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Overview of accelerators for EURISOL. Alberto Facco (INFN-LNL) on behalf of the EURISOL DS Accelerator Tasks. Participants and contributors: INFN-Legnaro, IPN Orsay, CEA Saclay, SOREQ NRC, TRIUMF, GANIL, Frankfurt University, LMU, LPCCaen. EURISOL Accelerators.
Overview of accelerators for EURISOL Alberto Facco (INFN-LNL) on behalf of the EURISOL DS Accelerator Tasks Participants and contributors: INFN-Legnaro, IPN Orsay, CEA Saclay, SOREQ NRC, TRIUMF, GANIL, Frankfurt University, LMU, LPCCaen. Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
EURISOL Accelerators • Proton Driver: it must deliver the high power primary beam used for RIB production in the dedicated RIB target sources • Post-accelerator: it must bring the low power Radioactive Ion Beam to the different experimental points, at the required energy (from a few keV to 150 MeV/u) • the accelerator specifications are determined by technical and experimental requirements coming from RIB sources, RIB preparation apparati, RIB intensity calculations and from the final users • Both accelerators are Superconducting and present challenges that are at the frontier of the present accelerator technology Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Driver RIB production Post-Accelerator Beam preparation The EURISOL facility Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Proton Accelerator Collaborators: INFN-LNL, IPNO, CEA, SOREQ, TRIUMF • The baseline driver-beam options: • 1 GeV, 4 MW protons on a neutron converter target • 1 GeV, 100 kW protons on a direct target • Additional options : • 2 GeV 3He++ on a direct target • 125 A MeV heavy-ion beam with A/Q = 2 • 250 MeV deuterium driver beam (converter option) • multi-user operation Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Baseline scheme with extended capabilities • 2 injection lines for H,D, He and A/q=2 ions • SARAF scheme up to 60 MeV/q • IPNO scheme from 60 to 140 MeV/q • CEA scheme from 140 to 1000 MeV/q • cw beam splitting at 1 GeV • Total length of the linac: ~240 m 4 MW H- B stripper Elliptical 704 MHz 1 GeV/q RFQ 176 MHz HWR 176 MHz 3-SPOKE 352 MHz H- 100 kW H+, 3He2+ =0.09 =0.15 =0.3 =0.47 =0.65 =0.78 H+,D+, 3He++ 1.5 MeV/u foil stripper 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q >200 MeV/q D, A/q=2 10 36 31 63 97 Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
LEBT • Modified SARAF-type scheme, with confluence of 2 lines • Beam energy: 20 keV/u • source 1(TRIUMF-type) • H- 5 mA • D- 5 mA • source 2 (commercial ECR) • H+ 5 mA • D+ 5 mA • 3He++ 0.1 mA Schematic of the modified SARAF injector • Heavy Ion beams with A/q2 (up to Calcium) also possible with last generation ECR sources Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
RFQ and low- section • SARAF-type176 MHz RFQ • Ein= 20 keV/u, Eout=1.5 MeV/u The SARAF-NTG RFQ • 176 MHz low- Superconducting Half-Wave Resonators • Ein=1.5 MeV/u, Eout =60 MeV/u Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
II (Medium-low ) ~60140 MeV/q III (Medium-) ~140~300 MeV/qIV (High-) ~3001000 MeV/q • Resonators prototypes developed by EURISOL DS participants • A/q2 up to ~250 MeV/q, and A/q1.5 up to ~1 GeV/q IPNO cryostat design and SPOKE resonators IPNO-CEA-INFN 5-cell cavity schematic of the elliptical 5-cell cryomodule Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
60 MeV Error analysis - d no losses (intermediate design) Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
60 MeV Error analysis - p no losses (intermediate design) Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Deuteron extraction • Deuteron extraction can be achieved at 125 MeV/q by replacing one medium- cryomodule with a dipole • Negligible D- neutralization at thisenergy • The H- and 3He++ beam transport is not affected by this modification • Feasibility demonstrated, final layout still under study normalized rms emittance D extraction section layout 4 MeV -2 GeV 3He beam Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
EURISOL 1 GeV Multiple Extraction • 3 splitting stations for cw proton beams • 4 simultaneous users : • 1 4 MW • 3 0100 kW EURISOL parallel cw Proton extraction Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
New 1 GeV proton beam splitter • new splitter for high power, cw proton beams • it allows parallel extraction to different targets • no choppers nor kickers • finely adjustable beam intensity in the secondary lines • low beam losses See dedicated talk by R. Paparella today 10:10 Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SARAF 05 MeV section commissioning at SOREQ (model for the low- section of the EURISOL Driver) Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SARAF injector - SOREQ NRC Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
