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Managing EU programmes in the EU of 27

Professor Roger P Levy University of Cagliari March 2009. Managing EU programmes in the EU of 27. Who does what. Commission, Council and Parliament make POLICY Commission draws up the BUDGET, modified by Council and Parliament Commission MAKES PAYMENTS to implementing agencies

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Managing EU programmes in the EU of 27

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  1. Professor Roger P Levy University of Cagliari March 2009 Managing EU programmes in the EU of 27

  2. Who does what Commission, Council and Parliament make POLICY Commission draws up the BUDGET, modified by Council and Parliament Commission MAKES PAYMENTS to implementing agencies National/local agencies MANAGE & IMPLEMENT programmes Commission and Court of Auditors CHECK & MONITOR implementation and spending

  3. How EU programmes are managed Legal framework – treaties, regulations, directives. European Commission is responsible. Type 1 - Direct – the Commission or its agencies manage directly e.g. some R&D Type 2 - Shared – the Commission manages jointly with national agencies e.g.structural funds Type 3 - Decentralised – the Commission manages the agencies which implement locally e.g. the CAP

  4. What spending programmes does the EU manage? CAP Structural funds Education and training Research and development EDF Other foreign aid programmes

  5. The EU budget 2005 c. E105 bn. total spending CAP 45% Structural funds 30% Research 9% External actions 5% Pre-accession aid 3% Income – VAT, 15%, ‘GNI 4th. Resource’, 67%, customs duties, 11%

  6. The programming cycle Overall Financial Perspective (current one runs 2007-13) (agreed in 2005) Before FY: Annual budget agreed (Commission, EP, Council) Start of FY: Annual Management Plans (AMPs) drawn up by each DG based on annual budget End of FY: Annual Activity Reports drawn up by each DG, national agencies file reports and acounts After FY: Annual report and DAS by ECA Annual discharge process and decision by EP

  7. Problems of programming and control in multi-level governance Co-ordination between levels Management deficit in the Commission and in the MSs Multi-annuality vs. annual budget National objectives vs. EU objectives Programme design Net contributors vs. net beneficiaries Accountability deficit – IICF as a solution?

  8. The Impact of Enlargement Medium/long term shift of funds towards the new MSs Greater burden on existing contributors Greater pressure to spend more Decisive majority iin the Council of net beneficiaries Management capacity further stretched

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