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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 6. 1. One of the essential features of the modern skyscraper is being the elevator . A. essential B. modern skyscraper C. is being D. elevator 2. Approximately one-third of all persons involved in adult education programs in 1970
1. One of the essential features of the modern skyscraperis being the elevator. A. essential B. modern skyscraper C. is being D. elevator 2. Approximately one-third of all personsinvolved in adult education programs in 1970 wereenrolledin occupational education course. A. Approximately B. all persons C. were enrolled D. course 3. The city of Boston was settled in 1630 on a hilly, wooded peninsula wheretheCharlesRiver flows into a natural harbors. A. was settled B. a hilly C. the D. harbors
1. One of the essential features of the modern skyscraperis being the elevator. A. essential B. modern skyscraper C. is being D. elevator 2. Approximately one-third of all personsinvolved in adult education programs in 1970 wereenrolledin occupational education course. A. Approximately B. all persons C. were enrolled D. course 3. The city of Boston was settled in 1630 on a hilly, wooded peninsula wheretheCharlesRiver flows into a natural harbors. A. was settled B. a hilly C. the D. harbors
4. Artist Helen Frankenthaler returnedhome from college on 1949 to her native New York, the city producing the most art revolutionaryof the day. A. returned B. her native New York C. art revolutionary D. day 5. Obsidian, an uncommonvolcanicrock, polishes good and makes an attractive semipreciousstone. A. uncommon B. rock C. polishes good D. an attractive semiprecious 6. Theearth is the only planet with a large numberofoxygeninitsatmosphere. A. the B. number C. oxygen D. its
4. Artist Helen Frankenthaler returnedhome from college on 1949 to her native New York, the city producing the most art revolutionaryof the day. A. returned B. her native New York C. art revolutionary D. day 5. Obsidian, an uncommonvolcanicrock, polishes good and makes an attractive semipreciousstone. A. uncommon B. rock C. polishes good D. an attractive semiprecious 6. Theearth is the only planet with a large numberofoxygeninitsatmosphere. A. the B. number C. oxygen D. its
7. In retrospect, sadness, rather anger, seemsto be the overridingemotionin Langston Hughes's poetry. A. rather anger B. seems C. overriding D. emotion 8. Nine state attorney generals have been meeting lately, apparentlyto prepare a tobacco-company-style humdinger court case against softies. A. attorney generals B. have been meeting C. lately D. apparently 9. Scholars of historical change feelthat the velocity of history has beenfastlyaccelerated by the onward rush of science and technology during the twentieth century. A. feel B. has been C. fastly D. onward rush
7. In retrospect, sadness, rather anger, seemsto be the overridingemotionin Langston Hughes's poetry. A. rather anger B. seems C. overriding D. emotion 8. Nine state attorney generals have been meeting lately, apparentlyto prepare a tobacco-company-style humdinger court case against softies. A. attorney generals B. have been meeting C. lately D. apparently 9. Scholars of historical change feelthat the velocity of history has beenfastlyaccelerated by the onward rush of science and technology during the twentieth century. A. feel B. has been C. fastly D. onward rush
10. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chaineddiamondof vertical and zigzag lines. A. weaving B. chained C. diamond D. zigzag 11. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects, during the Renaissance the painting of still life developed as an accepted art form. A. While ancient B. during C. of D. developed as 12. The doctor's records must be kept thoroughandneatly, so as toinsuregoodbook-keeping. A. thorough B. neatly C. so as to D. good
10. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chaineddiamondof vertical and zigzag lines. A. weaving B. chained C. diamond D. zigzag 11. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects, during the Renaissance the painting of still life developed as an accepted art form. A. While ancient B. during C. of D. developed as 12. The doctor's records must be kept thoroughandneatly, so as toinsuregoodbook-keeping. A. thorough B. neatly C. so as to D. good
13.To becomea skilled photograph, a person should haveboth manual dexterity and a good eye fordetail. A. To become B. photograph C. should have D. for detail 14. Any groupthatconductingits meetings using parliamentary rules will encounter situationswhereprescribed procedures cannot beapplied. A. Any group B. conducting C. where D. cannot be 15. Neither Russia northe United States have been ableto discover a mutually satisfactory planfor gradual disarmament. A. nor B. have been able C. a mutually D. satisfactory plan
