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Napoleon Bonaparte

Explore the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte through a visual analysis. Learn about his rise to power, establishment of the French Empire, key mistakes, and ultimate downfall. Delve into the Revolutionary Cycle and the impact of his reign on Europe. Understand the Congress of Vienna and the future after Napoleon.

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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte Rise, Fall & Legacy

  2. Analyze the visual below: • Why this pose? • What message is being conveyed?

  3. Revolutionary Cycle: How Does it Apply to the French Revolution?

  4. What accounted for the rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte? • Military Victory • Proven Leadership • Reputation (+) • Changes in Government • The Directory ineffective • Coup d’état by Abbé Siéyès & army • Constitution Year VIII • 1st Consul = NB as sole Ruler

  5. The Consulate: NB as Ruler • Peace to Europe: Treaty of Amiens 1802 • Amnesty • Emigrés + Other Factions b/c Skills Needed • Suppression of Dissent • Secret Police + Centralized Power + Execution • Concordat = Peace with the Papacy • RC as official French religion, Power Shared • Napoleonic Code • Property Rights, Pro-Biz Anti-Labor, Pro-Male • Consistent Law in France

  6. NB as Emperor – What the…? • Bomb Threat >> • New Constitution • Plebiscite = • Vote of ppl

  7. How did the French Empire get established & what was its extent? • Haitian Rebellion… lost • Louisiana Purchase… sold • Setbacks vs. Third Coalition (GB, A, R) • Trafalgar ‘05 = GB is safe, naval superiority • Conquest = Expansion of Land/Influence • Austerlitz ‘05 = NB controls Northern Italy • Confederation of the Rhine ‘06 = Re-organized • Berlin Decrees ‘06 = no GB imports • Treaty of Tilsit ‘07 = Prussia / Russia “puppets”

  8. Napoleon’s Three Mistakes • The Continental System ‘07 • No trade w/ GB w/in Empire • Milan Decree No One trades w/ GB • Damaged Economy > Smuggling, ↑ costs • The Peninsular War ‘08 • Suppress Portugal + Replace Bourbon King • Guerilla War by Sp + GB troops = losses • The Invasion of Russia 1812 • Grand Army 600k >>>> 100k • Scorched Earth + Weather = Defeat + Retreat

  9. Napoleon’s End #1 • 3 Mistakes > Weakened Forces • Battle of the Nations aka Battle of Leipzig • NB loses • NB Abdicates + Accepts Exile to Elba, but…

  10. Treaty of Chaumont 1814 Bourbons restored (Louis XVIII) >1792 borders Quadruple Alliance = Peace / Cooperation GB, Russia, Prussia & Austria… 20 year deal Congress of Vienna begins… NB’s Hundred Days… again? NB returns, new army… vs. Quad Alliance Wellington (GB) + von Blucher (P) def. NB-Waterloo NB exiled to St. Helena (mid-Atlantic)… dies (6 yrs) Congress of Vienna continues… After NB… What’s Next?

  11. Congress of Vienna 1814-15 • GB, Prussia, Austria, Russia = deciders • Castlereagh (GB) & Metternich (A) key ppl. • Balance of Power • Borders realigned, territory restored • Legitimacy • Restored monarchs/avoid democracy • Holy Alliance (R, Pr,& A) • France restored as a respected power • Results in peace on the Continent…

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