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Progressivism. Muckrackers Settlement House Socialism City, political, economic and social reform Civil Rights National Reform Roosevelt and Taft Presidency. Muckracker.
Progressivism Muckrackers Settlement House Socialism City, political, economic and social reform Civil Rights National Reform Roosevelt and Taft Presidency
Muckracker • American journalists, novelists, and critics who in the first decade of the 20th cent. attempted to expose the abuses of business and the corruption in politics. • Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens • McClures’ 1893-1929
Settlement Houses • Jane Addams, Ellen Starr • Florence Kelley
Socialism • a political and economic theory that goods should be shared equally among the population rather than being assigned because of birth or talent: • "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Opponent of Capitalism.
Two types of Socialism • Utopian • taught that political power should lie with scientists and workers rather than with aristocrats and clerics. • Scientific • Hegelian Dialectic: The world progresses through a process of conflict between great ideas, which conflict gives rise to a new reality. (The process can be described thus:Thesis conflicts with its opposite, or Antithesis; the conflict between these two gives rise to a new reality, the Synthesis. This however sets up a new Dialectic, where the Synthesis becomes the new Thesis, giving rise to its opposite, or Antithesis, thus starting the process over again).
Reforms • Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin • Congressman, Governor, Senator • Fought against party machines and private interest • Supported Unions • Supported Wilson before the war
Civil Rights • Niagara Movement • Du Bois • forms an organization that would offer a militant alternative to Washington. • issued a manifesto that demanded the rights of black people to vote, to not be segregated in public transportation or discriminated against elsewhere, and to enjoy all those liberties white citizens enjoyed
NAACP • Founded Feb 12, 1909 • Moorefield Storey: The president of the NAACP from its founding to 1915 • Joel Spingarn was one of the first Jewish leaders of the NAACP, its second president, and chairman of its board from 1913 until his death. • Mary White Ovington: For more than forty years she served as board member, executive secretary, and chairman, and served as conciliator among the various factions that threatened to destroy the movement • W.E.B. Du Bois: first NAACP director of research and publications and he founded Crisis of which he was editor for two dozen years
Next…. • Women’s movement, and • Teddy Roosevelt