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Fullerton College Environmental Scan. Kenneth A. Meehan, Ph.D. Director of Research September 25, 2006. What is Environmental Scanning.
Fullerton College Environmental Scan Kenneth A. Meehan, Ph.D. Director of Research September 25, 2006
What is Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning as a definable subject appears to have been around since the late 60s but it doesn't seem to have gained a lot of traction until the 80s to refer to the process of gathering and evaluating information from the external environment.
What is Environmental Scanning The terminology and methodology of environmental scanning are from the strategic planning literature. The techniques included are consistent with current total quality management and "learning organization" approaches. Strategic planning strives to identify the best fit between an organization and its external environment and is conducted assuming the need for continuous improvement of programs.
What is Environmental Scanning External scanning is defined as the acquisition, analysis, and use of information about events, trends, and relationships in an organization's external environment, the future knowledge of which would assist management in planning the organization's future course of action. The external environment of an organization includes all outside factors that can affect the performance or survival of the organization.
What is Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning is the internal communication of external information about issues that may potentially influence an organization's decision-making process. Environmental scanning focuses on the identification of emerging issues, situations, and potential pitfalls that may affect an organization's future.
What is Environmental Scanning The information gathered, including the events, trends, and relationships that are external to an organization, is provided to key managers within the organization and is used to guide management in future plans. It is used to evaluate an organization's strengths and weaknesses in response to external threats and opportunities.
What is Environmental Scanning In essence, environmental scanning is a method for identifying, collecting, and translating information about external influences into useful plans and decisions. Kendra S. Albright, "Environmental Scanning: Radar for Success", Information Management Journal 38 (3), May/June 2004: p. 38
What is Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning is not a fancy name for crystal-ball gazing--there's no assuption that a scan in anyway foretells the future. A good scan will identify trends not fads but it isn't intended to be The Future. It is meant to identify some issues which are likely to have an impact on your organization. And it isn't a means to an end. A scan should be only one part of a larger strategic planning process--that's the "must lead to action" piece.
Objectives of Environmental Scanning • Detecting scientific, technical, economic, social, and political trends and events important to the institution, • Defining the potential threats, opportunities, or changes for the institution implied by those trends and events, • Promoting a future orientation in the thinking of management and staff, and • Alerting management and staff to trends that are converging, diverging, speeding up, slowing down, or interacting.
Demographic Information • Population growth of about 1% annually in Fullerton College community • Population growth projection of about 12% through 2030 • About 100,000 new residents in Fullerton College community
Demographic Information • Significant changes in Race/Ethnicity composition of FC community • Hispanic plurality in Orange County by 2020 • Hispanic majority in Orange County by 2040 • Changes reflected in FC enrollment
Demographic Information • Significant changes in Race/Ethnicity composition of FC community • Hispanic plurality in Orange County by 2020 • Hispanic majority in Orange County by 2040 • Changes reflected in FC enrollment
Educational Information • Steady increase in Orange County K-12 enrollment through 2003 • Slight decrease in Orange County K-12 enrollment since 2004 • Overall increase in feeder high school district enrollment through current year • Decrease in Fullerton high school district in 2005
Educational Information • Significant numbers of students with free or reduced lunch at Anaheim and Katella high schools • English language learners • First generation college goers • Majority not UC/CSU eligible • Significant percentage not English proficient • Most not math proficient
Educational Information • Fullerton College going rate of about 20% from major feeder high school districts • Significant numbers of students from major feeder high schools attend other community colleges • Approximately 20% of students from major feeder high schools attend UC or CSU directly from high school
Economic Information • Civilian labor force declined in Orange County and Fullerton College cities in 2006 • Unemployment has dropped steadily since 2003 • Decline in Manufacturing industries • Growth in Construction and Finance • Professional and Business Service with most employees
Economic Information • More jobs require BA/BS • Major growth in teaching, computer software engineers – both applications and systems • Major growth in massage therapy, desktop publishing, real estate appraisers, industrial engineering
Political Information • Accountability • Accreditation • Budget • Enrollment Growth • Facilities Planning • Distance Learning
Some references http://www.rpgroup.org/Projects/CCC-StrategicPlan/EvScanCCC-StrategicPln-RPCSS-07-05.pdf http://www.ocair.org/files/Presentations/onlinepapers/Willard.PDF http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/enviroscan/default.html http://www.ericdigests.org/1992-5/economic.htm
Questions and Comments Ken Meehan kmeehan@fullcoll.edu 992-7040 research.fullcoll.edu