The SARAF SC HWRs and Solenoids mounting Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SARAF LEBT – emittance measurement Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SARAF - protons emittance preliminary results Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SARAF - deuterons emittance preliminary results Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Task 7 main achievements Summary • Proton Accelerator design scheme defined • New, cost effective, baseline design with extended Driver capabilities • New beam splitter design that allows multiple users of high power, cw proton beams • New design requirements from physics tasks fulfilled Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Beam preparation q/m selection Ion cooling and bunching to Post-acceleration and Experimental areas Electrostatic deflection Charge breeding: EBIS and ECR Target-ion sources High-resolution separators Primary beams from Driver A. Jokinen talk tomorrow 12:15 Pre-separators, beam gates Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Heavy-Ion Accelerator Collaborators: GANIL, Frankfurt University, IPNO, LMU, INFN-LNL, LPCCaen • New specifications: • 3 separate post-accelerators for radioactive Heavy Ion beams: • VLE (<1 MeV/u - to the Physics and Instrumentation Task) • LE (1-5 MeV/u), and HE (150 MeV/u) to Task 6 • The Beta-beam injector will be a separate machine, studied outside Task 6 • No stripping foils for normal use but only as an option for physics applications Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Design of the HE post-accelerator SPIRAL-2 philosophy:Smoothest beam dynamics (regular FDO lattice, low number of -sections), Modular solution and simple cryostats, Separated vacuum (safety with FP), Warm focusing (easier for alignement), Possibility to insert diagnostics at each period, ease of tuning Main technical requirements: Only 2-gap cavities (high q/A acceptance) Max. accelerating fields 7.8 MV/m Nominal operation for A/Q between 4 and 8 Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SPIRAL-2 88 MHz QWRs β=0.12 88 MHz β=0.07 88 MHz Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Normal conducting RFQ injector • New NC RFQ for EURISOL under design, based on the MAFF technology • MAFF RFQ Injector under testing at the MAFF test stand MAFF RFQ See next talk by H.Zimmermann Steerer Quads LEBT tank ion source Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Superconducting RFQ injector Booster 28.2 cm RMS 2.5 cm Shaper 67.4 cm Prebuncher 62.0 cm Accelerator 17.9 cm Adiabatic Buncher 19.7 cm • The superconducting RFQs in LNL are now in operation on the PIAVE injector • Some beam parameter measurements have been performed • To account for the lower voltage (20 kV instead of 350) of the EURISOL post-accelerator injector platform, a third RFQ (NC) is required. This RFQ is under design. Envelopes of the new RFQ, based on the 4vane Spiral2 design LNL PIAVE RFQ PIAVE Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Travelling-wave chopper • Solution I : Travelling wave chopper • Description : • Association of a static B-field steerer and a 100-Ωstripline : - Beam always deflected by the B-field, - HV pulse in the stripline allows one bunch to pass • Duty cycle < 10 % (instead of > 90 % !), • Power consumption < 5 kW, • Power losses < 400 W per plates, • No pulse, no beam in the LINAC. • Limitations : • Coverage Factor < 75 %, • Present max. power dissipation per ceramic plate electrode :100 W (SPL), • Pulser : High Voltage < 2 kV @ Duty Cycle < 1 %, • Attenuation & overshoot of the pulse along its propagation (effects on the deflection ?), • Effect of the E- and B-field superposition on the beam emittance ? Status : under development. Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
C-types small electrodes + HV Beam E-field C-type scheme - HV C-type chopper • Solution II : C-type chopper • C-type chopper • Description : • Electrode divided in small plates driven by fast switchers. • Limitations : • Present max. power dissipation into commercial switches : around 1kW (water cooled), • Effective total capacitance (plates, connections, switch) ≈ 70 pF, • Many feedthroughs (vacuum ?), • Max repetition rate of switches < 1 MHz @ 2.5 kV • One switch per plate, • No pulse, all the beam in the LINAC. Status : under study. • Perspective • Full beam dynamic studies, • Development & test of a TW 100-Ωstripline, • Tests of pulse generators. Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Beam Dynamics – Design without strippers Simulation results Phase space and beam distribution at the end of the linac • No emittance increase • No halo increase • No losses • All user requirements are reached, except the <0,1% energy spread. • Optimization still in progress to reach this goal Beam envelopes Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