13.To becomea skilled photograph, a person should haveboth manual dexterity and a good eye fordetail. A. To become B. photograph C. should have D. for detail 14. Any groupthatconductingits meetings using parliamentary rules will encounter situationswhereprescribed procedures cannot beapplied. A. Any group B. conducting C. where D. cannot be 15. Neither Russia northe United States have been ableto discover a mutually satisfactory planfor gradual disarmament. A. nor B. have been able C. a mutually D. satisfactory plan
16. Contralto Marian Anderson becameamember permanentof theMetropolitan Opera Company in 1995. A. became B. member permanent C. of the D. in 17. Many of the recordinginstruments used in varybranchesof science arekymographs. A. recording B. vary C. branches D. are 18. The luxuriant hardwood timberlandof the southern Appalachian Mountains is classedas a temperaterain forests. A. timberland B. is classed C. temperate D. rain forests
16. Contralto Marian Anderson becameamember permanentof theMetropolitan Opera Company in 1995. A. became B. member permanent C. of the D. in 17. Many of the recordinginstruments used in varybranchesof science arekymographs. A. recording B. vary C. branches D. are 18. The luxuriant hardwood timberlandof the southern Appalachian Mountains is classedas a temperaterain forests. A. timberland B. is classed C. temperate D. rain forests
19. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the world. A. other B. even C. more widely D. world 20. TheObie Awards have been given annually for 1956 to outstanding artists in off-Broadway theater. A. The B. for C. outstanding D. in 21. The spontaneity of children's artwork setsitapart fromthe regulated uniforming of much ofwhat otherwise go onin traditional extraordinary classrooms. A. sets B. apart from C. much of D. go on
19. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the world. A. other B. even C. more widely D. world 20. TheObie Awards have been given annually for 1956 to outstanding artists in off-Broadway theater. A. The B. for C. outstanding D. in 21. The spontaneity of children's artwork setsitapart fromthe regulated uniforming of much ofwhat otherwise go onin traditional extraordinary classrooms. A. sets B. apart from C. much of D. go on
22. The Alaskan malamute, used extensively to pull sleds, is closely reacted to the wolves. A. used B. to pull C. closely D. wolves 23. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings. A. group B. individual C. under D. subject 24. Psychologists and psychiatrists are trainedto encourage theirparents to talk forthethings that are causing them difficulty. A. are trained B. their C. talk for D. difficulty
22. The Alaskan malamute, used extensively to pull sleds, is closely reacted to the wolves. A. used B. to pull C. closely D. wolves 23. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings. A. group B. individual C. under D. subject 24. Psychologists and psychiatrists are trainedto encourage theirparents to talk forthethings that are causing them difficulty. A. are trained B. their C. talk for D. difficulty
25. One of the most difficult problemsin understanding sleep is determining what the functions of sleep is. A. most B. in understanding C. determining D. is 26. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wantedto congratulate him. A. each B. yards C. wanted to D. him 27. Languon Hughes's The Book of Negro Looksore is a too muchvaluable introduction to an integral partoffolk literatureof the United States. A. too much B. to C. part D. folk literature
25. One of the most difficult problemsin understanding sleep is determining what the functions of sleep is. A. most B. in understanding C. determining D. is 26. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wantedto congratulate him. A. each B. yards C. wanted to D. him 27. Languon Hughes's The Book of Negro Looksore is a too muchvaluable introduction to an integral partoffolk literatureof the United States. A. too much B. to C. part D. folk literature
28. After searchingfor evidence in the house, the police concludedthat the thief must have come inthrough the window and stolethe silver while the family was sleep. A. After searching B. concluded C. must have come in D. stole 29. The zenith provides a meansfor makingvariouscalculatesinastronomy. A. a means B. for making C. calculates D. astronomy 30. The mostcoral islandsdevelop from reefsthat grow up around volcanic refuges. A. The most B. coral islands C. reefs D. volcanic refuges
28. After searchingfor evidence in the house, the police concludedthat the thief must have come inthrough the window and stolethe silver while the family was sleep. A. After searching B. concluded C. must have come in D. stole 29. The zenith provides a meansfor makingvariouscalculatesinastronomy. A. a means B. for making C. calculates D. astronomy 30. The mostcoral islandsdevelop from reefsthat grow up around volcanic refuges. A. The most B. coral islands C. reefs D. volcanic refuges