. Insektisidamereduksigangguan virus danpenyakit 4. Insektisidameningkatkanpopulasigulma 5. Insektisidamembunuhmusuhalami 6. Fungisidamembunuh fungi tanahpengendaliinsekdannematoda 7. Fungisidamereduksipopulasidekomposerdan antagonist 8. Pestisidamenekanpopulasicacingtanah 9. …… ?
SUSTAINABLE AGRIC. SYSTEM: SOIL EROSION & LAND DEGRADATION 1. Zero or Reduced tillage 2. Life mulching --- legume civer crops 3. Alley cropping & agroforestry 4. Supplying mulch: Erosi dan BOT 5. Fiksasi N2 dan daur ulang hara 6. Minimizing fallowing 7. Integrasi food crops, trees, pasture / livestock 8. Mulsa plastik
SUSTAINABLE AGRIC. SYSTEM: SOIL EROSION & LAND DEGRADATION Organic matter mulching --- decomposition of OM wvlc.uwaterloo.ca/.../module8/soil/chap2d.htm
NUTRIENT BALANCE IN THE SOIL: INPUTS RN = (AP + AR - RM - L) RN : hara dalam tanah pada akhir periode t AP : hara dalam tanah pada awal periode t AR : hara yang ditambahkan ke tanah selama periode t RM: hara yang dipanen selama periode t L : hara yg hilang selama periode t t : periode waktu tertentu
PENGELAOLAAN LAHAN Pengolahantanahmenurutgariskonturuntukmengendalikan runoff danerosi Diunduhdarisumbernya: foto.regina.mahawu.2012
TANAH YANG TEREROSI = LAHAN KRITIS • When land cleared of its natural vegetation, the soil begins to lose its fertility • Physical erosion • Became a global issue in the world • Intense plowing + drought • Loosened soil blow away Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
TANAH YANG TEREROSI = LAHAN KRITIS • The land that became the Dust Bowl had been prairie • Deep rooted grasses that held soil in place • After plowing soil exposed to elements • When original vegetation is cleared soil changes • Crops harvested and removed, less organic matter returning to soil • Soil exposed to sunlight which speeds rate of decomposition Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
TANAH YANG TEREROSI = LAHAN KRITIS • Traditionally decline in soil fertility combated using organic fertilizers • Animal manure • In the 20th century crop production increased • Chemical or artificial fertilizers • Add nitrogen and phosphorous to the soil Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
TANAH YANG TEREROSI = LAHAN KRITIS Lahankritistelahmengalamikerusakanbaiksecarafisika, kimia, maupunbiologi. Jumlahlahankritisdi Indonesia semakinmeningkatseiringadanyapembukaandanpenggundulanhutan, penambangan, sertaeksploitasi yang berlebihanterhadaptanah. Diperkirakansaatiniluaslahankritismencapai 77,8 jutahektare, yang terdiridarilahanagakkritismencapai 47,6 jutahektar, lahankritisseluas 23,3 jutahektar, danlahansangatkritismencapai 6,8 jutahektar. Diunduhdarisumbernya: http://gerbangtani.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/perbaikan-lahan-kritis/ ………… 22/10/2012
Kemana material tanah yang tererosi • A lot of it travels down streams and rivers • Deposited at their mouths • Fill in water ways • Damage fisheries and coral reefs • Sedimentation has chemical effects • Enrichment of waters, eutrophication • Transport of toxic chemical pesticides Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
Bagaimanamelestarikantanah • Soil forms continuously • But very slowly • 1mm of soil formation takes 10-40 years • To be truly sustainable soil lost should equal amount of new soil produced Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
Pengolahantanahmenurutkontur • Land is plowed perpendicular to the slopes and as horizontally as possible. • One of the most effective ways to reduce soil erosion • Also uses less fuel and time Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
PertanianTanpaOlah Tanah (TOT) • Involves not plowing the land, using herbicides and integrated pest management to keep down weeds, and allowing some weeds to grow. • The goal is to suppress and control weeds but not eliminate them at the expense of soil conservation • Additional benefit reduces the release of CO2 Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
Grazing on Rangelands • Almost half of the Earth's land area is used as rangeland • 30% of Earth’s land area is arid rangeland • Arid rangeland easily damaged especially in time of drought • Steams and rivers also damaged • Trampling banks and fecal matter Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