LINAC QWR steering effect - Length 206 m - Number of cavities 276 (QWR, HWR, Spokes) - Energy (150 MeV/u for 132Sn25+), energy spread, time width, efficiency, emittance, losses…: physicists’ request are reached (except ΔE/E for low energy (5MeV) output). - Calculations and simulations have been done for this QWR specific issue with 3D E,B maps. - This effect has a no negligible impact but can be corrected by steerers After correction : Emittance growth : 20 % Y shift ~0 mm Stripping option MEBT with chopper + LINAC • - Two strippers • - LINAC length: 33% less than without strippers, but complementary devices are needed for beam dynamics purpose. • - Efficiency: 15%, 70% with multicharge transport (not touch an go) • 0 losses in SC LINAC impossible • -… under study - Chopper ON: 100 % of particle bunch stopped - Chopper OFF: <2% losses in the slits - Good matching MEBT - LINAC for 132Sn - Emittance growth due to ideal E + B fields seems to be negligible - Emittance growth due to real E + B fields under study Post-Accelerator Beam Dynamics results Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Task 6 main achievements Summary • Design and beam dynamics validation of the SC linac, based on the SPIRAL2 technology. Requirements (except for E/E<1%) reached without strippers • NC RFQ and injector under the first beam tests at Frankfurt Univ. • SC RFQ and injector tested on PIAVE facility – Adaptation to EURISOL under design • High frequency chopper under design – Prototype to be ordered at the end of 2007 Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Task 8 – SC cavity development Collaborators: IPNO, INFN-LNL Objectives: • design, fabricate and test fully equipped superconducting cavities (following the recommendations of the proton driver group and the heavy ion accelerator group) • study, build and test at 4.2 K a complete cryomodule, as they are foreseen to be used in the Eurisol driver or heavy ion linac. Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
SC Cavities RF systems Cryogenics RF amplifier RF power coupler SC Resonator Cold tuning system Vacuum tank Cold box Operational SC Cryomodule Task 8 mandate : "Study at first priority the technical open problems related to the construction of complete cryomodules" Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Half Wave Resonator development @ LNL • 2 prototypes at =0.17 and =0.31 and 352 MHz fabricated and successfully tested at 4.2 K. • The same design, by simply doubling the cavity length, leads to =0.09 and =0.16 resonators suitable for the low- section of the Driver linac. HWR tuner Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Spoke cavities development @ IPN Orsay • 2 prototypes at =0.15 and =0.35 fabricated and successfully tested at 4.2 K. • This technology is the basis for the 3-Spoke required by the Driver linac Spoke cavity tuner Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Triple Spoke cavity development @ IPN Orsay A preliminary RF design for beta 0.49 exists and an adaptation to the optimum beta for the Eurisol linac is in progress Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Solid state amplifier development @ Legnaro • Modular mosfet technology with low-cost circulators included, developed at Orsay and Legnaro, unconditionally stable • Design, construction and test of 3, solid state RF amplifiers @ 352 MHz Second amplifier 10 kW Third amplifier 10 kW First amplifier 5 kW • under construction Constructed & tested Constructed & tested 330 W Modules Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
IPN Orsay : Power coupler design for Spoke & HWR • broadband • Nominal power : up to 12 kW • Design power : 20 kW • Capacitive coupling for CW operation • Maximum reflection coefficient : S11 < -35 dB • Window cooling capabilities • Relatively simple design for reliability and cost reasons • same design for spoke and half-wave resonators 3 units fabricated High power test autumn 2007 Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Cryomodule development 1st test (low power) in july 2007 with =0.15 spoke cavity equipped with tuner: validation of the tuner and cryogenic performances Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Task 8 main achievements Summary • =0.17 and 0.31, 352 MHz Superconducting Half Wave Resonator (HWR) designed, constructed and tested; • =0.15 and 0.35, 352 MHz Superconducting Single Spoke Resonator designed, constructed and tested; Triple Spoke Resonator under development • Cold tuning system and Power coupler for both cavity types designed and constructed, under testing • Solid state RF amplifiers: 5 kW and 1° 10 kW prototypes designed, constructed and tested; 2° 10 kW unit under construction • Cryomodule development: Test cryostat constructed and low-power tested with a fully equipped Spoke cavity Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting
Conclusions • The EURISOL accelerators design and the R&D in critical components are progressing. A large amount of studies, prototypes and new ideas have been produced within the EURISOL DS accelerator tasks framework • Significant improvements were introduced in comparison with the old design, both in the Driver and in the Post-Accelerator • The path to fulfill all the accelerator requirements is traced in a large part • Hard work will be still necessary to complete the design, especially in the accelerator-sources interface: it is time to converge! Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meeting