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USSOCOM CLPM Advanced Competencies Course. Dear Attendees, Welcome to the annual United States Special Operations Command ( USSOCOM) C ommand Language Program Managers’(CLPM) Advanced Competencies Course at Mac Dill Air Force Base, Florida from 26 – 29 August 2013.
USSOCOM CLPM Advanced Competencies Course Dear Attendees, Welcome to the annual United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Command Language Program Managers’(CLPM) Advanced Competencies Course at Mac Dill Air Force Base, Florida from 26 – 29 August 2013. The goals of this course are to provide the command’s language managers with information, instruction, and assistance that will help them build successful language and culture training programs. The agenda includes presentations and round-robin style workshops addressing program leadership, program of instruction development, classroom observation, new and improved training software licensed for use by one or more of our components, a panel discussion, and component command presentations. This “continuing education” for Special Operation Forces Language Program Managers provides a forum to exchange ideas and information with their counterparts. Additionally, we will present the SOF Unit Command Language Program and Component School of the Year Awards during the no-host social event the evening of Day 2. I look forward to an enjoyable and productive training event that will stimulate open discussion and facilitate an exchange of ideas. Please register at our site http://clpmadvancedcourse.softsonline.org or https://www.atrrs.army.mil no later than 17 August 2013. Point of contact is Mr. Mark L. Roemer, 813-826-2336, DSN 239-2336, mark.roemer@socom.mil, FAX 813-826-2327. Sincerely, Jack Donnelly Director, SOF Language Office 2013 Focus “Advanced Competencies and Problem Solving for Language Program Managers” Course Purpose To provide SOF Language Program Managers continuing education on both job-specific and language instruction general topics to enable continuous improvement of unit and school language programs. The course is intended to promote: *Manager and Organizational Professionalism *Effective Instruction *Efficient Use of Resources *SOF War fighters Who Are More Capable of Executing Language-required Tasks With and Against Foreign Nationals . D a v i s C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r M a c D i l l A F B , F L 3 3 6 2 1 C o m m ( 8 1 3 ) 8 2 8 - 6 6 0 0 D S N 9 6 8 - 6 6 0 0 F a x ( 8 1 3 ) 8 2 8 - 7 0 6 1 Register online at: https://www.atrrs.army.mil or http://clpmadvancedcourse.softsonline.org
United States Special Operations Command Advanced Competencies Course For SOF Language Managers ATTRS School: 331A CLPM Advanced Course Highlights • The 2013 USSOCOM CLPM Advanced Competencies Course addresses: • SOF Service Component Updates • Language Training Quality Assurance/Quality Control • Command Language Program Best Practices • Language Needs Assessment • Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) & Language Policy Updates • SOF Tele-training Systems (SOFTS) Update • Language Training Support Package • USSOCOM Language Program Of the Year Award HQ, USSOCOM ATTN: FMD J7-EL 7701 Tampa Point Blvd. MacDill AFB, FL 33621-5323 26 – 29 August 2013 MacDill AFB, FL