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Macbeth's Limerick Satire

Write a light-hearted limerick related to Macbeth character or plot. Explore satire, humor, or irony in 5 lines with prescribed rhyming scheme, syllable count, and creativity. Deadline Friday!

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Macbeth's Limerick Satire

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  1. Limericks Limericks are short, light-hearted poems that satirize (poke fun at and point out the flaws of) politics, the customs of society, or public figures.

  2. Limericks follow these rules: • Five lines long • Rhyme scheme is A, A, B, B, A This means that the last words in the “A” lines (1, 2, and 5) rhyme and the last words in the “B” lines (3 and 4) rhyme.

  3. Example: A There once was a man named TatooA who got sick from eating a shoeB “I think I shall die,” B he said with a sigh, A “unless this is only the flu.”

  4. Limericks follow these rules: • Lines 1, 2, and 5 have 8-10 syllables. • Lines 3 and 4 have 5-6 syllables. • Count the number of times your mouth opens to help you count the syllables or word parts. The number of syllables depends on the flow and rhythm: read it aloud to hear how it sounds.

  5. Example: (8) There was an old man from Peru (8) who dreamed he was eating a shoe. (5) He woke in a fright (5) in middle of night (8) and found it was perfectly true!

  6. Write a Macbeth-related limerick for tomorrow. • Options: • Describe and evaluate a major character in your limerick • Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, Duncan, Macduff • Create a pro-Macbeth or anti-Macbeth limerick from the perspective of another character • Summarize the plot thus far

  7. Be creative! Have fun! Due Friday!

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