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2011-12 winter shutdown preparatory meeting

2011-12 winter shutdown preparatory meeting. A.Tauro 6-1-2012. V0.3. 2011-12 winter shutdown. EMC. Shielding. TRD. Shielding. Open L3. Close L3. TRD infrastructure. EMC infrastructure. Beam off: Dec 8 th at 6:00 AM Beam on: Mar 7 th at 18:00 PM.

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2011-12 winter shutdown preparatory meeting

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  1. 2011-12 winter shutdown preparatory meeting A.Tauro 6-1-2012 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  2. V0.3 2011-12 winter shutdown EMC • Shielding TRD Shielding Open L3 Close L3 TRD infrastructure EMC infrastructure Beam off: Dec 8th at 6:00 AM Beam on: Mar 7th at 18:00 PM CERN closure: 22/12 to 4/1 included ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  3. UX25 access restrictions To be scheduled (1 day in wk 51) After 17:00 Close L3 Open L3 Access restrictions: Removal/installation of shielding (restriction includes RB24 triplets) • PX24 blocks: no access CR5 and UX25 • PX24 beams (35t): no access CR1-5, Expo, and UX-25 • All other blocks: no access to UX-25 (or 1-2 teams max, not on A-side) TRD insertion: no access to MNF and L3 AUG test (Arrêt Urgence General – General Emergency Stop) – no access UX25 DSO test (Department Safety Officer) – no access UX25 No access SX2 during manipulation of blocks in SX2 (except ACR and WRs) To be confirmed ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  4. L3 and MNF access restrictions To be scheduled (1 day in wk 51) After 17:00 Open L3 Close L3 To be confirmed • Wks 49-50 and 7: access in normal hours (e.g. TPC) to be coordinated with TC • Wks 1-2: no access inside L3 during TRD SMs insertion • When moving from low-beta to insertion platform: no access to MNF • When inserting the module: no access L3 and MNF • Watcher needed in wks 49-50 and from wk 6 onwards ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  5. EN-HE • 8th Dec (9:30): reinstall crane (PR-774) electronics • 8th Dec (AM): load test cavern cranes (20t) • 30th Jan. UX25 crane inspection by Brunnhuber • Wk 8: test UJ22 jig + annual maintenance P2 cranes EN-HE-LM • 14th Dec: maintenance lift CR1-4 • Lift stopped whole day (7:00 – 16:00) • Cavern lift has to be stopped as well for one day. Date tbc ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  6. TE-VSC • 8th and 9th Dec: close MNF valve and venting central beampipe • Feb 1st– 23rd: pump down central beampipe ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  7. GS-ASE • Week 52: evacuation test • Jan. 5th – 13th: RAMSES firmware upgrade • Jan. 9th: red phone maintenance • Jan. 20th and 26th: test fire detection • Week 5: sniffer maintenance • Week 6: maintenance gas detection (UX, CR5) • Feb. 21st: maintenance PAD/MAD • Guard will be provided by GS in order not to interfere with cavern access ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  8. EN-CV-OP – Dec • 7th Dec at 18:00-22:00: adjustment chilled water flow in the cavern + lower L3-Dipole cooling settings • Will affect all cooling plants • Keep as many detectors on till the 8th (DCS shutdown), in order to check that regulation works (EN-CV-DC side) • Keep L3 and Dipole till the end of the test • Week 50: rinsing of mixed water in UX25 cavern (Philippe) • Refilling in parallel  will not affect ALICE cooling • End wk 50 (16th Dec): test of Dipole flooding alarm • Need access to Dipole (Philippe) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  9. EN-CV-OP – Jan/Feb • Tue 2nd and Wed 3rd Jan: Maintenance ITS (old) ventilator in CR5 • Thu 5th and Fri 6th Jan:maintenance PMD-MTG-MTK ventilation units • Fri 6th Jan: stop chilled water (SU2) • Therefore stop mixed water (cavern, CRs) • Switch tap water into CRs • Week 2: • Cleaning cooling towers (Mon to Thu) • Maintenance L3 injection and UX25 extraction/injection units. Test of alarms • New motor L3 ventilation (date tbc) • Modification of chilled water pipe for L3 jacket (Mon) • Maintenance