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Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment. Review and Develop Planning Procedures. Every year, schools collect, review, and analyze student achievement data in order to develop a current “Needs Assessment.”

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Needs Assessment

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  1. Needs Assessment

  2. Review and Develop Planning Procedures • Every year, schools collect, review, and analyze student achievement data in order to develop a current “Needs Assessment.” • Schools plan how these procedures will be carried out, and how all stakeholders will be informed and included in the process.

  3. Data Sources • Some examples of academic data sources include: • CAT 6 and Aprenda Tests • LAUSD Performance Assignments • ELD Portfolios • Open Court Reading Unit Tests • Harcourt Brace Math Unit Tests • Report Card Marks

  4. Data Sources can also include • Attendance Records • Office Referrals • Drop-out Statistics • API scores • Surveys and Questionnaires • PSA, Nurse, Psychologist records/logs

  5. Data is… • Examined for schoolwide trends and patterns, especially in the areas of mathematics and reading/language arts. • Examined by subpopulations to ensure that all students are making progress.

  6. Needs Assessment • From this analysis of the data, the school’s needs assessment is updated. • If necessary, the school develops additional or modified reform strategies to address the needs of the various population groups.

  7. Modifications to the Plan • The school determines if there are any additional budgeted supplemental services needed that are not already addressed in the existing plan. • In addition, professional development is updated as necessary.

  8. Needs Assessment • Stakeholders are informed of the results of the needs assessment and any proposed changes to the school plan. • CEAC and ELAC Chaipersons acknowledge that parents have been involved in the consultation process. • School Site Council approves final versions of the plan and the budgets.

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