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Systems and Survival Review

Systems and Survival Review. Use your Student Journal and class handouts to study. Review Vocabulary Flashcards to know the meaning of terms used within the questions. Main Idea 1: Organisms are classified/grouped by their characteristics.

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Systems and Survival Review

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  1. Systems and Survival Review Use your Student Journal and class handouts to study. Review Vocabulary Flashcards to know the meaning of terms used within the questions.

  2. Main Idea 1: Organisms are classified/grouped by their characteristics • This makes it easier for scientists to study, compare & contrast, and discuss with other scientists. • The taxonomy of Organisms (or grouping system) starts with the broadest, largest group first (Kingdom), and moves to more and more narrow groups (Species). Organisms in the narrowest groups share the most characteristics in common.

  3. Kingdom -broadest group Animals Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species- narrowest,smallest House Cat group Mnemonic devices can help you memorize lists like these: Kids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach Classification Levels You are not required to memorize these

  4. Think about Activities We Did: • We classified objects in a 5th grader’s desk based on color, size, function. • We classified organism cards onto the Plant and Animal Tree- • think about the ways plants and animals were grouped based on things like flowering or not, invertebrates, warm blooded, egg laying etc.

  5. Physical traits are those body parts and appearances that are inherited/passed from parent to offspring (children) such as eye color, fur pattern, or beak shape. Behavioral traits- are things an organism does to survive. They can be instinctual (things the organism is born knowing) or learned (acquired) Main Idea 2: All Organisms have basic needs to survive. Organisms have physical and behavioral characteristics which help them survive.

  6. Physical Characteristics • Organisms have Physical Characteristics which help them survive. • These traits and body structures help the organism in its environment. • These traits are INHERITED or passed from parent to offspring • Examples: • Feathers, hollow bones of birds Fur/Hair patterns or colors • Sharp teeth, and striped fur of lions Eye color • Warm blooded or cold blooded Vertebrate or Invertebrate

  7. Some behaviors are Instincts- the animal is born knowing how to do it, An example is a bird flying South for the winter Fish swimming upstream to spawn Some behaviors can be learned – like a dog learning to fetch a Frisbee A 5th Grader learning how to play soccer. Behavioral CharacteristicsOrganisms have ways of acting or behaving which help them survive.

  8. Plants • Plants also have physical and behavioral characteristics. Changes in the environment can affect plants and animals • We read and compared 4 unusual plants, think of a characteristic of each: • Saguaro cactus • Giant water lily • Venus Fly Trap • Rafflesia

  9. Main Idea 3: Human Beingsare animals and also have physical and behavioral characteristic which help them survive • We have body systems that work together like the respiratory and circulatory systems • We have behaviors such as running and riding a bike.

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