mixed water pumps PX24 (Mon-Wed) and UW25 (Wed-Thu) • Preparation services new ITS dehumidifier • Consolidation of automatic switchover to tap water into CRs • Week 3: • Restart chilled & mixed water (around Wed, tbc) • Maintenance L3 extraction unit. Test of alarms • Maintenance ventilation unit SG2 (Mon-Tue)  will cut Ar/H2 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  10. EN-CV-OP • Repair leak FB pipe: • 23rd Jan • Fernando  compensatory measures • Removal unused FB pipe (I-side): • 24th-25th Jan • Need nacelle ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  11. EN-EL 1/2 • 13/12: Test general secours: stop general services for 10’ • Will affect all general services, also at P2. The UPSes for DAQ and DCS/HLT will bridge the power cut (assuming they manage to repair the DCS/HLT one on 8.12...). Also rack power (CRs and UX) will not be affected. • However all 'wall outlets', WR of the ACR, offices, meeting room, SXL2, coffee machine will be affected... Also the non ups part of the cooling plants as well as the gas system will be affected… • 17/12: Test auto-transfert: • 1.5 days to configure + 1 day test • No impact on experiments • Wed 18th Jan: maintenance power transformers: • Will cut EXD1/2X for 3h  cut power to CRs (normal network) • Will cut ITS ventilator and HMPID rack in CR5 • Test AUG P2: Fri Jan 20th– No access UX25 • Major electrical perturbation affecting P2 for whole day ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  12. EN-EL 2/2 • Consolidation 48V network (after incident 11th Jan 2011) • 1 day no access to UX25  Feb 17th (tbc, K.Foraz) • Maintenance power transformer EMT306/2X • Feb 17th 6:00 to 10:00 • Will stop UX25 air extraction and injection (4h) –No access UX25 from 6:00 to 10:00 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  13. EN-CV-BE • New ITS dehumidifier unit in SX2 • Ducts installation : ongoing (SPIE) • Air handling unit delivery : week 51 • Electrical and control cubicle delivery : week 2 • Cabling and mechanical connection : from week 2 to week 5 • Start-up and commissioning : from week 6 to week 7 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  14. EN-CV-DC • RP sampling: Dec 8th • TRD. Periodic maintenance + replacement chilled water valve + preventive replacement pump + cleaning vacuum pump: plant stopped 2 days on Jan 5th and 6th • SPD. Periodic maintenance + put entire plant on UPS: plant stopped 1 day on Jan 6th • TOF-PHOS-EMC-SPD. Installation PHOS circulator+ replacement flowmeter + periodic maintenance: plant stopped from 9th to 17th Jan • TPC. Periodic maintenance + preventive replacement pump + include heaters in supervision + cleaning vacuum pump: pant stopped from 18th to 20th Jan • HMPID. Periodic maintenance + preventive replacement pump: plant stopped 2 days on Jan 23rd and 24th • TPC RR. Periodic maintenance + install new filters: plant stopped from Jan 25th to Feb 2nd • SDD-SSD. Periodic maintenance + replacement pump: plant stopped from 3rd to 9th Feb ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  15. BE-ABP-SU (survey) • Week 50 (Sat-Sun): with L3 doors open: • Zero measurement (SF, TPC feet, MNF valve, MNF) • Low Beta network update • C-side photogrammetry (EMCal) • Weeks 1-2: after each TRD insertion, requiring ½ day on low-beta: • MNF valve and MNF • Week 4: survey MTG • Week 5: at the end of TRD and EMCal, requiring three full days with both doors open: • TRD modules, CAL frame photogrammetry, MNF valve, MNF, SF deformation, TPC feet • Week 6:V0-FMD1 (Mon) and MTK ST1-2 (Wed-Fri) • Week 7:no access (reserve) • Weeks 9-10:survey MTK ST3-4-5 and PMD ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  16. DAQ • DAQ shutdown 21st Dec mid-day • DAQ start after cooling and power interventions, end wk 3 • Arrangements for individual LDCs can be organized (send a mail to alice-datesupport@cern.ch) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  17. DCS Week 49 • Dec. 8 morning: shutdown all DCS for UPS repair; restart a.s.a.p. (afternoon) • Profit from DCS stop to make