Traditional and Industrial Use of Grazing and Rangelands • In modern industrialized agriculture • Cattle initially raised on open range • Then transport to feed lots • Major impact is local pollution from manure • Traditional herding practices • Damage land through overgrazing • Impact varies depending on density relative to rainfall and soil fertility Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
BiogeografiTernak-Pertanian • Everyplace people have dispersed they have bought animals w/ them • Pre-industrial and throughout western civilization • Environmental effects of introductions • Native vegetation may be greatly reduced and threatened w/ extinction • Introduced animals may compete w/ native herbivores, threatening them w/ extinction as well Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
DAYA DUKUNG LAHAN GEMBALAAN • Carrying capacity- • the maximum number of species per unit area that can persist w/o decreasing the ability of that population or its ecosystem to maintain that density in the future. • When the carrying capacity is exceeded, the land is overgrazed. Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
DAYA DUKUNG LAHAN GEMBALAAN • Overgrazing • Slows the growth of vegetation • Reduces the diversity of plant species • Leads to dominance by plant species that are relatively undesirable to the cattle • Hastens loss of soil by erosion • Subject the land to further damage from trampling Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
PERKEMBANGAN DESERT (GURUN) • Deserts occur naturally where there is too little water for substantial plant growth. • The warmer the climate the greater the rainfall needed to convert an area from desert to non-desert • The crucial factor is available water in the soil for plant use • Factors that destroy the ability of a soil to store water can create a desert Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
PERKEMBANGAN DESERT (GURUN) • Earth has five natural warm desert regions • Primarily between 15o and 30o north and south of the equator • Based on climate 1/3 of Earth’s land area should be desert • 43% of land is desert • Addition area due to human activities Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
PERKEMBANGAN DESERT (GURUN) Hamparanlahankeringdimusimkemaraudi Sumbawa (foto.ieke.2012) • Desertification – the deterioration of land in arid, semiarid, and dry sub humid areas due to changes in climate and human activities. • Serious problem that affects 1/6 of world population (1 billion people)
APA YANG MENYEBABKAN DESERTS • The leading cause of desertification are bad farming practices. • Failure to use contour plowing • To much farming • Overgrazing • Conversion of rangelands to croplands in marginal areas • Poor forestry practices Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
APA YANG MENYEBABKAN DESERTS • Desert like areas can be created anywhere by poisoning of the soil • World wide chemicals account for 12% of soil degradation • Irrigation in arid lands can cause salts to build up to toxic levels Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
MENCEGAH PERKEMBANGAN DESERT • Tahappertamaadalahmendeteksigejala-gejala • Lowering of water table • Increase in the salt content of soil • Reduced surface water • Increased soil erosion • Hilangnyavegetasialamiah • Dapatdicapaidnegansisitempemantauan yang bagus
MENCEGAH PERKEMBANGAN DESERT • Next step • Proper methods of soil conservation, forest management and irrigation • Good soil conservation includes • Use of wind breaks • Reforestation Pohonkelapajugaberfungsisebagaipenahanangin Diunduhdarisumbernya: foto.ieke.2012
APAKAH PERTANIAN MENGUBAH Biosphere? • 1st – Pertanianmengubahtutupanlahan • Resulting in changes in reflected light • The evaporation of water • The roughness of the surface • Rate of exchange of chemical compounds • 2nd – Pertanian modern meningkatkanemisi CO2 • Major user of fossil fuels • Clearing land speeds decomposition Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012
APAKAH PERTANIAN MENGUBAH Biosphere? • 3rd Affect climate through fires • Associated w/ clearing land • Add small particulates to the atmosphere • 4th Artificial production of nitrogen • Alters biogeochemical cycle • 5th Affects species diversity • Reduces diversity and increases # of endangered species Diunduhdarisumbernya: ………… 20/10/2012