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Climate Change and Food Security Sanath Ranawana Senior Natural Resources Specialist ADB

Climate Change and Food Security Sanath Ranawana Senior Natural Resources Specialist ADB. Understanding food security. Definition:

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Climate Change and Food Security Sanath Ranawana Senior Natural Resources Specialist ADB

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  1. Climate Change and Food Security Sanath Ranawana Senior Natural Resources Specialist ADB

  2. Understanding food security Definition: Food security is achieved “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” (FAO)

  3. Climate change affects all dimensions of sustainable food security …adapting to climate change is expensive… • The World Bank‘s estimated the costs of USD 70-100 billion a year between 2010 and 2050 for developing countries to adapt to a world approximately 2 degrees Celsius (oC) warmer. • As for Asia and the Pacific alone, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimated that the costs of adaptation for developing countries in the region will be USD 40 billion annually to 2020.

  4. Projected climate change impacts on rice production in Asia (Irrigated Rice)

  5. Loss of calorific intake due to climate change Source: IFPRI

  6. Why should climate change and food security issues concern the Judiciary? • Justice consideration: - worst impacts are felt by those who contributed least to causing the problem • Equity consideration - losses and shocks mostly affects the poor and socially marginalized • Social consideration - Climate induced migration, social unrest

  7. Potential Role of Judiciary • Promote rights of the poor and marginalized to productive resources such as water, land, credit, agricultural technology etc. • Advocate for global climate financing to reach developing countries • Ensure appropriate beneficiary targeting in food security related laws, food rationing and social safety net programs etc.

  8. Thank you! sranawana@adb.org

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