backup ! • Start (hardware) installation of new DCS cluster Week 50 • Dec. 12–14: Operating system and PVSS upgrade • Reboots required, coordinated with detectors • Dec. 15: New framework available for detectors • Detectors to validate functionality with new software Week 51-52-01 • Preparation of new DCS cluster • DCS available during CERN End-of-Year closure • with usual access limitations and best effort support Week 02-03-04 • New DCS cluster available for detectors • Expect all detectors to run on new cluster by week 5 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  18. TPC • Take out capacitors on all A/C ROC ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  19. TPC heat screen • Check the loops for the thermal screen in week 6 (there was a leak) • We will need: • access to the TRD cooling plant • access to C side and A side of TPC • access to the miniframe and PP0 • Since the pipes are on the outside of the miniframe we would probably need a nacelle. ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  20. Removal of FMD2 box Cable ends Present situation Situation without the box. The blue cable tray should stay in place ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  21. Removal of FMD2 box • Who: Borge • What: The cables from the detector are disconnected and secured. The box and the patch panels are unscrewed and dismounted. Then the patch-panel and the cables should be moved aside and secured. Uncertain where to put the cable bundle and patch panels – very stiff bundle. • When: 8th December morning ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  22. Removal of SSD-SPD boxes SPD box Plate SSD box Present situation. The plate restricts the TPC access Situation without the SSD box Situation without the SSD and SPD boxes. Now the plate can be easily removed ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  23. Removal of SSD-SPD boxes • Who: • SSD: Ton • SPD: Michel Morel • What: • The SPD box is removed from the MNF. The only risk is to damage the fibers. • The SSD box is also removed from the MNF, and the cable trays from PP1 should be opened. The box cannot be taken away, therefore the cable from the detector + box will be displaced and attached to the beampipe table for some days • The plate is easily removable (4 screws), and this will be done by Yannick or Pieter ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  24. Removal of V0-FMD1 • Who: Yannick, Pieter, Werner and Borge • What: disconnection and displacement of V0-FMD1. The detector will be parked inside the MNF for some days. The removal is a complex but known operation. The main risks for the equipment are related to the beampipe and the naked silicon sensors of FMD1. Both will need temporary protection once the detector is moved out, ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  25. Schedule • Week 49: • Thu 8/12: displace FMD2 box. The box can be reinstalled anytime (at latest in week 5) • TPC A-14/15 (4 days anytime) • Week 3: move PMD to parking position (see next slide) • Week 4: • Mon 23/1 AM: disconnect and displace SPD box • Mon 23/1 PM: disconnect and displace SSD box • Tue-Fri: TPC A-11/12 (4 days) • Sat: put back and test SSD box • Week 5: • Mon 30/1: put back and test SPD box • Tue: move V0-FMD1 to parking position (PMD already in parking position) • Wed-Fri: TPC A-13 (2 1/2 days) • Fri-Sat: move back and test V0-FMD1 • Week 6: • Mon 6/2: survey of V0-FMD1 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  26. PMD • Thu 19th Jan: PMD moves to Parking Position • Week 4 - 6: PMD Maintenance • Replacing some of the modules which are having problem • Replacing some of the FEE Chains • Need cooling for the DAQ (Crocus) so that we can check the health of the modules and FEE chains. • Week 7 (after 17:00) and 8: Access to Crocus Crate for DAQ • Week 9 -10: PMD Moves back to Final Position ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  27. T0 • Investigation of the problem with lasersystem (laser, attenuator, optical splitters, optical cables) • Rack 018,019, start from ~16 January • Miniframe (from Feb.7th) • Upgrade of electronics and check of spare modules • Rack 018,019, start from ~16 January ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  28. TPC laser • Annual laser maintenance, 1-2 days. Needs normal power and cooling • Open mirror box below TPC sector A13 (bottom below TPC endplate) and possibly replace camera or mirror. 