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Use of Dogs in WWI

Use of Dogs in WWI. Dogs played an important role in WWI They were used for different positions such as Messenger dogs, food carriers, scouts, guard dogs, and Red Cross dogs. In trench warfare, communication was always a problem

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Use of Dogs in WWI

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  1. Use of Dogs in WWI

  2. Dogs played an important role in WWI • They were used for different positions such as Messenger dogs, food carriers, scouts, guard dogs, and Red Cross dogs.

  3. In trench warfare, communication was always a problem • Using human runners was dangerous due to their size, making them a big target, as well as equipment slowing them down. • Dogs were smaller, faster, and just as reliable, making them perfect for being messengers.

  4. There were no specific breeds used in war. • Any mutt could be a dog of war, but the preferred color and size were gray dogs with a medium build

  5. Dogs had another important role in WWI • It was said that they were a great psychological comfort to men trapped in trench warfare. • It was even said that Adolf Hitler kept a dog with him during the war. • It's estimated that Germany alone employed over 30,000 dogs.

  6. Poem • Shock and Awe • Is it shock and awe we want?To terrify those who have done us no wrong?Almost half of Iraq's populationare aged 14 and underIs it really our goal to horrifyand terrorise them? • Is it shock and awe we want?To fill our hearts with hateand lust for blood?Do we want military songsfull of bravado, jingoismand pride in killing? • Do we want to hear military mentalk of hammering the enemyto screams of delight?Is that what we wantraw hatred and desire to killand kill again? • Is that what you want in your heart?If it is... • Are you any better than them?

  7. Works Cited • http://community-2.webtv.net/Hahn-50thAP-K9/K9History2/ • http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/dogs_in_world_war_one.htm • http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/iraq_war_03.htm

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