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Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Feasibility Study at NLCTA

This project at Stanford University aims to showcase the technical possibilities of laser-driven particle acceleration. Led by experts, it includes experiments, facility upgrades, and safety measures to ensure successful outcomes.

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Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Feasibility Study at NLCTA

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  1. E163: Laser Acceleration at the NLCTAGoal: Demonstrate the technical feasibility of laser-driven particle acceleration Stanford University Bob Byer (co-PI), Tomas Plettner SLAC Eric Colby(spokesman), Bob Noble, Bob Siemann (co-PI), Jim Spencer, Dieter Walz Ben Cowan, Melissa Lincoln, Chris Sears (students) Photonic band gap structures made by lithography (top) and fiber-drawing (bottom). E. Colby, E163

  2. E163 Layout E163 Counting Room (b. 225) 225 Moved here Summer 2003 Overhead Cable Tray 7 3 N ORION Extension 2005 LASER ROOM Completed 1/05 SHIELDED ENCLOSURE 6 2 Completed 1 NLCTA 4 Add/change equipment inside NLCTA enclosure:March 2004 RF System 5 Oct 2003 E. Colby, E163

  3. E163 Plans August 2006: Complete installation of beamline in Experimental Hall August/September 2006: Internal Readiness Review, including FPSC walk-through Sept/Oct 2006: First experimental runs Oct 2006—March 2009: E163 Experiment Runs No scheduled plans for expanding the experimental hall. E. Colby, E163

  4. Concrete Shielding Enclosure Fire Detection and Alarm System (“Area 2”) Combustible Content: ~200# cabling in trays 30% of signal cables are NOT LSNH ALL remaining cables to be LSNH FF88 to be applied to non-LSNH cables in fire-blocking stripes at 10-20’ intervals Occupancy: 0.5-1.0 FTE per year Structure lifespan: >10 years Construction Cmpltd: 2004 E. Colby, E163

  5. http://www.firefree.com/firefree88.htm FireFree88 Application: 24” long stripes around cable bundle: + At top and bottom of vertical cable tray runs + every ~20 feet of horizontal runs E. Colby, E163

  6. Laser Room Fire Detection and Alarm System (“Area 1”) Combustible Content: ~50# cabling, ~100# books, ~1 liter solvents, 1 rack of electronic equipment Cabling is moderate-to-low density In-duct FP11 detectors on intake and discharge sides of HVAC In-room FP11; horn; strobe Structure lifespan: >10 years Construction cmplt: Feb 2005 E. Colby, E163

  7. E163 Concrete Enclosure Roof Fire Detection and Alarm System (“Area 3”) Combustible Content: ~200# cabling, 7 racks of electronic equipment 30% of signal cables are NOT LSNH ALL remaining cables to be LSNH FF88 to be applied to non-LSNH cables in fire-blocking stripes at 10-20’ intervals Structure lifespan: >10 years Install Cmplt: Summer 2006 Ionization detectors above racks deemed unnecessary given volume of the ambient airspace (~1/2 million cu ft) and existence of ionization detectors on the ceiling. E. Colby, E163

  8. E163 Counting Room (b. 225 Relocated) (“Area 7”) Combustible Content: ~200# cabling 30% of signal cables are NOT LSNH ALL remaining cables to be LSNH FF88 to be applied to non-LSNH cables in fire-blocking stripes at 10-20’ intervals 6 racks of electronic equipment Occupancy: 1.0-1.5 FTE Fire Sprinklers throughout, flow switch connection to FACP at bldg 229. Equipment lifespan: >10 years Relocated, upgraded: 2004 225 E. Colby, E163

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