1-2 days. I want to do this because a weak picture from this mirror/camera makes C-side alignment difficult. Best done with L3 doors open. I believe access between the TOF and TPC should be OK. I need to be able to run the laser, so we need to mount the long laser pipe temporarily after opening of L3 doors. ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  29. TRD • 3 supermodules installation, cabling, commissioning (L3 access, A & C sides etc) • Arrival at CERN of Bernd & Co on 2nd Jan. around noon • Insertion sequence: 6-2-3 • Possible to have transport on Sun.8th Jan? • C19 power installation -> we will ask DCS • C16-19 Netgear switch rearrangement • I08/O08 Netgear switch rearrangement • DAQ upgrade (discussion on going between Joerg and DAQ group) • Pretriggerbackup PSU installation and LV cable rearrangements (I/O rack and C-side in L3) • BKF LV protection panel replacement (C-side in L3) • Cooling valves replacement for 10 sectors, C side (if necessary, ask Ana to judge) (C-side in L3) • Moving back pressure sensors from TPC TS to TRD (C-side in L3) • GTU optical fiber installation (Stefan) (C16,17,18 racks) • CR4 HV rearrangement for new super-modules ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  30. SPD • Disconnect pipes in front of L3 door: 14/12 (after 17:00) • New inox pipes in front of L3 door: from 14 to 17/12 (after 17:00) • Week 51 (half day): drill filter in PP3 (access PP4) + connect cleaning machine ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  31. EMC • 15/12 PM: delivery new nose (SXL2) • 12/1 (PM): delivery 2 SMs (SXL2) (not tested afterwards) • Nantes team: • Monday 16/1 PM: travel to CERN • 17-18-19/1: modification new nose in SXL2 + cavern preparation (insertion SM into rotator if possible) • Friday 20/1 PM: travel to Nantes • Monday 23/1 PM: travel to CERN • 24-25-26/1: insertion • Friday 27/1 PM: travel to Nantes ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  32. PHOS • As from Dec 8th (PM): • Fix condensation problem on pipes and on top of detector • New redundant power supply for crystal cooling unit • Flowmeter crystal cooling unit (tbc) • 2 new T sensors inside L3 • Replace RCU_0 in module_3 • Connect crystal plant and LVPS to FB water during cooling stoppage: • E.g. on Jan 5th ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  33. MTK • Repair bus bars on slats: ST4, ST5 and ST3 (only limited to the ones accessible) • Week 50 • Week 2 to week 9 • Change one quadrant in ST2 (3 Right Bottom); • Week 4 (Monday and/or Tuesday) • Connection check in ST1 (without opening); • January: no day fixed yet… ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  34. MTG • Maintenance Front-end Electronics, mostly spare installation: • 19th to 21st Dec. Nacelle needed and green fences must be dismantled • Check on RPC (MTR21-OUT) for gas tightness, eventual dismounting and eventual changing • Week 3. Nacelle needed • Survey of 2 half-planes (MT12-IN and MT12-OUT) including measurements withtheodolite and photogrammetry, survey of the other 6 half-planes with only theodolite measurements • Week 5. Nacelle needed • SAA3 Shielding - MTR in closed position • Week 6(tbc) - can some concurrent activity in the MTR be carried out (i.e. regional electronics)? • General global check • One week (tbc) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  35. ZDC • Move detectors by 1.36m towards IP to solve the problem of collimator shadow ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  36. Status of gas systemsduring Christmas period • MTR Ar backup • MCH  CO2 backup • PMD  Arbackup • TOF  C2H2F4 backup ? • TRD  On. Will needabout 40 m3 of CO2 for flushing 3 new TRD SMs • TPC  On • PHO  N2 flushing • HMP  Arbackup inletflushing 8/12: stop flammable gases i-C4H10, CH4. Ar-H2 will not be stopped ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  37. Other activities • TRD scaffolding: 22nd Dec. • SAA3 extension (February) • Release all TOF crates supports and Decoupling TPC-Space-Frame • Yannick, week 51 • Disconnect/reconnect SPD pipes • Pull cable DSS-SPD cooling plant • Modification BBF (EMCal access) • Install C-side ladder + trap • Picture ALICE (A.Saba) • Week 5 (Thu-Sat) • Replacement CR3 racks and removal air conditioning CR2-3-4 • From week 4 (tbc from Dominique: Cegelec) • Installation accelerometers • Connect N2 line to SG2 dewar (Iniziative) • Test Dipole bus bars (2h, Pascal) with IR camera. Tbs in February • Need to remove plexi protection ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  38. Day-by-day scheduleDecember 2011 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  39. It H Activities in UX25 - Week 49 – 8/12 Thursday Access after 17:00 7/12 PM: adjustment chilled water flow in the cavern Shutdown all DCS for UPS repair (AM) Stop flammable gases i-C4H10, CH4 and H2 Reinstallation crane electronics (9:30) ITECO PX24 shielding: blocks + beams VAC PHOS FMD-2 box After 17:00 RP samples HAULOTTE Borge (AM): removal FMD2 box ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  40. Activities in UX25 - Week 49 – 9/12 Friday Access after 17:00 Load test cavern cranes (20t) PX24 shielding: beams (35t) VAC TPC Capacitors TPC Capacitors ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  41. LV152 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 – 10/12 Saturday Access after 17:00 MNF shielding No access CR1-5 during lifting up of 5 big beams ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  42. Activities in UX25 - Week 49 – 11/12 Sunday PHOS ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  43. It H Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 12/12 Monday Access after 17:00 Rinsing of mixed water in UX25 cavern (Philippe) (whole week) ITECO Stabilizers MTK TPC Capacitors TPC Capacitors MNF shielding Stabilizers Repair bus bars on slats: ST4, ST5 and ST3 ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  44. It LV156 Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 13/12 Tuesday Access after 17:00 Test general secours: stop general services for 10’ Stop N2 9:00-11:00 MTK TPC Capacitors TPC Capacitors MNF shielding ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  45. It LV156 Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 14/12 Wednesday Access after 17:00 Remove top elbow in order to install survey tripods MNF shielding MTK L3 ventilation SPD Disconnect pipes • Lifts: • Cavern lift maintenance (no access UX25 from 7:00 to 9:00) • CR1-4 lift stopped whole day (7:00 – 16:00) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  46. It LV156 Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 15/12 Thursday Access after 17:00 No access MNF shielding (green bridges) MTK Open I-side door SPD New inox pipes (after 17:00) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  47. It LV156 Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 16/12 Friday Test of Dipole flooding alarm Open O-side door ADA + net installation MTK TPC Capacitors TPC Capacitors Green fences SPD New inox pipes ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  48. Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 17/12 Saturday Test auto-transfert Survey SPD New inox pipes ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  49. Activities in UX25 - Week 50– 18/12 Sunday Survey ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

  50. H Activities in UX25 - Week 51– 19/12 Monday Access after 17:00 (tbc) Maintenance Front-end Electronics Release all TOF crates supports (Yannick-Samuel) TRD infra. MTG TPC Capacitors TPC Capacitors TRD infra. SPD HAULOTTE Drill PP3 filter (1/2 day) ALICE 2011-12 winter shutdown schedule - A.Tauro

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